“For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord.” Luke 2:11
Thanksgiving Week came with mixed emotions and a series of obligations. Katie was off from work all week and I looked forward to spending time with her, AND to visits with family. It was a special time to enjoy limited responsibilities. But also a time to survey my life with the attitude of Thankfulness. Medical emergencies were NOT part of the plan!
With 10 grandchildren and 1 on the way, I have learned that life can change at any given moment! TWICE this week, we received word that a grandson was taken to the hospital! Two different boys, two different circumstances! The only thing in common was the interruption to our level of Peace! Knowing NOW what we DIDN’T know THEN (they are both fine) ’Peace’ has been restored!
Digging a treble fish hook out of a foot…I can do. The only difference between me and a Doctor is the level of pain to the patient! Because Isaac’s parents love him so much, they didn’t even bother to call me! A texted picture was enough to detail every detail. I COULD have saved them some money with my own penknife…but the cost to my grandson would have been much higher than financial. I’m glad I wasn’t consulted!
The ‘Family Grapevine’ rang again last night and we received notice that Sloan, another grandson, was taken to the hospital with swelling in his joints and feet, a fever and extreme pain! THIS was a DIFFERENT kind of concern because the problem was internal and unknown. It was going to take an expert to diagnose the problem and come up with a solution. As before, we prayed…and waited!
Like all humans, there are things I know…and things I don’t! One of life’s biggest problems come from things I THINK I know…but don’t know for sure! For catastrophic sin and death problems, personal relationships and finding Peace in an evil world, I find it best to consult ‘The Expert!’
The key word in today’s Bible verse hit me hard. “YOU!” Had God said “THEM” it wouldn’t have been such a problem. It’s easy to see and diagnose a problem, even if by trial and error, when it’s someone else! But The Great Physician and Savior has made known to me that the problem…is PERSONAL!
I’m glad He didn’t consult me. He didn’t temporarily plunge me into Hell just to prove the problem was serious. No! He came in the darkness, shined His light…and left the “Come and see” COMPLETELY up to ME….and the lost ones in the dark!
This Advent I want to get closer to His light. Left to myself I already know I will only increase my own pain and suffering. And since going to the expert has proven, time and time again, the wisest move I can make, I HIGHLY recommend it!
I have attached a couple Advent Devotionals and am providing a link here, to a third. I pray it helps you in these times to find Peace. Will you join the Journey? I hope to see you at the manger!