
Look to the Lord and His strength; seek His face always.” Psalm 105:4

A medical professional was the one who made the statement and I could not agree more. “I’m over it!” This coved-19 ‘pandemic’ is WAY past old. Restaurants have been opened for a week, with limited seating, but the people’s experience hasn’t changed. In fact, it seems to have gotten worse!

My hot water heater sprung a leak so my woman and I headed to one of the big hardware outlets. We entered to find practically EVERYONE wearing masks and gloves. Loud speakers blasted out command warnings on ‘safe distancing’ which we have heard for almost 2 months now. The difference was…MORE people were ‘masked up’ than ever! Their actions showed no relief. “I thought… it’s too much too late!”

I asked an employee where I could find my part. “Second section, on the left, from the end,” he huffed. He hadn’t even paused to look me in the eye! After looking there for almost 10 minutes, I saw him coming from the other end of the long isle. “I’m sorry pal…”I can’t seem to find it,” I shouted. He responded… “THIS end!” and gruffly handed me my part.

I got to the grocery store and came upon a man wearing a bucket over his head with a clear plastic cutout. A sign on the back of the bucket said something like, “I’m healthy and I’m going to stay that way!” Behind the plastic he was wearing a mask! And he was buying a lottery ticket! That did it…”You are absolutely crazy!” I gruffly said! “Jesus is what you need.. NOT a lottery ticket”

The Bible verse today is ONLY good and true if God’s strength and face are ALWAYS available! Apparently, according to God’s Word…they are! The verse before it says, “let the hearts of those who seek the Lord rejoice.” So I concluded…”if I am seeking the God’s face, Glory and strength… should I not be exhibiting Joy?” It was THEN…that that still small voice inside my spirit whispered…”Then why aren’t’ you??? Bucket head!?????”

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