“Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved.” Acts 4:12
I had stepped into hell. I KNEW what I was doing when I did it…but did it anyway. Even though I had put on my best attitude and ‘nice’ hat, it took less than 60 seconds to explode. Even though I had been respectfully determined it wouldn’t. I had taken a deep breath, smiled inside and then stepped onto the Auto Dealer’s lot.
I made my career in sales. I know the process, the techniques, the do’s and the don’ts. I understand that most people cringe when you tell them you are a salesperson. I also know car salesmen have the reputation for being the worst. But the person that met me at the car was more like a terrorist!
I had gone to the car dealer because I wanted to SEE the difference between 2 car models. The only thing on the salesperson’s mind was my wallet! When I asked to see the inside of a locked vehicle, I was informed me, “that’s not how its done!” It quickly spiraled downhill and ended with him cussing me. I was glad my wife was there to confirm that it was all him and not me! At least THIS time!
I have always said that a man’s greatest strength is also his greatest weakness. One of my strengths is, I am INTENSE when it comes to Jesus. Having learned the lostness and hopelessness that comes from being alienated from God, I have discovered Salvation and the wonders of life WITH Him and His Son Jesus Christ! And ALL at HIS expense!
It is Lent. That means Easter, the celebration of The Savior’s resurrection from the dead to give me life, is right around the corner. If there is ANY time of the year that should cause me to draw closer to see just how wonderful and expensive His sacrifice for ME was…it is now! Sadly, I haven’t found many who feel the same way. If my wife wasn’t with me confirming the quiet, I’d think it was just me!
Telling people what they want to hear is a quick way to gain a crowd. But if the crowd is on the Titanic, it serves no purpose. Our nation and world are in deep trouble, if only due to the lack of zeal for their Creator and Savior. The salesman and customer in me sees EVERYONE without Jesus Christ…as LOST and needing to be SAVED! That is what the Bible says. And if one is saved, but partying on another ship, they’re as good as lost! God’s Word says THAT TOO!
So what kind of customer and salesperson are YOU? Are you INTENSE for Jesus in your showing and growing? Because that is the kind of life He wants You to have! Only Jesus! There is ‘NO’ other way!