
I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.” Romans 8:18

It was study on Ephesians, but it was really a look at our ‘focus.’ Our FLAP Bible Study was taking a look at all the doctrines of what we believe just from Ephesians 1 alone. Things like Grace, Peace, being chosen or predestined, given All Spiritual Blessings in Christ… NOW! It made me realize how much time I focus on the past and present, instead of the Eternal.

This morning I read a paraphrase of C.S. Lewis that said, “When we get to heaven, it’s not that we look back and see the reasons bad things happen and say, ‘Oh, that’s why that happened!’ Rather, we will say, ‘What bad things?’ In that moment we will be so consumed with God’s finished product we will scarcely remember the process he used!” WOW!

Working on my taxes yesterday, I had an underlying worry that I might do something wrong or miss something. Even in preparing for Bible Study, I subconsciously was concerned I might miss something or not make something interesting or clear. When I read an article about what life will be like in Eternity, and that it is FOREVER… I had to smile. What real worries?

J.D. Greear said, “For the believer, the brief pain of this world is the closest to hell they will ever come; for the unbeliever, the brief pleasure of this world is the closest to heaven they will ever come. And it is just seconds away!” How profound. And it puts into perspective where and how I should look at my life today. What about YOU? Where is YOUR focus?

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