“Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine.” Isaiah 43:1
“THANK YOU FOR YOUR PRAYERS.” It was a statement made by Dee when she got home yesterday afternoon, and by Jimmy on Wednesday when he heard that his daughter’s stroke was not as bad as originally thought. Notifications went out to church members and prayers stormed heaven’s gate. I reminded the church Wed. that NO ONE is alone. We are FAMILY!
With the topic of drones and UFO’s still a recent mystery, many have questioned AGAIN if there is other LIFE out there besides ours. Are there aliens, with more knowledge than us, coming to spy and take us captive? All MY life, it has been a ridiculous notion to me because of my Father’s teaching. He said “If there ARE other beings out there, God is an adulterer!”
This morning I was going through some devotions and came across one entitled “Are We Alone in the Universe?” Quickly answering the question I was about to move on, until something made me turn back to the article. In it, a compilation of scientific research on new data, along with mathematical deductive reasoning, my daddy’s theology was vindicated!
We all know that the Jews are considered by God to be His Bride (Isaiah 54:5-6) and that the Church is destined to be the Bride of Christ (2 Cor. 11:2). We were created and bonded by God to Himself for the purpose of defeating satan and his evil plan to take over the Universe. God’s love was the basis upon which satan figured He could defeat God! Love will win in the end!
The article went on to say that after looking at all the necessary criteria for a planet to sustain life, the odds of there being another US is less than 1 in 101032. I was settled before on the issue, and even more-so now. But being WAY outnumbered by Non-Believers in this world, it shows that we NEED each other to help, pray and support the Bride of Christ!
Don’t walk alone out there where God never intended! You have God and His Church! Use them!