
The wolf will live with the lamb, the leopard will lie down with the goat, the calf and the lion and the yearling together; and a little child will lead them.” Isaiah 11:6

Decisions, decisions! Yesterday I had a number of errands to run…some to the north and some to the south. Some were necessities…others simply favored choices. I didn’t realize I was mentally planning the route, timing and how I was going to get everything done in the most efficient manner, when it hit me…”when had I become a strategist?”

I remembered growing up as a child and being forced to go where I did not want to go. Being small, my mom couldn’t just LEAVE me and go do her thing. She had to take us kids WITH her. Mom took me places I had absolutely NO interest in going. And being on the “hard to handle side,” I know I didn’t make the trips easy. Yesterday, while comparing then and now, I came to appreciate being able to go where and when I please. Except…

When shopping for butter, I generally go for lower price. A prescription’s location may be at the same place I can buy butter. But if the butter is a lot more money there, I MAY be able to get it cheaper when I go the other direction to get pool supplies. All this head spinning decisionry is based upon acquired knowledge and experience. BUT…will all my decisions end up being the BEST ones for me? And who’s evaluates THOSE?

In the Millennial Kingdom, when Christ rules, HIS knowledge will be pervasive. So much so, that EVERYONE will KNOW it… automatically. Vipers will know their place and little children will be honored by all creatures as being at the top of all created things. EVEN ABOVE ANGELS! God’s Wisdom will be part of every thoughtful decision. Which made me wonder…what am I thinking about now?

Because of the Cross and God’s Grace, God has us in a position to sow and reap. We can choose to know and follow God, or do our own thing. What most don’t think about is…every decision IS being evaluated. As the seconds tic into years, what we decide becomes who we are and what our Children and legacy becomes. Is doing MY thing the same as doing HIS? Because there WILL be an accounting.

I realize I am being reminded that God wants to considered in EVERY decision I make. No matter how small. Even if it’s about where I buy butter. After all, and after I consider it….He MAY have a divine appointment waiting for me at a certain dairy counter!

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