
Wherever there is a carcass, there the vultures will gather.” Matthew 24:28

I was at the church with a couple young tough guys to dig a trench. One of them was attracted by movement on the front, sloping lawn and said, “look there’s a tortoise!” When I followed his gaze, I saw what to me, was a ‘turtle.’ Which was interesting. Walking over to take a look, it appeared to be digging with its back legs. A thing turtles do! Soon…it got even MORE interesting.

We set to work, when about 20 minutes later my eye caught movement. It didn’t register at first, but a crow, starling, blackbird or whatever, had apparently seen the same sight we had seen earlier. The turtle was gone, but where it had dug was of particular interest to the bird, which was now pecking at the turtle’s dig sight. 2+2 soon added up and I intervened by grabbing a cement block and placing it over the spot of attention.

Looking back on the whole thing is now of considerable interest to me. A turtle, or a tortoise, made a trek across a 5 acre property and scratched in the sand. What we saw was a wonder of God’s creation as it laid its eggs. What the crow, starling, blackbird or whatever saw…was food! After bearing witness, I chose the side of the testudine!

One of the biggest wars that we face in the 21’st century is the war for attention. All around the world politicians, companies and activists are ‘actively’ trying to grab our eyes, ears and hearts to win attention. With both money and power at stake, the one who grabs the most attention wins influence. No matter if its Godly or evil! It has become an intense war.

I told people about the experience and received accolades for protecting the turtle’s interests. Which proves life is better than death. But then I thought about the bird! What if my interference caused it to starve to death??? And then I thought about the turtle…

It was a painted turtle. I looked it up. Seth called it a tortoise because it was on God’s lawn… which the difference. Turtles live MOSTLY in the water while tortoise’s abide MOSTLY on land. NOW I wonder if turtles have a sense of humor!! I went over later and gently pushed the dirt around (doing just what the bird had done) to see if there were any eggs. And couldn’t find a thing!

MAYBE the turtle was like the politicians or media and just wanted to gain attraction or a laugh? I mean, isn’t it funny, queer, weird and ironic what gets our attention? ESPECIALLY since you probably just noted I just wrote the word ‘queer!’ I think the lesson Gods wants me to get is that I should be MUCH more careful as to what gets my attention!

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