
Therefore, my dear friends, as you have always obeyed–not only in my presence, but now much more in my absence–continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling,” Philippians 2:12

Its been a long couple months of not ‘being out.’ With this pandemic thing going on there wasn’t really a lot of options. Restaurants and businesses were closed so, other than working around the house, boredom set in. BUT…I hadn’t expected for it to make itself at home!

Katie has an electronic bathroom scale that was given to her as a gift. It hides in the darkness of her closet and is rarely seen by me. But when it it quit working and she tried to change the batteries, she pulled it out and set it on the counter. That’s MY cue to take a look at it. After pronouncing it dead, and after having nothing else to do and nothing to lose, I took it apart. Which went rather well…until I STEPPED on it for a test run!

I was in absolutely horrified! I am not a health nut or physical fitness freak. I blessed with good genes (except for the cancer one) and pretty much eat what what I want. But there it was…3 digital black numbers staring up at me screaming ’190 -how do ya like THAT….pig!” I had gained at least 10 pounds and had never weighted that much in my entire life. THIS was not acceptable!

I don’t know about nutrition and exercise. When satan comes to tempt me, it isn’t uncommon for me to say ‘yes yes!’ so losing the weight is foreign territory for me. As is self discipline! But the decision to either accept my weight or change it were the only 2 options. So I quickly invented the ‘S&S’ K.C. Diet. ‘Sweat and starvation!’ I made up outside manual labor jobs to do and replaced food with water. This isn’t fun!

Jesus said to ‘WORK!’ Which is kind of the opposite of His FREE gift of salvation. Which makes Christianity easy…and yet hard. It’s FREE… but it costs you your LIFE! And you only get HIS life when you GIVE YOURS away! Oh…and FREE includes WORK! But if I want to be rid of the piggy, sinful flesh, I must WORK at following HIS Spiritual plan for me. He’s very patient…but persistant!

I read that following Jesus is at LEAST a tough as learning how to play the piano. It takes time and discipline. Even if one doesn’t HAVE it! And there is no quick or easy way. In THAT domain I have learned a fairly good system. I call it the ‘S&S’ K.C. plan. More SONful…less SINful. And no…it isn’t usually fun either. But Jesus and I are working on this FREE thing together. Since ‘HE’ IS the scale.

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