“If the ax is dull and its edge unsharpened, more strength is needed, but skill will bring success.” Ecclesiastes 10:10
Last week, there were some brutally hot days here in Southwest Florida. October is supposed to be cooler, but it wasn’t working out that way. My neighbor has a fiance that just moved here from New England. It was fun watching him ‘sweat,’ working hard to please her as he trimmed tall bushes in the sun. I was in the shade and planned on staying quiet…until I couldn’t any longer.
“Hey pal, you’re killing yourself in this heat. There’s a way to do that down here!” I went on to suggest a hat, to work in the shade when available, hydrate often and to pace himself. Yes…I stuck my nose in his business! But my nose KNOWS a thing or two…and it cares! I assured him he’d eventually learn…or die trying! We both laughed!!!
It takes time to adjust to a different climate. Especially when one has lived in another most of their lives. There are LOTS of sayings that encourage wisdom over brute strength while working. “Measure once, cut twice.” “A stitch in time…saves nine!” “Let the TOOL do the work!” “The early bird gets…” Well, you get the point! And getting the point…IS the point!
So it is with the most critical climate where God wants people to live. And that is in the world called ‘Faith!’ God tells us that FAITH in HIM is a REAL SUBSTANCE and that without it we can NEVER please Him (Hebrews 11). While most people think of faith as some kind of mystical, hopeful, made up attitude in the face of impossible odds, nothing could be further from the truth. Faith in God is as real as the Bible I read to build it! And it takes work, time and practice to build a good one.
The Master of my vocation has a Handbook filled with job descriptions. Fortunately, or unfortunately, mine comes with some SERIOUS requirements. While others may be told to ‘mind their own business,’ MY job description requires me to ‘stick my nose in it!’ If you call yourself a ‘Believer,’ the basis of that title is your pre existing commitment to follow Jesus Christ. Pastors are called to be God’s ‘sign post’ to help direct your path. USUALLY because of a longer learning curve and experience in listening and applying.
In the world of human nature, Faith usually comes off as just plain stupid! Sometimes it actually IS just a smoky wish on the part of the traveler (but dad… I REALLY want some ice cream). But when I am connected to God, through Christ, by the power of the Holy Spirit, His WORD assures me that I CAN know His mysterious will. And when I KNOW it, I am assured of HIS strength and promise that I CAN work, and walk, where the SON shines the brightest!
What’s the climate like where YOU live?