
When they came to Jesus, they saw the man who had been possessed by the legion of demons, sitting there, dressed and in his right mind; and they were afraid.” Mark 5:15

While posting the Words of the Day on Facebook yesterday, I saw that I had 2 warning notifications. Having never seen that before, I investigated and literally could not believe my eyes. Facebook had censored me not once…but twice in the same day! Feeling shamed like a school boy placed in the corner, I simply HAD to find out where I went wrong. What a shock!

The first was my comment on a posted joke about how women work harder than men. A fact in which I totally agree! Having 5 wonderful wives and mothers in my immediate family, there is no question on the matter. So I made the comment, ‘men are pigs.’ Facebook notified me that they took it down because they considered it ‘hate speech!’ I laughed!

The next no-no came when I re-posted something about Hitler and how he had gained power. I see similar tactics being played by left wing politicians. I was notified again by Facebook that I needed to ‘fact-check’ my response concerning Herr Hitler! SERIOUSLY??? I didn’t laugh!

It is only coincidental that yesterday President Donald Trump signed an executive order targeting social media companies to “defend free speech from one of the gravest dangers it has faced in American history.” That of censorship. I got it…and get it!

Jesus faced similar ridiculousness over the whole demonic pig incident. After setting a man (or was it 2 men) freed from demonic possession at the cost of a herd of swine, the townsfolk ‘were afraid!’ NOT of the demons.. but of Jesus! Preferring demons to Deity, they asked him to leave!

When raising my lovely daughters I made sure to drive the point home that ‘men are pigs!’ I emphasized ALL men…INCLUDING me! They couldn’t believe it! Young ladies in their teens have a tendency to loose perspective when a young lad first pays them attention. I wanted the point driven home…young lad’s have something else in mind! Even if it OCCASIONALLY may not be true!

Tim Allen became famous when he used the line about men and pigs. It was funny because it is true! ALL men, left to themselves in the flesh…ARE swine. Being a man, I battle that truth daily. Any man who tells you otherwise is ALSO a liar! Jesus knows it too. Which is why He and His gang rowed all night to reach to Gennesaret! A man (or 2) needed saving! We still do!

The world hates God’s Truth and the conviction it comes with. Left to ourselves, ALL people have a selfish, ugly, dark spot on our hearts. It is SO dark in fact, that it is irreparable. The ONLY way to irradiate the problem is this…the pig has to die! Which is what being ‘Born Again’ is all about. Anyone who disagrees also adds a censorship problem to their piggishness! Don’t be an oinker!

I wonder if I’ll get censored again today?


Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.” Ephesians 4:29

“You threw it away?!” That’s it! 4 little words that would come back to haunt me later. It wasn’t even the words that became the problem for me. It was how I said them. I was irritated and hurt over something EXTREMELY petty and stupid. I should have known better…but it was too late now.

I had found a small cache of “Quotable Quotes” articles from old Readers Digests lying in a pile. I remembered years ago how I used to cut them out and save them. After all, I never knew when I might need a good line for a sermon. “Where did you find THESE?” I hollered out to my wife. She replied, “I found them in a box of old things. They were attached to a note to me from your dad.” Stunned, I asked, “Where’s the note?” “I threw it away,” she said.

My dad has been dead for over 21 years. I don’t exactly remember the date because he made me promise to forget it before he died. It irritated him that people would ramp up their sorrow because of a date on a calendar. But a note from my dad? 21+ years later? And she threw it AWAY without my seeing it? I was upset at her. Until she fished it out of the trash and laid it before my eyes. Then I felt stupid.

I don’t know what I was expecting or why. It’s been so long since I have communicated with my dad, I guess I was excited to finally get something. Except… that ‘something’ came at the expense of irritability toward my wife. After all…SHE is to be my highest priority. Even my dad would not have approved.

Thinking back, I begin to rationalize, “it’s not really THAT big of a deal, right?” Except that it is. Everyday, people get irritable with other people. Which might easily be passed off as normal, if GOD hadn’t something to say about it! And the verse today was the source for my discomfort with myself.

There are times that words can come across as ‘unwholesome,’ even when they’re not! To a kid, “Clean your room” may be considered rude when coming from a parent. “Do your job,” from one’s boss, or “God’s Word says to not do that” from a pastor. I guess the way to really know if something said is ‘unwholesome’ is in the intent. In MY case, those words had came out in disrespect.

The incident is closed now. Apologies to my wife for my words have been conveyed. And since I HATE feeling stupid, I have logged this incident as a learned a lesson… one more time. But I just can’t help but laugh. You see, I KNOW my dad. And I KNOW he’d be smiling right now because… his note was not only used…but was right on! No ‘maybe’ about it!    


Do not let anyone who delights in false humility and the worship of angels disqualify you. Such a person also goes into great detail about what they have seen; they are puffed up with idle notions by their unspiritual mind.” Colossians 2:18

Restaurants have been opened after the Covid-19 incident, and people are now venturing out. Owners and Wait Staff who have not made money in months are now hungry to get back to normal. Friends of ours have a Karaoke business, so we went out last night to support them and the restaurant where they appeared. It was quite an event!

The place was “at capacity” as people joyfully sang and performed. One guy was loudly applauded as he made his way UP to the microphone. I figured he was either going to be VERY good… or very NOT so! Karaoke is kind of strange in that regard! The first note was telling as he hit it hard and right on target. He could have been a performer from years past, he was that good. It was a joy to listen to him. Everyone else thereafter had to play catch-up.

This morning I saw a headline in a devotional I continually ‘unsubscribe’ from! But they have my info and continue to ignore my request. The headline intrigued me so I just HAD to read the article. In it, some lady prophet had written, “We are living in the days of Joel Prophesied 3,000 years ago!” It was filled with secret information God had revealed to her PERSONALLY. Now she was sharing. I wanted to throw up!

I didn’t read the article because I was hopeful. I read it to see just how bad it could be. And it was worse. You see, as just 1 little pastor among so many, I AM a TRUE fortune teller sent by God! But most folks do not WANT to hear what I tell them.

The Word of God is living and active. In it, God gives us the do’s and don’ts of genuine Christian living. So when I say, “you may want to quit drinking like that or it will destroy you,” (Eph 5:13) I am telling the future. “Give God of your time and money and He will give YOU…time and money” (Matt. 6:33)! And, “God doesn’t want you in bondage to THIS thing and wants you free!” (Rom. 6:6-7). “EH,” they say…”what do YOU know?”

While God is madly in love with us and gives us promises for life, many find more interest in the mystical. Real Christian leaders do not focus on the hocus pocus, but on ministering God’s Word to the hurt and lost. ‘Jesus Works,’ is one of my sayings. But one has to do the HARDER thing and DO what He says to see the results. Which is difficult when the masses may be looking MORE for a spectacular performance!


Then Jesus said to his disciples, ‘Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will find it.'” Matthew 16:24-25

While preparing for Memorial Day Church Service this year I was suddenly overwhelmed with my earliest recollections of the holiday. My father had gone into the ministry when I was 5. His first church had a parsonage on one side and a cemetery on the other. This meant my favorite place to play was in the well kept world of the dead! As those memories flooded back to me, I took time to really process them like I never had before.

Unless you have done it, playing in a cemetery may seem dark and morose. It was not. Countless hours were spent playing among the tombstones where I practiced reading the names and mathematically trying to figure the age of the person lying below when they had passed. It was quite an education. One thing that separated some plots from others was the American Flag or military symbol. To see it on a tombstone said to me, “THESE people were special!”

I don’t believe anyone entering the Military went expecting to die. Though they knew there was a possibility, death was not a certainty. Through fear and duty, each operated on the assumption that they would eventually make it home. For most, it was that singular thought which kept them motivated in service. It was at this thought yesterday where God flip-flopped my thinking concerning my service to Him. It was a dramatic shift!

My favorite superhero is Batman. Here is a guy who has NO supernatural skills. One who had suffered tremendous loss and pain, but used it for the purpose of making a difference. Hiding behind a cowl, his battle to keep his identity hidden was almost as intense as his fight against crime. He brought life and peace by fighting against death and evil. Which is 180 degrees opposite of what Jesus Christ has called me to do!

Let’s face it…Christian Believers are God’s Superheroes on Earth. The mission to win back the world from the hands of satan has been handed down EXCLUSIVELY to the followers of Jesus Christ. There is NO backup plan. We are it! To join is to understand and accept the terms of our Leader and Master Jesus, who set the example. But unlike those who serve in the Military who fight to live, the Believer’s FIRST command is to DIE! And He isn’t kidding!

While the Batman symbolism of a sold out, dead to oneself, superhero may sound strange up front, I believe it accurate. Where the military soldier fights to preserve his life, Jesus demands I lose that silly distraction and give it up at the start. Doing so, I receive HIS life…His strength…HIS peace…and HIS Kingdom. Which isn’t a bad trade after all. Doing so actually enables me to PLAY among the dead things of this world, without fear, as His soldier of ‘The Cross!’ God blesses ALL who serve, a we continually remember that!      


“But the Lord is faithful, and he will strengthen you and protect you from the evil one.” 2 Thessalonians 3:3

We sat in circle around the church last night, about 20 of us, all looking at a woman we had never met before. She had tears running down her face as we sat and listened to the story of her family. It was 1 week ago that we had heard the story from one of our members. One thing had led to another, the Holy Spirit moved and an offering was raised. She was there to receive it, and sat overwhelmed at what God had done. Elsewhere, court was in session.

Satan looked with disdain at one of our members in the witness stand and proceeded with his charges. A hateful scowl of disgust crossed his face at the very sight of the accused, even tho it was only a doll in effigy. He proceeded. “Did you or did you NOT disobey me when I told you to refrain from giving any ANYTHING to this worthless cause?” “Speak up!” No response! Let the evidence show that we not only have your fingerprints, but your NAME AND SIGNATURE are on the donation check!” “I pronounce you GUILTY of disobedience!”

The next charge brought no reaction from the doll, but was leveled as if there COULD be one. “Did I NOT tell you tonight that you are FAR too busy and have FAR too many of your own personal problems to bother taking the TIME to come this foul place? But there you sit…all smiley… as if you haven’t a care in the world. Do you not realize I will MAGNIFY your troubles as payment for your disobedience? Again…GUILTY!”

Elsewhere, The Master of the Universe was looking down with so much joy that the angel’s faces could not help but follow suit. He sees. And He knows. He KNOWS that money is tight for his son. But watched as he gave it by faith anyway. He knows that His son is buried in mountains of work that will require hours he does not have. Yet there he sits with his fellow brothers and sisters still.

As for the character in question…he is perfectly content and at peace. Even though he KNOWS he is guilty! Guilty of following the gentle but difficult request of his Maser. He also knows that his Savior has GAZILLIONS of dollars and holds all time in His hands. And with a Master so generous, giving with a servants heart is more fun than anything else he could be found guilty of. His case rests!


Praise be to the Godwho comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God.” 2 Corinthians 1:4

While taking a bath I noticed movement on the floor. Coming closer to presumably greet me, lay a ‘Tegenaria Domestica,’ commonly known as the domestic house spider. My reaction was spontaneous as I blurted out, “well hey there buddy!” As I moved my head, he ran under the open door! I guess he was figuring he was hiding, even though his legs could be seen sticking out from both sides of the door. Silly spider!

You may call me weird, but spiders and snakes do not scare me. After 64+ years on this earth without incident, I figure the odds of getting attacked or bitten by either are lower than dying from the Corona Virus… which, last I read, is less than .00 something. What I DON’T like is the ‘Periplaneta Americana,’ or ‘American Roach.’ Down here in Florida they are called ‘Palmetto Bugs!’

It was my first trip to SW Florida and I was 19 years old when I encountered my first one. I was sitting on the john when it sauntered out from under a counter. It came out cocky, (hence the name I guess) stood right in front of me, stared and wiggled its long antennae. It was almost 3” long! Chills ran down my spine since I didn’t know what the thing was or if it had teeth! When I tried to swat it with a towel… it FLEW into my face…then around the room!! I guessed it was laughing at my Yankee ignorance and naked fear!

Though the incident of the attacking bug has never been repeated, I can’t seem to get it out of my head. Time, experience and taking to Florida natives has tamed that initial fear to a simple act of vengeance. When I spray or swat, I do it with an attitude of… ‘so who’s cocky NOW?’ SMACK…then FLUSH…for justice sake!! It feel better now because I am someone who knows.

There are a LOT of things that are scary on this planet. And for VERY good reason. They CAN hurt you! Pain, sickness, hurt, loss, fear and death are VERY real. And EVERYONE has experience. When it comes to death, the ULTIMATE fear, if it hasn’t visited your world, just give it time. It IS on the way! But so is the COMFORT by which we can overcome its sting!

Jesus came, died, and in brash cockiness, rose again! Then…He made the statement that, because of what HE did, I can and shall do so as well… if I choose to follow Him that is. It is not only an encouragement…it is a PROMISE. Now.. knowing Him…I have the ability to go out and encourage OTHERS to become just as cocky in their knowledge and experience. So…what scares YOU? 


The wolf will live with the lamb, the leopard will lie down with the goat, the calf and the lion and the yearling together; and a little child will lead them.” Isaiah 11:6

Decisions, decisions! Yesterday I had a number of errands to run…some to the north and some to the south. Some were necessities…others simply favored choices. I didn’t realize I was mentally planning the route, timing and how I was going to get everything done in the most efficient manner, when it hit me…”when had I become a strategist?”

I remembered growing up as a child and being forced to go where I did not want to go. Being small, my mom couldn’t just LEAVE me and go do her thing. She had to take us kids WITH her. Mom took me places I had absolutely NO interest in going. And being on the “hard to handle side,” I know I didn’t make the trips easy. Yesterday, while comparing then and now, I came to appreciate being able to go where and when I please. Except…

When shopping for butter, I generally go for lower price. A prescription’s location may be at the same place I can buy butter. But if the butter is a lot more money there, I MAY be able to get it cheaper when I go the other direction to get pool supplies. All this head spinning decisionry is based upon acquired knowledge and experience. BUT…will all my decisions end up being the BEST ones for me? And who’s evaluates THOSE?

In the Millennial Kingdom, when Christ rules, HIS knowledge will be pervasive. So much so, that EVERYONE will KNOW it… automatically. Vipers will know their place and little children will be honored by all creatures as being at the top of all created things. EVEN ABOVE ANGELS! God’s Wisdom will be part of every thoughtful decision. Which made me wonder…what am I thinking about now?

Because of the Cross and God’s Grace, God has us in a position to sow and reap. We can choose to know and follow God, or do our own thing. What most don’t think about is…every decision IS being evaluated. As the seconds tic into years, what we decide becomes who we are and what our Children and legacy becomes. Is doing MY thing the same as doing HIS? Because there WILL be an accounting.

I realize I am being reminded that God wants to considered in EVERY decision I make. No matter how small. Even if it’s about where I buy butter. After all, and after I consider it….He MAY have a divine appointment waiting for me at a certain dairy counter!


My dear children, for whom I am again in the pains of childbirth until Christ is formed in you…” Galatians 4:19

Over a dozen of God’s kids took several months to plan, choose, order, figure and labor over placing a lighted cross on the new building. The timing, in my experience, was rather quick… since ‘Church’ is a place where individualism is NOT to be applauded. Teamwork had finally gotten the job done, and all that was needed was to look at the finished project. Last night at dusk, Katie and I drove over to take a look.

Being a ‘Congregational Church’ means things usually take longer than normal to get accomplished. Which is OK… since we are operating with Eternity on our side. When we arrived at the Church, both of us gave the “OHHHHHH” gasp of approval. We parked, then walked out to the road to set in the grass and stare at it. Then… my wife started asking questions.

“Do you think it’s big enough? Is the color the prettiest one we could display? Do you think it will get brighter the darker it gets? Do you think people will notice” In retrospect… they were not only good questions for the cross…they also reflected questions about how our Church folks appears to the people in our collective world.

The goal of God is that “Christ be formed” in His children. No person who calls themselves a Christian is independent. We are called to become 100% DE-pendant on Christ for our decisions, directions, power and actions. It is a long and tedious process that is NEVER over. Being in ANY form of ministry is to keep that goal in mind in as we teach His kids to shine for brighter Him.

As I thought about it, setting in the grass getting nipped at by mosquitoes, the measuring guide for a successful Christian Life really is the cross. A symbol of the horrific suffering and death of our Savior on our behalf, becomes a continual gauge of how well we are shining for Him. Are we big, pretty, bright and noticeable enough to those around us? That is a question EACH of us must ask…together. 


The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” John 10:10

I look and walk on it every day. It lies directly under my feet and is less than 6 feet from my eyes. During my week, It requires more effort and time than anything else I own…next to my wife that is! But while I work at trying to keep it pretty, green and under control from the outside…I just discovered my lawn has been under attack from an enemy… on the inside.

When I stand overlooking my lawn, it looks pretty good…though I am no expert at lawns. To me, one shade of consistently, textured green is the goal. But last night, it was a different texture that had caught my eye and caused me to bend down for a closer look. I would have preferred not to notice!

Among the green grass I discovered some different shaped leafy things. I gently tugged at one, pulling up at long stringy weed well over a foot long! Then another… and another. This intruder seemed to have a brain all its own. It grew by weaving its way under and through the grass. And right under my nose! It was everywhere! I was shocked because…all along… I thought I had a pretty nice lawn!

Getting down and dirty with my grass is not a habit. And if appearances are all that matter, I STILL have a nice lawn. My neighbor came over and even so when she saw me setting down in the battle zone. She too, had been deceived! It was only by taking a closer look at reality that I had discovered a hidden enemy within. I must confess, it wasn’t the ONLY thing that required a different perspective.

Something caused a stir in soul and spirit yesterday…AGAIN! It is so much a part of me, that I hardly even noticed. Until I did. There, nestled among my character that ‘I’ don’t think is so bad, lay a hidden enemy that I discovered is NOT there to be enjoyed. This enemy had invaded and been living there a LONG time unnoticed. Until I did!

Now the next question it the most troubling one of all! It is the one God is asking my inner me. And you even know what it is… “Now that you know, what are you going to DO about it?” Choices Choices………..