“Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit.” Galatians 5:25
Yesterday’s weather was unpredictable and frustrating. One minute it was sunny. The next it was pouring down rain. It continued all day. Having to go outside several time, I noticed the entryway into the house was filthy from all the leaves and debris I had picked up on my shoes and tracked into the house. I had a decision to make!
I’ll be honest and tell you that it really didn’t bother ME that much. On my own, I can be quite a slob! But my better half is better than me at the tidy thing. I know SHE would be bothered by it if she came home and saw the mess ‘I’ had made. Under her non-present presence, I got out the broom and dustpan!
Now don’t get me wrong. She wouldn’t scream, complain or hit me!! She’d just see it…and be bothered. Remembering my vow, “for better or worse,” I opted to make it better! As I was sweeping, I started thinking about what I’d be doing if I didn’t have her influence over me. I mean, would I turn into a filthy pig or something? The thought made me cringe!
The Holy Spirit is a Gift from Jesus to me to make me better. He confirms Christ’s Words to me, leads and guides my thoughts with an influence to please my Lord. He is ALWAYS there and ALWAYS guiding and speaking. Even when I don’t sense His presence! Listening and DOING…well that is 100% up to ME!
I DO have a ‘Pig Alarm!’ It has been honed over the years and I am a better man for it! Now, it only takes about 25% slop for it to go off and get me moving into cleanup mode. Which is GOOD! I’m better because I have learned to listen. But I know LOTS of people who don’t… and it scares me!
Now please don’t get me wrong. I am NOT saying I am better than anyone. Just that I know what might happen if I lost that quiet, but efficient and prodding voice…if it were gone! Since my base ‘flesh’ is so pig-like, I cringe thinking how quickly I might revert if I lost it for ANY length of time. I am blessed to be ABLE to hear, serve and follow.
What mess is the Holy Spirit trying to get YOU to clean up? And…are you listening?