“Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.” 1 Peter 1:3
It was lost. Then it was found. Broken – but still intact…kinda! This Christmas ornament…MY Christmas ornament… has been through a lot. Just like me! Last year it dropped off the tree and broke into 2 pieces. This year, I finally found the box where I had placed it and ran some superglue around the broken pieces. Voila!
65 years ago my mom took an ordinary Christmas bulb and wrote my name and the year on it. Funny thing is, that’s not how I spell my name! And I would NEVER have chosen a pink bulb for myself. But hey! I was a BABY! My mom made the gesture and ‘it’ became ‘a thing’ that, through the years, has gotten attention. But ONLY at Christmas time. You know.. kinda like Jesus!?
A LOT has changed over my 65 years on this planet. Many things I valued are no longer even around. Family members, friendships, moral values, patriotism and Absolute Truth are some of the things I miss the most. Some things shattered are not fixable. While others are holding together by the meekest of efforts. But…it appears they will one day vanish as well.
The greatest treasure of my life is my Faith in Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. Born again as a pre-teen, I am genuinely grateful that HE has not changed or gone away. Which IS a surprise, since I have given Him EVERY reason to do so! But the more I see, the more I appreciate my ‘New Birth’ and the ‘unchanging hope’ which hangs over my spirit. All Because HE remains who He SAYS He is!
Christmas Trees have changed, even though I said I would never! But I now have an artificial tree and use twinkle lights instead of the old glass bulbs. Caroling has even been banned, mostly by participants, because of Covid. But the saddest most unbelievable change I see is that, the TRUTH of Jesus Christ, and Faith IN HIM, are not popular anymore. It’s like a precious thing has been dropped…and fixing it is becoming more questionable than ever.
Death is death, sin is sin, hell is real and God’s Word STILL says that MOST will CHOOSE to GO THERE! Which seems ridiculous! Who would EVER CHOOSE to go to a place of eternal punishment? It is HERE that I hear the CRASH! And I now get it!
In a world that changes truth for the lie of convenience…not much is sacred. If the world doesn’t like what someone says or does, it unfriends them! Or tells the REST of the world how bad ‘THEY’ are! The world would ALSO say that, besides its own evolving opinion, NOTHING is absolute or rock solid. And the TRUTH Jesus says He is and talked about??? Eh…that’s all ornamental anyway! Right???