“…we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.” 2 Corinthians 10:5
Having JUST been convicted of my own stinkin’ thinkin,’ I got up to prepare for the day. I had some painting that needed done, but needed to run to the store as well. Deciding between “what to do and WEAR,” I started to do BOTH! It was between deciding against going to the store in nasty painter’s clothes, and ‘I’ll just carefully move that painted work aside…’ it happened! And ‘just that fast’ I was defeated!
Katie thinks I should look respectable when I go out in public since, “you never know who you might run into.” Standing there with paint on my hands AND jeans, I was upset with myself because I had already seen the potential of this very problem and thought, “I’ll just be VERY careful!” Then, “you dummy WHY did you….?” And the demons laughed!
As I sit here, I’m thinking that this is a dumb subject AND so tiny, that It isn’t even worth mentioning. Yet, this is the EXACT attitude the enemy of my soul wants to have! So while I feel bad about myself, HE sneaks off unnoticed! Leaving me with my peace destroyed! And it all started with that simple thought, “Go ahead, YOU CAN DO IT!”
As I see it, the BIG word in today’s verse is ‘EVERY!’ I have to admit that it doesn’t take much to get me off track, distracted, upset with myself and ‘out of the game.’ I can almost FEEL that evil referee pointing and shouting, ‘FOUL…DISQUALIFIED!’ All because I KNEW the potential for a problem, but FAILED in taking steps to eliminate it altogether! Enter Umpire Jesus.
Jesus is ALWAYS SO patient and gentle. I’ve NEVER heard Him call me ‘stupid’ or ‘idiot!’ He’s ALWAYS encouraging and kind, bathing my soul in His Grace. He’s always setting me up for another try, even when I want to quit! Sure…this is a little thing! But the outcome is the same as the intention of my enemy…to TAKE ME OUT! And I ALMOST fell for it!
In the end, whether the enemy’s shot hits my head or foot doesn’t matter. If that wound takes me out of the mission God has for me, my defeat is the same. That is why this Bible warning is SO crucial to me. There ARE NO small things and EVERYTHING MATTERS! If I am to get where god wants me to go, I need to pay attention to the small stuff!
Maybe THAT’S why I’m remembering a slogan, used by the U.S. Army for over 20 years…“Be all you can be!” Could that be God’s desire and goal for me too?