“The world and its desires pass away, but whoever does the will of God lives forever.” 1 John 2:17
Having previously made the appointment to meet a friend for lunch, I had PLENTY of time! Besides lunch, I had made a list of things to do, then crammed in a couple more good measure. The clock was ticking…and I was ‘on it!’ But all that thinking had me a little worn, so I sat down to relax for ‘JUST a few minutes.’ Tic Toc!
I never really considered how much math and time go together. As I planned the time of my departure, I ticked off the things I needed to do and ‘how long’ they ‘take me.’ When forced, it takes me 4 minutes to shower, 3 minutes for drying, brushing teeth and shaving. Depending on the event, it can take me 1.5 to 2 minutes to get dressed. Yup!!!! Plenty of time. Except…I laid my phone and keys down…SOMEWHERE! And just like that…having NOT planned for stupid…I was out of the time stuff!
En route…traffic, slow drivers in the left lane and red lights all became my enemies as I tried to MAKE UP for LOST TIME! And I really believed I could do it…beat time, that is! But looking back on it, I realize how ridiculous the concept of grabbing, stopping or making up for lost time really is!
I don’t own time! It isn’t mine and I can’t really buy it! Since time is a unit of measure that God has implemented on earth, all I CAN do is use it to measure my steps. Since time is impartial, it can’t cheat and shave a little off to give someone else. Time has no heart, mind, concern or feelings for ANYTHING. The USE of it is STRICTLY up to ME! Though this verse implies that there IS a judgment coming that will measures how well I USED time! Strangely, the prize is eternity with the timekeeper!!
EVERYONE wears a watch, carries a phone, or hangs a clock to enable them to know what time it is. But if the basis of all things eternal is NOT time, but knowing and doing God’s will, shouldn’t I stop watching the clock and take more time to know and do His Will? Thankfully, God has told me how to do just that! It’s by slowing down and using time to READ, LEARN and then DO what HE says!
Times up