
…put (your) hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment. Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share. In this way they (you) will lay up treasure for themselves as a firm foundation for the coming age.” 1 Timothy 6:17-19

I have felt guilty for the last few weeks…because I AM! Though I have NO excuse, I DO have choices. 2 of them actually! I can either continue to disobey God’s never ending nagging… and thus continue to feel guilty. Or I can admit to being a slacker and DO what He is harping about and get out from under the conviction!

Our Church has been enjoying an outreach sign ministry. Every Wednesday and Friday morning we meet at a major intersection to hold up Gospel signs for Jesus. Knowing we would have to park our cars somewhere, I had asked and received permission from a local business. A couple of weeks ago I asked if they would enjoy some donuts in appreciation. An enthusiastic ‘SURE’ made it an assignment I have YET to complete!

My disobedience has no excuse! But it does have some reasonable ‘holes.’ I ‘unintentionally’ keep forgetting donuts until I’m actually THERE. Then the forgetful justification becomes…”next time!” O.K…let’s just say that I know God is not happy and the nagging continues! This morning, I set my alarm early so I can fulfill my Master’s wishes.

It may be said that I was generous for asking in the first place. After all, it IS a large parking lot. And ‘no,’ I didn’t HAVE to offer donuts, having already received permission. With God’s nagging, I learned and jumped those 2 ‘kindness’ hurdles LONG ago. Now, and since “God isn’t finished with me yet,” He EXPECTS me to put legs under my words!

I cannot speak for ‘Ya’ll” out there…though I can. God the Father can be like God the Mother! Experience has proven that he is NOT going to stop harping on me, once He has set His mind on growing, learning and serving in a particular way. It is a HARD lesson that I continue to resist. But as I get older, I have learned to resist…less.

There is a little ditty I learned long ago that goes like this. “As you amble on in life brother, whatever be your goal, keep your eye upon the donut, and NOT upon the whole!” Making my Master happy is a SWEET way to live!!!!


“If you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother or sister has something against you, leave your gift there in front of the altar. First go and be reconciled to them; then come and offer your gift.” Matthew 5:23-24.

I was looking for a screwdriver. Specifically, a #2 Phillips screwdriver. I have several! I was in kind of a hurry and just wanted to get a job done. But every handle of a screwdriver I grabbed turned out to be to a standard, slotted screwdriver. Digging deeper I must have discovered at least 10! But NO Phillips of ANY size!

Like an unknown law or principle designed to punish men for something unknown, lost tools are a universal problem! As remembrance of the frustration hit my head, I began to think through possible solutions. The most RIDICULOUS solution that bubbled to the top was, “why don’t you first organize your tools so you know where they are, then put them back as soon as you’re done with them?” I laughed!!!!

At my age I am past getting organized and orderly. To even think it raises the shield of insanity and the argument! “Why…why… it would take too long and require too much work to even put in a dent! After all, I am WAYYYY too far down the road to go back and redo the thing I should have done FIRST…right?”

Yes…God talks to me! Sometimes He even gets irritating! Like with this little nudge toward organization. I find that His way is always better, but then argue for my own limitations and excuses. Then it happens again. And again. 4 times this week alone! And He keeps nudging! Last night at Bible Study, we talked about those nudges.

The key word to the verse today is “remember!” That is the indication of a God nudge! When God gently speaks, through His Spirit, to my brain, “Hey…what about?” The most difficult thing for me to do is to REMEMBER what He reminded me about and ACT upon it. I have learned that often, God is not as much concerned about WHAT I do, as He is about HOW I do it! There seems to be an order to His process. Let me think about that!

What is God trying to remind YOU? 


So Jesus said to the Jews who had believed him, “If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”’ John 8:31-32

I own several bicycles. I know this because every time I want to get into a closet in my garage, I have to move them away from the door. Sadly, this is usually the extent of my exercise with bicycles. Riding them generally requires my checking the tire pressures, since it’s usually been a while. After ‘filling up’ a tire, I went into the house and then heard…BOOM!!!!

Having a compressor in my garage is a nice perk. Having 1 and not using a tire pressure gauge when filling bicycle tires CAN be challenging. Since I had been in a hurry, I figured I could GUESS the approximate pressure by feel. Apparently not!

One of the challenging issues of our day has much the same effect, as people have come to believe they can determine what is ‘TRUE’ by how they FEEL! Since feeling is subjective, and the population is larger now than ever, there are MANY more claims to Truth than before. Finding truth then, has become more of a ‘match game’ as folks generally pick what ‘they’ personally like and approve of. But REAL Truth comes with a warning label.

Today’s verse comes from Jesus’ own mouth and begins with that scary little warning word ‘IF!’ To know Truth and be free, Jesus lays a condition that one must ABIDE in His Word! Not just ‘mentally ascent’ to, or simply ‘feel good’ about it. Freedom, He infers, only comes AFTER commitment! Which can sometimes seem like putting the cart before the horse!

This week is only 2.5 days old, and I have already had 2 challenges to my faith and understanding of God’s Word. One was from my own wife! And man…I stepped right into it! She had been reading one writer’s opinion on a well known Bible story, and then came to me to tell me how it REALLY was! Which I love to hear since I love to learn. Except, this time, the conclusion was 100% based upon OPINION and NOT on the facts! Can you say ‘BOOM?’

My marriage is strong and endures these little explosions. Right now I am considered a ‘chauvinist pig who hates women.’ I’ve been called worse. The point is, we are ALL in danger of being swallowed up by falsehood. Jesus said the ONLY way to guarantee to Truth is to ABIDE IN HIS WORD! Which, in the world, practically guarantees some sort of explosion?

What is YOUR gauge for determining The Truth and how is it working?


Jesus replied, “No one who puts a hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God.”’ Luke 9:62

Yesterday was a work day. I had grass that needed to be cut and overgrown trees that needed trimmed back. To do both required thinking through the work, then planning for the ‘how to’ by gathering ‘tools’ needed to get the jobs done. Having done the best I could at both, I executed the plan. It all went well too…right up to the point of starting!

As soon as I grabbed the mower, the sky clouded up and it started to rain! While not prone to melting when I get wet, the lawnmower tends to clog up with clumps of wet grass. Stuck between plan A and B, brain came up with a plan C…clean up the Garage! It’s not that Plan C wasn’t thought of before. It had lay there as an unexciting project, left undone, from the past.

An hour the garage was done…and so was the rain. Brain then goal shifted to trimming the trees…my LEAST favorite of the jobs. With trash cans, loppers and grit I dove into the job. After a couple hours I noticed that grit was getting grumpy and needed a little something to keep going. Then this verse popped into mind.

I learned a long time ago that I am both my best and worst enemy! Being determined AND lazy are 2 sides of the same coin in my life. When they fight, it is up to another me to make a decision as to who wins. So I have learned to play games of trickery with myself in order to get where I need to go.

There were 5 trash cans and 4 were ALMOST full. With trimmings to pick up, I tricked my lazy self. “just finish filling the cans.” So I did! Then, seeing that the trees looked choppy, I suggested to my lazy self, “just clean those up and be done.” So I did! Noticing some out of place stragglers, I ended up getting some rope and piled those on top of the cans. Then time ran out!

I’d like to say that pushing myself is natural. But must admit that “lazy K.C.” wins far too often. The deciding factor, I think, is how loud or authoritative the voice is I WANT to heat. But that’s tricky because He can be a hard taskmaster! WHERE and to WHOM I look and listen makes all the difference as to what label I become. I’m pushing for ‘servant of Jesus Christ!’

SOW…. how’s your hoed row looking and…how spiritually fit are YOU? 


“Why do you stand here looking into the sky? This same Jesus, who has been taken from you into heaven, will come back in the same way you have seen him go into heaven.” Acts 1:11

My wife was out of town with friends this weekend. That left me in a position my father used to refer to as “Baching…” his word for being a bachelor for a weekend. As I spoke about this in church yesterday, I ratted myself out with the fun I was having leaving the toilet seat up, dropping and leaving clothes and dishes anywhere, leaving fishing gear in the living room etc…etc! Everyone laughed because we KNEW what I was going to be doing that afternoon!

Thankfully, my ‘Bride’ being gone, then coming home, is a rare occurrence. To be honest, I don’t enjoy it. I LOVE being around her. When she is in the house, I put the seat down, kinda sorta pick up after myself and try to limit my piles. When she’s gone…what’s the point?

This is FAR too good a lesson to not speak about again. I had a general idea of when Katie would be coming home and KNEW what she likes when she is home. So time and tidiness converged into an afternoon mission. When she got here, the house was in order, the tub, shower and sinks all cleaned, and candles were burning! To be honest, she hardly noticed! Which was no surprise at all.

The REASON she hardly noticed was because it was pretty much like that before she left (sans bathroom fixtures). Knowing what she likes, and expects, plays a MAJOR role in how I live on a daily basis. It is the same in my relationship with Jesus Christ.

Grace and forgiveness mean just that. I am fully forgiven! Not so with my wife. Had I used her time away to indulge in seedy behavior thinking, “how would she find out?” is NOT an option. I’m far too old and tired for that kind of thinking. When it comes to my Christian walk, I realize I am not as mature!

Having received Christ as Savior makes me like a baby’s diaper…I am CHANGED. The stronger my relationship grows, the more mature I should become. THAT concept changes my behavior. USUALLY! But sometimes I live, and act, like I’m not connected to someone who’s values are higher than my own. When that happens…I KNOW it. Which motivates me to clean up my act.

So here’s the lesson….Jesus is going to return! What He finds me doing WILL make a difference in our relationship. Am I ready?


Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God, To the saints who are in Ephesus, and faithful in Christ Jesus (living in Nokomis!)” Ephesians 1:1-2 NKJV

Going through some old boxes left by my kids, I found a copy of Alice in Wonderland. I confess to never having read the story, nor seen any of the movies. The characters, ESPECIALLY that ugly cat, just never appealed to me and seemed rather frightful. But for the second time in a week I had references to the story fall into my view. When that happens, I always WONDER if God is trying to tell me something.

Apparently this is the original story and not a children’s adaptation. Since it was written long ago, it is taking a little time to adjust to the words and writing style of the author. But even though I have only read the first chapter…I can tell you there is some WEIRD STUFF going on! It will be interesting to see if I finish.

My devotions today found me in Ephesians. It has been a little while since I have focused on that book, but I had to smile when I turned there. My Bible is so full of colored markings and notes from the past, that I need to get another Bible if I want to write any more. Like Alice and her journey, this is God’s written decree about a TOTALLY different kind of life than is available in THIS world.

The first clue that something strange is going on comes when God calls church folk ‘SAINTS!’ And on PURPOSE! Now I know me, and even ‘I’ would not define myself with such a term. But GOD does! Which means that, unless I want to fight with Him about it, I may want to give the thought some consideration. The rest of Ephesians gets even more bizarre!

Today’s world is changing dramatically and at hyper speed! It is easy to see that 2 opposing views are on the horizon for America’s future. And just like Ephesians, the 2 views require an individual CHOICE! I must decide to ‘separate’ myself (the meaning for saint) for Him and live as HE sees me. Or stay as ‘sinning Joe ordinary!’ Though it may be easier to stick with the familiar than it is to jump down a rabbit hole, God is calling me to jump!

I don’t know where this whole ‘Saint’ life will lead me. But I know God enough to know it is a WHOLE NEW WONDER to look forward to. I don’t need to know the ending since the beginning is already beyond spectacular!                 

Are YOU jumping in?


You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh rather, serve one another humbly in love.” Galatians 5:13

“Now you’re micromanaging!” said Mike. Those were the words said to me last night at Church. And I couldn’t have been more pleased or blessed! In fact I STILL have the smile on my face!

It all started a couple weeks ago when a couple of men got together and decided it would be beneficial to the Church to move the TV screen to the other side of the sanctuary so it could more easily be seen. That transitioned into buying an even BIGGER screen. Last night I met with them for a few moments as details were planned, then had to leave. Later on I made a suggestion I thought would be helpful. That was when I received Mike’s response.

No one else in the room knew what the laughter from the rest of the men was all about. But I did. And the reason it made me smile was because I recognized the gift as it was presented. Something had been suggested to benefit the whole church, a group of guys took it seriously, and getting it done was NOT going to require ME DOING IT! Ahhhhhh!

Being a pastor comes with certain requirements and attitudes. Becoming the chief servant is a prerequisite! In a small church, it can sometimes become depressing and tough serving alone. One of the weaknesses I inherited from my father is just doing things because they need to be done. After all, that’s easier than trying to kick a committee into action. Now… there I was, summarily dismissed while hearing, “we’ve got this!”

What a joy it is to receive love like that! To have others notice when I’m down, tired or overwhelmed is a HUGE blessing. To notice a need and then step up to fill it is called ministry! And I couldn’t be more blessed or proud of the guys!

Marriage requires servant-hood like that too. The principles of Jesus very often come as paradoxes. Like a diamond ring wrapped in toilet paper, the Word He gave usually shocks me at first! And NO paradox is more humanly resisted than the principle of giving! He PROMISES that we will GET…ONLY AFTER we first GIVE! The ONLY way to actually receive the benefit of His paradox, is to give it a try and SEE (Malachi 3:10)!

So thank you guys for the gift! I PROMISE I will not butt my nose into it or mess it up! But I’m looking out for ways I can serve YOU all as well! After all, why should YOU hog all the blessings????


When I say to a wicked person, ‘You will surely die,’ and you do not warn them or speak out to dissuade them from their evil ways in order to save their life, that wicked person will die for their sin, and I will hold you accountable for their blood.” Ezekiel 3:18

About 6 years ago we bought a small potted lemon tree and planted it in the yard. We were attracted to that plant because it had 1 lemon hanging from it in the store. We figured it came with good potential. The first year we ended up with 5 lemons. The next 13. This year we have well over150! The tree looks horrible and has cost me time $$$ and frustration! But it’s mine!

It started about year 3 when it turned all gnarly. Someone told me it was citrus canker, so I investigated, cut it back, fertilized it, then sprayed and prayed. I can’t tell you how many times I have done that with 1 thing or another. The leaves get bugs, mold and whatever! The fruit gets crusty, then brown. BUT… they always taste like lemons! Katie especially loves them.

This year, because of the number, several folks have asked about it. Some have said, “when will your limes be ready?” I love to say, “when they turn yella…their lemons!” I always invite them to come and pick them as they ripen. Lord knows WE won’t be able to eat them all. I GUESS you can say we are ‘kind of’ successful lemon tree growers. Even though the tree may be UGLY!

We bought the tree for fun and NEVER figured it would cost so much in time and money to keep it up! We DIDN’T see or know the potential issues until they came up. Our goal of having lemons kept us working at whatever came up because of our decision to buy the tree in the first place. I guess I could say it represents a certain CARE-taker attitude!

The Bible verse today is a solemn reminder to me. As we study ‘End Time Prophecy’ in the Book of Daniel at our Church Bible Study, a certain seriousness arises as these days in which we live seem to be getting uglier! It would be easy to just chuck it all and say forget the whole thing and not care. But there’s that highly motivating and serious ‘sequitur’ added at the end of the Bible verse…” I will hold you accountable!”

God has given me, and YOU, a job, a ministry, or a responsibility. Whether it’s Faith, a spiritual gift, a vocation, marriage, kids, or responsibility… it comes from Him. And HE WILL hold me, and YOU, accountable, whether I, or we, like it or not. I CONSTANTLY need to be reminded that He’s looking for FRUIT! NOT a pretty tree! And have I got some lemons for Him??!  


Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will send you out to fish for people.” Mark 1:17

I had quit fishing several years ago when I lost a good place to go, then found myself in a slump of not catching anything. I got tired of gathering the gear, driving to the bait shop, then to a new place…only to get skunked! I guess I just lost interest. So it was a treat last week when my son called and said he wanted to come down and fish with me! Apparently it was supposed to be a good night!

I searched around and dug up my old gear, much of which was now trashed, but was able to clean it up and get ready. He arrived with an anticipation that was contagious. Heading to the bait store I spent about $35 in bait and lures. Then we were off. We had a fun time.,.but STILL got skunked!

Riding by that same spot yesterday, I saw a man fishing there and HAD to go see how HE was doing! “I’m slayin’ em,’” he said! I was shocked. Me being me, I started asking questions that…THANKFULLY…HE was happy to answer! I not only got tips on how to do it better (tips are STILL NOT guarantees) but suggested reasons as to what we had done that HADN’T worked!

Obviously I am no fishing expert. But I CAN say that, after his lesson, I am anticipitorily enthused once more! One doesn’t need to be an experienced to know that fishing can be both fun AND frustrating. I was told by a friend, “that’s why they call it ‘fishing’ and not catching.” OBVIOUSLY…the odds are increased when teaching and learning are applied!

I’d imagine I’d be rather nervous and skeptical if I saw a table with a 10 course gourmet meal set up just outside my front door. Even it if was steak and lobster, I’d STILL approach with caution. Since fish LIVE in the water, they know what’s what, and do not grab at just anything! Bait needs to be presented NATURALLY. Even SATAN knows THAT! (James 1:14) It seems to me that a KEY to good fishing is the necessity of being a good STUDENT FIRST!

I think being a good student ALSO has a prerequisite, starting with a DESIRE to learn! Even though my house is FULL of material, needles, tools, and a great teacher, I have ZERO desire to LEARN how to sew! Being a Believer comes with much the same problem. The MASTER TEACHER WANTS to teach us HOW to ‘fish for people.’ But do ‘I’ want to learn? Do you?