“When you take a census of the Israelites to count them, each one must pay the Lord a ransom for his life at the time he is counted. Then no plague will come on them when you number them.” Exodus 3:12
Visiting my son for the Super Bowl was a fun experience. Weeks earlier when I found out the Bucs were going to be in it, I called him, “Super Bowl party at your house?” His response was a reluctant and cautious…”sure.” Now that the day had arrived, it was clear the biggest item on the agenda was FOOD! We could have called it ‘the Supper Bowl, since EVERYBODY came with the stuff! Well almost!
When we got to the door we were greeted first by the same one who ALWAYS greets us first…Macy the dog! As I walked to the kitchen carrying pulled pork, she was right behind me immediately acting like I was her best friend! She remained EVERYBODY’S ‘best friend’ for the rest of the evening! Which is, I guess, EXACTLY what a family dog is SUPPOSED to do!
Sitting with a plate of food, Macy came up and planted her nose right on my lap, and with a wagging tail, stayed there! Though the noise and commotion was high, I felt myself transfigure to the top of ‘Reflection Mountain’ with my own one word question…”WHY?” It’s been 2 days since the event, but it seems God isn’t done teaching me lessons over that event. But is He ever?
Yesterday I was drawn to open a devotional entitled, “10 things selfish people do!” I guess I wanted to see if I was??? It turns out I was completely uncomfortable with the ‘10 things.’ I copied and saved them in a notebook file for reference, placing the word “DON’T” before each one. As I read today’s verse in a DIFFERENT devotional this morning, I was reminded of these previous events and came to the conclusion that God is a blatant sneak AND tough teacher!
People are people and dogs are dogs. Sadly, and far too often, people become dogs too. In my quest of, “WHY is this dog’s nose on my lap,” I discovered something in myself. Macy isn’t there because she LOVES me. She is there because she wants my food…or to be petted or played with! She is selfish. She is a DOG! Which leads me to wonder…am I simply a D O G to G O D as well?
In the Old Testament EVERYBODY had to pay a tax when they were counted in the census. There was a COST to being counted! Transferring to the New Testament, Jesus reinforced this Truth when He said, “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me (Matthew 16:24). Which leads me to a legitimate question…”Is He really serious or is he just playing with me?!”
I know there are people out there who will take offense at this and think me an animal or pet hater. I’ll heed their comments about as well as Macy did when I whispered to her, ‘go away!’ Because days later, I’m still too busy trying to learn what that selfish, begging dog is trying to teach me for Jesus! And it’s discomforting enough!!!
What do YOU want?