Be merciful to those who doubt; save others by snatching them from the fire; to others show mercy, mixed with fear—hating even the clothing stained by corrupted flesh.” Jude 22-23

There are some things that come out of need vs want. As I look back on my life; where I live, what I have, what I do, the blessing of it all does not escape me. I COULD live in a third world country with nothing but a hut and a fire pit. But since we live in America, I COULD say, we NEEDED a new oven!

The whole Covid thing has put the kibosh on SO many things. Appliances should hardly seem an area of concern! But after looking around, NEW appliances are getting harder to find…since parts from China, for production, were hard to come by. HMMMMMMM!? Going to a used appliance store, we asked if they had ovens. “Tomorrow,” was all he said. Yesterday was the day I handed that man my credit card!

The whole ordeal was what I would call…miraculous. This normally $900 oven was spotless! Upon inspection, it looked as if NOTHING had EVER been cooked in…or on it! Having just spent $400 for it, I couldn’t help but giggle at God. When the man helped me load it up, HE brought up the subject of Covid! Then I felt my benevolent God give me a nudge!

Everything I am, do and have are blessings from my Heavenly Father. I KNOW that! I have seen Him work and am daily amazed at WHAT He does and HOW He does it! I know that He has called ME to share His Mercy and Grace with others…just like He has called YOU! So it was a PLEASURE to SLIDE into my favorite subject with this ”used appliance salesman!” Soon I was telling him about JESUS!

As the world and SO many churches shut down because of a virus, I KNOW that God isn’t the one doing the shutting! I know because He keeps walking beside me and nudging me in whatever direction He sees fit. The Joy of the Journey is to simply pay attention and jump in with His Word of MERCY when signaled. As today’s verse indicates, it’s HOT as fire out there, and SO many need the Savior.

The word ‘Mercy’ means to NOT get what one deserves. I don’t deserve a life, a job with the Master of the Universe, a wonderful family or even a ‘like new’ oven (at 50% OFF)! But that is how my dad works! My sin was like a terminal cancer when I awoke and caught the note He left me, “Malignancy, Effectively Removed…Compassionately Yours…” Jesus! As this year ends, I thank God for His love and continued blessing. Even if it comes in the form of a new OVEN!


My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, because human anger does not produce the righteousness that God desires.” James 1:19-20

Life has been keeping me rather busy lately as a lot of things have needed to be done by deadline. Always thinking, weighing and planning, my world was suddenly thrown into a sudden shock as if a circuit breaker had been tripped and everything had stopped! Shocked at something my wife said to me, I reacted! When all that brain flow was suddenly diverted, it just dumped out…all over HER!

This Christmas season came with lots of electrical failures, as many decorations and electrical gizmos either no longer work, or QUIT working after being up for a while! Which is NOT a third world problem! After all, more money, a reset of the breaker or a toss in a trash can CAN solve most ANY problem. But THIS one…this BRAIN BURP was going to take more effort!

Being married for as long as we have, we RARELY see ugly in our relationship. So when that disgusting monster pops in, he is ALWAYS shocking and immediately out of place. But strangely, I have found that, like a switch on a circuit breaker, he tends to point out a potential problem I may not have even seen coming! Which can prevent a BIGGER problem later on.

Every emotion is given to us by God for a REASON! There is NOTHING bad about ANY of them. They are pointers that indicate something is wrong that needs to be addressed. Sometimes it is within us, and sometimes it is on the outside. When a negative emotion is triggered, it’s a signal for immediate investigation and repair.

As a Believer, I have a couple current monitors. My own heart has God-built onboard systems that signal when something is overheating. As a Believer, I also have the Holy Spirit, and God’s written Word, to regulate the finer issues of life. God is my boss and HE has expectations from me. When I don’t meet them, He reminds me. Which is not a bad thing!

In retrospect, I am grateful for that ugly monster’s visit. I spent much of yesterday rehearsing and replaying what happened, and then asking myself WHY…. NOT to try to shift blame, but to take responsibility and learn from MY part in the meltdown. After all, when Katie married me…SHE got the ‘SHORT’ end of the circuit! I’m glad to say that, after much introspection, we’re humming along now! 


“’But what about you?’ he asked. ‘Who do you say I am?’” – Jesus Matthew 16:15

I HEARD the question! But my immediate reaction was not very good, and there was no way to save it, either! For the wrapping had already been torn off and I was seen as how I truly felt…‘irritably confused!’ Thinking it might provide clarity, my wife asked me again, “so what do YOU WANT for Christmas?” But my reaction was the same.

The question is asked countless times during the Christmas Season, since people don’t want to give UNWANTED gifts! I like to ask the question of people who I don’t know, simply as a way to get to know them! Oftentimes, what we WANT can help define WHO we are! Which can be VERY scary!

Presents are exchanged on December 25th because we choose to celebrate the birth of Jesus on that date. We don’t really know WHEN He was born, but that is a moot point! He WAS born…and ‘wise men’ came to visit the ‘new born king’ bearing ‘King sized’ gifts! So we copy the transaction with each other! And usually with more extravagance than on our OWN birthdays. Which really isn’t a bad thing…until it is!

Honestly, I don’t really need or want anything. Other than the old standard of socks and underwear, I’m good! Forcing me to THINK about what I MIGHT like, to make my wife FEEL good about getting me SOMETHING, makes me irritable. The idea of actually LIKING something enough to actually spend money on it creates confusion. Because HEY!!!!! It’s JESUS BIRTHDAY! Shouldn’t we be asking HIM what HE WANTS!?? And suddenly…the room just got quiet!

What CAN you give ‘The God’ who can create universes at the speed of a spoken word? Or to ‘The Almighty’ who invents dynamic systems as small as an atom or a cell? I mean isn’t EVERYTHING at His beck and call?? And before I had time to type those words, I had the answer…which is irritably confusing. Because the answer is ‘NO!’

What ‘baby’ Jesus wanted was pretty simple. What ‘Son of God’ Jesus wants is a whole ‘nother story! Because He WANTS my whole heart’s simple devotion TO Him! How I SEE Him is based upon how I individually answer the Bible verse question today. If He is just some dude in history, it really doesn’t matter. But if I actually SEE him as He claims to be…which is ‘Lord God,’ I’d better be prepared to actually GIVE Him what He REALLY wants! Which can EASILY make me uncomfortable!

Have YOU asked Lord Jesus what He wants from YOU this Christmas?


But whoever disowns me before others, I will disown before my Father in heaven. “Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.” Jesus Matthew 10:33-34

After discovering that the media had a tendency to just make me angry, I quit! That’s right…I don’t watch the news. In fact, about the only thing I subscribe to is an email that simply gives me the highlights in 1 sentence proclamations! Yesterday, I read 3 that made me sick. With trouble on the rise this Christmas, I simply clicked off my phone!    Peace on earth?    Not!

The 3 stories that jumped out at me dealt with the rise of Antisemitism…and in AMERICA of all places! Once more, the nation of Israel, about the size of the state of New Jersey, is coming under verbal fire. Her crime is the same as always…she EXISTS! Which, if people would just use their head, should be proof enough that God exists! God Loves her – satan hates her.    ‘Nuf said!

It isn’t a new story. WAY back in the Old Testament, the people of Israel hardly even got started until murder and slavery met them at their own door. History is FILLED with the atrocities against ‘God’s Chosen People!’ Now, with the possible rise of a different president, the band is preparing to strike up that old sickening tune! In fact, it is only 1 song in a full concert! Which finds THIS Christmas overshadowed…with trouble!

Add to antisemitism…abortion, socialism, BLM riots, the LGBT+ agenda, the rewriting of history, the Covid scare, the closing of Churches and the mass exodus of Christians from following God’s Word, and you have a world, not just spinning out of control…but about to topple. Sadly, it seems we’re just getting started!

Peace is a favorite Christmas word that, I believe, really does live in the hearts of most people. The problem comes when people disagree on what basis Peace will exist. If what they hold sacred is selfish, greedy and sinful, peace will never come. Satan will continue to stir that pot! But surprisingly, his arch-enemy has already promised HE wasn’t bringing it either! His name is Jesus!

Most people don’t want to know, look at, or investigate the harsh claim of Jesus’ words in today’s Bible verses. Yes…He said them and Yes…He meant them! Holy, Perfect, Almighty Creator God has a standard that He expects to be followed…and that satan wants to overthrow! Now, silly humans arrogantly BELIEVE that THEY can build a better world. Which creates a MAJOR conflict!

This Christmas, like all Christmases since the original, REALLY only leaves you and me with 1 possible option. It’s time to choose a side!   May I suggest “The Savior?”


“‘When I called, they did not listen; so when they called, I would not listen,’ says the Lord Almighty.” Zechariah 7:13

I happen to be running a little late today. But Hey!! It’s Christmastime! Yesterday, after making Christmas Cookies with the Grandkids, I had some time in the early evening to sit in the quiet of the patio. Suddenly, 2 rabbits came running by in a circular chase that went on for a while until…they simply froze in place! It was STRANGE!!!! I guessed that they either got tired or lost interest! Then I started thinking…

When I think of Christmas I tend to think of Reindeer…not bunnies. After all, rabbits are typically an Easter symbol! But along with the distracting speed and craziness of strange events in 2020, I have seen a HUGE increase in the number of WABBIT sightings this season. Though I find it disturbing and rare, it ISN’T unpwecedented!

Going back in time to the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve ‘had it made.’ Being best friends with ‘The Creator’ tends to put one at the TOP of the food chain! That is until their focus shifted. Did you know that ‘eating the forbidden fruit’ was NOT the ‘first’ in! It was ‘LUST’ that robbed their focus when they ‘willfully’ took their eyes off of God and placed them on their own selfish desires. Satan’s method worked so well, he uses the same formula today!

A WABBIT is one who, for ‘whatever’ reason, Won’t Accept Biblically Based Inspired Truth! To a WABBIT, ‘whatever’ is ALWAYS ‘personal,’ and to them, it is ALWAYS valid. I KNOW this because, in MY own walk with Christ, I have noticed a dangerous tendency to turn floppy ears toward a direction OTHER than where Jesus was leading. Soon, I turned tail and began to HOP!

The distraction of getting tired or losing interest in ‘God’s Way’ is a good wake up call. Finding myself uncomfortably frozen in place, with only my thoughts and the Holy Spirit, was a GOOD place to be! His final warning that I am NOT a WABBIT was what changed my reversal and got me back on track…following BEHIND The Shepherd. Right where I was meant to be!

If your direction is frozen and you’re confused, please know…God is trying to speak to you. Don’t be like the Old Testament Jews who refused to stop and turn around until it was too late! I’d advise you be a sheep…not a WABBIT!


Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God.” 1 John 4:7

I LOVE the Post Office! And it’s all because the Post Office loves ME! I say that NOW because it’s Christmas Time. And at this time of year, the Post Office sends us special cards and letters, some of which even contain money! This ‘year end’ Good News kind of makes up for the stuff they sent me all through the rest of the year that DIDN’T make me happy!

Call me shallow, but nothing seems to help ‘make up’ after a little tiff… like a gift! Having received bills, reminders of responsibilities, junk mail and pleas for donations all year from the Post Office, I guess they instinctively KNOW they’d better do something NICE, if they want our relationship to continue into next year. So I don’t mind the petty stuff, eSPECIALly when the good stuff is delivered!!

I know, I know. This is crazy thinking! Of COURSE it isn’t the Post Office that sends me stuff disguised and as being from someone else! They are simply MESSENGERS! As I thought about the host of Angels who sang the whole ‘Peace on Earth Goodwill toward men’ theme, I remembered that messengers deliver messages from one source to another. And much of the time, they aren’t even emotionally involved! Not so with me!

As a Child of Most High God, though the Blood of Jesus Christ, His Son, I am REQUIRED to become emotionally involved with my ‘love’ deliveries and actually CARE about the people He sends me to. He wants me to actually LOVE them like HE does. Which can get quite scary AND…end up as a painful process.

There is a story from 1964 in regards to the characterization of pornography by Supreme Court Justice, Potter Stewart, who couldn’t really DEFINE it… but said, “I know it when I see it.” The theme, for this last week of Advent, is LOVE! And while I sometimes find me arguing with myself about the COST of ‘loving others’ in Jesus Name, I HAVE to admit that the message receiver WILL, genuinely and instinctively, ‘know it when they see it!’

I guess It might be helpful to remember my own advice that, often God doesn’t care ‘WHAT’ I do…and much as He cares about ‘HOW’ and ‘WHY’ I do it! A message from ‘The Master!’


For God so loved the world that he gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16

My Son (in law) Charles was born in the unfortunate month of December. I say unfortunate because birthdays celebrations can become meager when so close to Christmas. This year, a number of things came together, timing wise, so I decided to have a special dinner for him. While yesterday wasn’t his REAL birth date, it WAS convenient. And we had a shindig!

It’s said that a Standing Rib Roast is the most extravagant of Christmas dinners. It is ALSO convenient that Rib Roasts are on sale this time of year. So I figured…’if it’s good enough for Jesus, it SHOULD be good enough for Charles!’ Having only cooked one once before, AND personally knowing some good cooks AND a butcher, I sought tips, advice and recipes.

The house is already decorated for Christmas so we made sure every light and candle was burning. By the time they arrived, the atmosphere and aromas were divine…as was the meal! Afterward, when presented with his favorite pie, he was all smiles. I told him I felt bad, him having his birthday so close to Christmas. He said…”it really isn’t bad!” I’ve been thinking about that!

Because Christ was born…’I’ can be.. and AM as well. This famous Bible verse says that it was God’s LOVE for the world that caused Him to send His son by ‘special delivery’ to us. At this time of year, I have to confess, I don’t really think about ‘the world’ that much! I’m too busy swimming in the extravagant atmosphere of His personal love toward ME! What the REST of the world does with His divine gift…well…that’s up to them!

When Charles and family left last night, they took with them containers of left overs…AND the rest of the pie! What WE were left with was a home that is still decorated in celebration of REAL LIFE! And it still smells good too! AND we have memories, plans and an ETERNITY, being part of HIS family, to PERSONALLY experience the divine Love of God! All because of the extravagant gift of His son Jesus Christ!! Which, like Charles said, ”really isn’t bad!” Now I get it!   Do you?


Because Joseph her husband was faithful to the law, and yet did not want to expose her to public disgrace, he had in mind to divorce her quietly.” Matthew 1:19

Having weighed all the options, and while executing the plan I had decided upon, I found myself in the middle a most disagreeable situation. A major traffic jam! My intentions had been good, honorable and even Heavenly minded! But now that I was stuck, and with anger building to a crescendo, I suddenly ‘found myself…’out of my mind!

Take normal City traffic…then add Christmas shoppers, lunchtime, traffic lights and major road construction…and you have the perfect storm for bringing out the worst in people. As usual, I had taken the bait and was in pre-meltdown mode when God, in His still small voice, whispered my name. I almost missed it! Suddenly, I was out of my mind! And just in time!

Joseph’s story, unlike mine, is full of detail without saying much. If TRAFFIC can do this to me, MY reaction to find my fiance pregnant, and not mine, would be outrage! But Joe seemed more calm and logical. He actually CARED about making a scene…and HER feelings! With Joe’s mindful decision made, God whispered his name! THEN Joseph did the unthinkable!

Take normal, throw in unbreakable rules…then break them! Add family pressure, God’s interruption, time and distance, along with the HOST of Angel Warriors, the powers of Hell, squeeze some strangers into the delivery room, and I am grateful to NOT be Joe! But after He got through him, God STILL had Joe’s attention. Now, while sitting in traffic, He had mine too. When He suggested we pass the time and talk, I thought it a marvelous idea!!

With centuries passed since Joseph’s example, can we just call 2020 ridiculous? With riots, covid, shutdowns and a crazy election, most of us can’t wait for it to be over! BUT…based upon what has resulted, could 2021 be worse? I think it could be the perfect storm that brings out the WORST in people. Which leads me to remember Joseph’s world and how God got him out of his own mind, and into His plan!

After switching my attention and getting peace in the middle of yesterday’s storm, I think I might spend the rest of this Christmas season praying more and thinking less!        How about you??  


I see him, but not now; I behold him, but not near. A star will come out of Jacob; a scepter will rise out of Israel.” Numbers 24:17

I guess you COULD possibly call me a prophet! IF, that is, your definition includes one who foretells the future…and it actually HAPPENS! Last week at Church I made the statement, “there will be news and rumors saying that ‘The Star’ which appeared to the Magi will be seen this year!” Before I even got home, someone texted me a news article about the merging of Saturn and Jupiter!!! Apparently my prophetic ability was running a little behind!

Now please don’t get me wrong. I LOVE Christmas and the celebration of the birth of God’s greatest gift to mankind. It is worth celebrating to remember what it actually COST God to come and rescue me! But sometimes, we humans can get so caught up in traditions that we forget the real point of the real thing.

Imagine trying to celebrate Thanksgiving around a bologna sandwich instead of a turkey! It sounds weird, but if it’s all you had, it COULD actually work! That is, IF Thanksgiving is about actually THANKING GOD for His provision, protection and care! But go ahead and try the bologna idea with your extended family and see how well it goes for you! I’m sure you’d experience in reality what I am trying to say here.

There is SO much wrong with our image of Christmas I could not even begin to fit it all here. But THAT does NOT take away from God’s Real Gift! We KNOW BIBLICALLY that there is NO mention of 3 dudes, riding camels, coming to the manger scene in Bethlehem on December 25th! THAT is the bologna sandwich which decorates every nativity scene ever made. BUT strangely… it still WORKS!

Here’s a fun idea. Go out on the next starry night and pick a star. ANY star! Now try to determine WHICH HOUSE, town or state that star is pointing to!! Is it yours? Your neighbors? Or how about Bill’s house in Georgia!!! You MAY get my point if you realize there is MORE to the REAL story than what we actually KNOW. But it doesn’t take away from the REAL actual event that ushered in the one who saved me from the lake of fire!

Every time I read the story of the Birth of The Savior I learn something new. As I focus on the marvelous depth of the Grace of God toward me, I am immediately humbled. I think, “If I only had a gift to give him, I’d bow down on feeble knees, and in tears of gratefulness, and present my paltry gift to My Savior with as much honor as I could muster.” Then, like some shining star, reality hits me and I realize, I really DO HAVE the chance to give Him, for Christmas, EXACTLY what He’s wanted all along…and that is my heart!

Thank you for letting me point that out!