
But God showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners.” Romans 5:8 NLT

Going through a local store I saw a huge display of quart sized, hand sanitizers for sale. Wanting a good size for backup at church, I snagged the Item priced at $8.95. When I got to the checkout, I noticed the price that was charged to my credit card… $.50!!! Katie was already halfway out the door with the ‘bagged booty’ when I called her back. SOMEBODY was getting ‘ripped off!’

The process of shock, considering the discrepancy, doing the math and then making the decision as to what to do took about 10seconds! Being human, with demonic elves taking EVERY opportunity to ruin me, several thoughts lit up my mind…from ’WOW!!! you just got a STEAL of a DEAL…RUN while you can!’ To ‘Why not go back and get 10 more?!’ To ‘Notify the store of the error!’

There had to be at least 100 bottles of the stuff on the shelf. Considering cost, sales and net profit, this store was about to get ‘ripped off’ for at LEAST $500! And they didn’t even know it! When I told the cashier, she didn’t know what to do about it, since her supervisor was away. She told me to just simply take it and that she would clear up the issue later!! I felt the demon elves slide off of MY back and sensed them leap onto hers!

Christmas brings out the best AND the worst in people. Remember Scrooge and the Grinch? The Spirit of the ‘Holy-days’ presses me toward the Peace and Joy of giving. While the ticktock of the clock hurries me and destroys my patience with those in my way! EACH reaction is a CHOICE that needs to be considered. And somebody is going to get ‘Ripped Off!’

Biblically speaking, Christmas is NOT a transaction where I give something to God and He gives me something in return. Reading today’s verse, it hit me the same why I felt in the store. It PROVES that the whole story of Christmas is simply ‘RIDICULOUS!’ It clearly says that God KNEW He was about to be ‘Ripped Off…’ but went ahead and took the hit anyway! Which makes ME…one who takes advantage of His offer…a ‘Victimizer!”

How much am I worth to me? It’s a fair question. I’ve spent tens of thousands of dollars on insurance over the years…just in case the unforeseen happens! I mean, ‘better thousands now than the potential of millions later,’ right? But THAT was nothing more than gambling! What value could I possibly have in the eyes of The Perfect God, and how could I EVER even pay the debt for my imperfection? Go ahead…take some time to calculate!!!

If you are a SMART ‘Victimizer,’ you can see a deal when you spot one. And when you finally understand the fact that God ‘EXPECTS’ to become the victim with your decision, it makes the revelation of Grace even MORE amazing! So…do you want some advice? RUN to God and take advantage of His RIDICULOUS offer! He’s actually expecting you to!         Merry Christmas!


If you do not stand firm in your faith, you will not stand at all.” Isaiah 7:9b

Having to be at an appointment a 4:00pm 4.3 miles away, I first needed to get something from the store 3.7 miles away. The time was 3:29pm. Calculating…calculating… I ran to my truck and, based upon my calculations, hastened to complete the circle. Did I make it, and if so, how did I do it?

Every one of us does this every single day. Some folks, like me, tend to press the envelope more than others. But the fact remains. We ALL face situations where time, distance, obstacles and potential hazards lie in wait! We ALL make calculations and then execute a plan to accomplish something. And it is ALWAYS BY FAITH!

Over 700 years before ChriEveryonest was born, an evil King was challenged by GOD to ask for a sign that GOD would protect and save His own people. King Ahaz played a fake humble attitude and refused. So God gave Ahaz His OWN sign. 2700 years later we are STILL celebrating the miracle of Emmanuel! Well…some of us anyway!

Living on Earth is DANGEROUS! If God were to take away oxygen we wouldn’t consciously last more than 3 minutes! Car accidents may pale in comparison to death by virus or bacteria. Yet we get in our cars and drive head on toward people doing the same thing from the opposite direction…separated by a yellow line… and less than 10 feet apart! Then we tell God what we cannot, or WILL NOT do!The world is going crazy! With the competition to be ‘The Expert’ in the announcement of fear so riddled with contestants, you’d think the prize was world domination! Yet as crazy as that sounds, the saddest people are the ones who choose to believe them! The common denominator of both…is selfishness.

God and I have a deal. I let Him be God and He lets me see what only His Children can see. The tool is Faith! And as I see it, Faith is either growing…or fading. Having seen SO much from God in the past, I EXPECT to see even more in the present and future. Being a Faith guy, I can verify that the Bible verse today is ABSOLUTELY TRUE! And exercising Faith isn’t really miraculous at all! It’s just a calculation!

How YOU doin? 


When Joseph woke up, he did what the angel of the Lord had commanded him and took Mary home as his wife.” Matthew 1:24

Last night was the annual Church Christmas decoration and pizza party. Wanting to give the 8 kids there something to do, I dug out the mixed up box of over 500 letters we used to use on our old sign. Wanting to display a Christmas message, the letters first needed to be organized alphabetically. As it turned out, the job was much bigger than anticipated.

It’s been a long time since I’d worked with younger kids under 11. Dropping the box in the middle of the room of 8 children, I simply asked how many knew their A,B,C’s? ALL responded in the affirmative. “Can you all organize these letters, in order, on the floor?” Again…”Yes,” was the reply. I walked out of the room!

I came back later to discover all the letters in a big pile and the kids acting like…kids! I had forgotten that what I needed to do FIRST was spark them with desire and initiative and NOT just give them a task! “Have you kids ever been asked to do something for God? Because that is why YOU are HERE!” I had their attention!

I read Matthew 1:18-25 this morning and realized that those 8 verses encompassed every living being from Heaven to Earth…and for ALL TIME! The Triune God initiated a plan, gave it to an angel who gave it to people with an expectation that ‘The Plan’ would reach and affect the whole world! Interestingly enough, I noted that the angel didn’t ASK Mary or Joe ANYTHING. He TOLD HIM! It was up to THEM to get with the program!

Being God has its advantages. After all, God KNEW that these 2 young kids would DO what was expected. I noted that neither candy nor coercion were a part of God’s approach. Since you and I don’t share His omniscience, being part of God’s Team requires us to be creative in our approach. Which can only go so far! Individuals must personally decide to DO what God actually ‘expects’ of them! Or not.

With lessons on serving, organization, leadership and doing the job (not just doing your best) AND with some help from me, I am proud to say that they got it done! I am making sure to thank them again, on behalf of Jesus, for serving Him. That included the big kids (parents and adults) too!

What is God expecting YOU to do as part of His Christmas Plan? Are you doing it? 


“For the life of a creature is in the blood, and I have given it to you to make atonement for yourselves on the altar; it is the blood that makes atonement for one’s life.” Leviticus 17:11

Having put off some yard work, it was time to ‘git-r-dun,’ So I threw the weedeater in into the truck. As I did, the thought hit me, “do you have enough gas in that thing to do the job?” Being Christmas season, and carrying a wishful attitude, I answered my own question with…”SHUUUUURRRRR!” Besides…I was in a hurry and remembered filling it up…sometime before. And you know what’s coming!

Had I lived in a northern region of the USA, I’d not even be DOING yard work in December. But Florida, ‘the land of flowers,’ has different rules. Here, grass growth slows down, but weeds never do! After I cut lawn. all that was left to do was the trimming! I fired up the weedeater and trimmed about 17 feet before I heard…brrrrrrrr-rrrr-rr! Outta gas! My thoughts? “Eh…I’m tired anyway. And besides, there’s always tomorrow!” It is a common and deadly combination of thoughts!

The Old Testament, in a VERY small nutshell, has God telling Israel that sin is unacceptable to Him and it MUST be atoned for! It’s the REASON for the commandments. Leviticus can put me to sleep, reading all the definitions, instructions and penalties for sin’s DEADLY effect. The one today made the point clear that MAN was responsible to both BRING the offering God had demanded, and then sacrifice it at the alter. A process that NEVER ended, or even WORKED!

It is important to me that I REMEMBER Christmas because THIS is the BIG EVENT that took the whole Law thing and put ‘the Fix’ on the ONLY one who could possibly make the process effective! And God had just the right Lamb!

Babies and death are NEVER put together. In fact, most people would find even the suggestion horrific! But MAN doesn’t really comprehend the horror of what sin DOES…that would make the bringing of those 2 concepts together. So I, like all mankind, have this tendency to minimize my wrongs and half heartedly expect it to be enough to satisfy my perfect enough for my Heavenly Father! Brrrrrrrr-rrrr-rr!

There is an old song that says, “He reached down to my level, when I I couldn’t get up to His.” It describes Christmas PERFECTLY. God sent his SON to DO what I couldn’t…or WOULDN’T! Jesus came to Die for ME and MY failures. Not His own. This season reminds me that I have got to STOP assuming that sin has no lasting consequence. AND STOP assuming that Jesus took care of it all anyway! Half Hearted Worship…ESPECIALLY at Christmas, is NOT acceptable to Him!


Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life.” Proverbs 13:12

Having put off shopping long enough, I planned a trip to multiple stores in an orderly fashion to save time and money. Running low, I had planned and expected to get some toilet paper. So I ‘head’ed in that direction as a first stop. But when I got there, the shelves were empty! Having noted the same situation a week ago, the store manager told me, “it’s been a problem!”

I had planned to go to 6 stores. The next stop found my attitude slightly adjusted as ‘expectation’ turned into ‘HOPING’ they had the stuff there. It seemed that at each store I went to, the crowds got bigger…while the TP rolls got smaller and more expensive! I asked a few folks if there was something going on I didn’t know about. Receiving several explanations, I headed home. I said I was LOW on TP….not OUT! What I was OUT of…was patience!

I am sick of 2020 and can’t wait to get on to next year. I EXPECT and WANT next year to be better. But as I look around and see what has been going on, HOPE seems to be flushing away. As society gets more demanding, fear and selfishness are becoming more common. Seeing a grown man wearing a mask and pushing a cart full of toilet paper is disgusting to me! It nauseates me to my core!

The theme this week of Advent is ‘HOPE.” Hope and Faith have a LOT in common. BOTH look into a future that wants things to be different and BETTER! To me, the difference is that Faith is HOPE with Holy legs under it! It is an active verb. Not a wishful noun. It looks forward to better because that is where God lives. And it is from there that He calls to me…us!!

I am a Faith Guy. While that may have a lot to do with my upbringing, it actually has more to do with my experience. I have tried SO many ways to figure out life and to try to get ahead. I hoped to become a winner and not a loser. All the attempts, fear, worry and doubt only led me to go BACK quicker and pay more attention to applying that FAITH! SO I did!

Malachi 3:10 shows God with His chest puffed out, arms crossed and a stern expression on His face. “TEST ME!” He says. Now I may not be the smartest dude in the class, but I ain’t the stupidest either! I have been through lots of trial and trouble in my life and applied the whole ‘Test Me’ thing to see for myself, and I can say THIS for certain…when it comes to Faith…there may be times I may ‘seem’ to be running low…but I am NEVER OUT! 

 What do YOU hope for?


For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord.” Luke 2:11

Thanksgiving Week came with mixed emotions and a series of obligations. Katie was off from work all week and I looked forward to spending time with her, AND to visits with family. It was a special time to enjoy limited responsibilities. But also a time to survey my life with the attitude of Thankfulness. Medical emergencies were NOT part of the plan!

With 10 grandchildren and 1 on the way, I have learned that life can change at any given moment! TWICE this week, we received word that a grandson was taken to the hospital! Two different boys, two different circumstances! The only thing in common was the interruption to our level of Peace! Knowing NOW what we DIDN’T know THEN (they are both fine) ’Peace’ has been restored!

Digging a treble fish hook out of a foot…I can do. The only difference between me and a Doctor is the level of pain to the patient! Because Isaac’s parents love him so much, they didn’t even bother to call me! A texted picture was enough to detail every detail. I COULD have saved them some money with my own penknife…but the cost to my grandson would have been much higher than financial. I’m glad I wasn’t consulted!

The ‘Family Grapevine’ rang again last night and we received notice that Sloan, another grandson, was taken to the hospital with swelling in his joints and feet, a fever and extreme pain! THIS was a DIFFERENT kind of concern because the problem was internal and unknown. It was going to take an expert to diagnose the problem and come up with a solution. As before, we prayed…and waited!

Like all humans, there are things I know…and things I don’t! One of life’s biggest problems come from things I THINK I know…but don’t know for sure! For catastrophic sin and death problems, personal relationships and finding Peace in an evil world, I find it best to consult ‘The Expert!’

The key word in today’s Bible verse hit me hard. “YOU!” Had God said “THEM” it wouldn’t have been such a problem. It’s easy to see and diagnose a problem, even if by trial and error, when it’s someone else! But The Great Physician and Savior has made known to me that the problem…is PERSONAL!

I’m glad He didn’t consult me. He didn’t temporarily plunge me into Hell just to prove the problem was serious. No! He came in the darkness, shined His light…and left the “Come and see” COMPLETELY up to ME….and the lost ones in the dark!

This Advent I want to get closer to His light. Left to myself I already know I will only increase my own pain and suffering. And since going to the expert has proven, time and time again, the wisest move I can make, I HIGHLY recommend it!

I have attached a couple Advent Devotionals and am providing a link here, to a third. I pray it helps you in these times to find Peace. Will you join the Journey? I hope to see you at the manger! 



(Christ) died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again.” 2 Corinthians 5:15

Traffic flow has been impeded in several small towns linked together by U.S. 41. This road has been under construction for a long time, with slow results. Heading any distance, north or south, will be met with frustration and delays, as merging traffic into 1 lane increases travel time and irritation upon drivers. ESPECIALLY during ‘The Merge!’

I am not a fan of bullies! Growing up a preacher’s kid, it was common for me to be pushed around. As I got older, I chose to stick up for the underdog, having been rescued several times by people looking out for ME! Yesterday, with this merging situation on the rise, I decided to right the wrong of merging bullies, who speed ahead to cut in front of everyone else at the merge point. This morning, after some research, I found out ‘I’ was the one who was WRONG!”

Apparently the “Zipper Merge’ is the PROPER method of merging in those situations. It was designed to SPEED traffic flow, as traffic comes together at the point of the merge. The article I read stated, “Because of folks who merge early and get frustrated, road rage becomes a major factor here. Unfortunately it’s misdirected and, in most cases, the individuals getting frustrated are the ones truly at fault.” simply put…I was WRONG!

I am a Jesus Guy. Because I have been one for a long time I carry with me certain standards that I hold as TRUE! As I read the Word and see what is happening in our great country, I am beginning to wonder if some of the ‘TRUTHS’ I hold…really are! And Jesus isn’t helping me by stirring up the mess I call my mind! As He sharpens and teaches me, He cannot move a NEW thought in unless an OLD one is first questioned, tossed, and then replaced!

I have found that being a FOLLOWER of Jesus and a LOT harder than simply being a BELIEVER! In His ever moving, constantly teaching, gentle style, He is ALWAYS hounding me about 1 thing or another. There are times when even His silence is deafening! But He has 1 goal for me, and I’d REALLY like to obey. But it is SO HARD sometimes… because He simply says, “FOLLOW ME!”

UGHHHHHHHH!!!! I’m coming to realize why I so often sit alongside the road of life with my hood up and smoke pouring out! Not merging with HIS plan in HIS way tends to leave me stuck! But I hear admitting and agreeing with Him is the first step to getting where He wants me to go! Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm! I need to THINK about that one!




Come, all you who are thirsty, come to the waters; and you who have no money, come, buy and eat! Come, buy wine and milk without money and without cost.” Isaiah 55:1

Occasionally Katie and I will ‘go to karaoke.’ Which is a strange statement, since karaoke is not a PLACE to GO but a thing to DO. But we both understand what the term means. Having not been for a while, we combined dinner, karaoke and a visit with our friends, Gil and Rhonda, who RUN Karaoke. Another confusing statement we understand.

Katie doesn’t like to ‘sing karaoke!’ Which is kind of strange because she’s better than a lot of folks at it. Having suggested a song to her a while back, I was surprised when she started practicing. She practiced, putting in time and effort, in hopes of doing a good job. Which is ALSO confusing because, the only person that needed to be SATISFIED with her performance, was HER!

It was great fun! I sat and clapped at her performance as she sang Dua Lipa’s, “Don’t Start Now!” A song she hardly knew. I was SOOOO proud of her for doing what didn’t come natural…overcoming fear in the process! As Katie walked of the stage, an insensitive lady suggested she ‘practice more!’

It’s Thanksgiving week! I have been relaxing a little more. Since Katie doesn’t work this week, we have taken to sleeping in a little longer. Which is a treat we rarely get to enjoy. But ‘sleeping in’ can also make me feel GUILTY! Like Katie’s Karaoke episode, I carry an ‘expectation of performance’ which is higher than what others demand. And it comes with a price!

This Isaiah verse has a term that is confusing as well. “You who have no money, come, BUY and eat.” How does someone BUY something without money? Especially when that ‘something’ is typically more extravagant and expensive! As with karaoke, this verse is clear that it isn’t about the participant’s performance or ability. It’s about the transaction!

I am hungry and thirsty for something that ordinary food cannot satisfy. What I ‘desire’ is not even available to me here on earth…at ANY price! But ‘The Master’ gives me heart clues that it IS available. AND that ‘something’ must take place before my ‘extravagant desire’ can be acquired.

The word ‘BUY’ in Hebrew is ‘shabar.’ It kinda means to ‘make a transaction.’ Something that has to happen before something else does. What God is saying here, and Jesus emphasizes later on, is that HIS extravagant resources ARE acquirable! But not in the ordinary way. Though it doesn’t cost money…it DOES require, from me, EVERYTHING I am!

Happy Thanksgiving Week. A time when it isn’t about my ‘performance’ or ‘resources,’ but an attitude of gratefully receiving from an EXTRAVAGANT GIVER!. A complete exchange of what I am, for what, and who, HE is! And I don’t even have to practice!


Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong. Do everything in love.” 1 Corinthians 16:13-14

My finger hurts. I mean is REALLY hurts. My head feels better now. But my finger? Not so much! Yesterday I was doing yard work, wondering if it will EVER be done when, in a quick move on my part, I smashed my finger! Having just hit my head on a tree branch, it was the incident that sent me over the edge! I threw my hat and started speaking in tongues!

Even in pain, it didn’t take long to come to my senses. I suddenly realized that, even though alone, there were people in the neighborhood who could possibly see and hear me! Most everyone knows who I am and what I do! Which inconveniently, tends to put me on display. Especially when I’m not paying attention or thinking correctly! I knew I was looking and sounding ridiculous!

In sharing my faith in Christ, the word ‘Free’ comes up often. “Heaven is a ‘’free gift” I say. Then quote the Bible verse in Romans 6:23, “For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” The incident with my head and finger suddenly brought this verse to my attention. I was startled by the Spirit to consider that the word ‘FREE’ is never mentioned! I was paying a cost even as the thought hit me…literally!

Christianity is kind of a ‘learn as you grow’ kind of thing! It doesn’t come all at once! Like learning to walk, I take a step or 2 and then fall. With the brain God gave me, it goes without saying that stringing a bunch of falls together gives way to a magnificent education! I should have at least 40 PhD’s by now!

But God loves people! When I came to the realization of His love for me, It produced a new life inside. A life that doesn’t live by worldly rules, but by bigger things than I can actually see! One of things that comes along with that new life happens to be a rule of association. When folks know I am associated with Jesus Christ, they have a tendency to judge my Savior by MY actions. Which doesn’t seem fair!

‘Fair’ is another word that you’d think was Biblical. After all, humans use it all the time! The Holy Spirit laughs at THAT thought a lot. I was reminded that ‘Life is Fair’ is found NO WHERE in Scripture! I must have been a spectral to Him TOO, thrashing around yelling like I was! Then the reality hit!

I am the Child of The King! All day…24/7…ALL the time! He EXPECTS me to ACT like it! ALWAYS! Nuff said!