“So the master said to the servant, ‘Go out to the country roads and lanes and make people come in, so that my house will be full.” Luke 14:23 GNT
The story continues with the same problem…only a different day! Having worked all last week on getting the pool pump to work by buying new parts and even getting help, the puddle of water under the pump was proof that absolutely not much had been accomplished! After all the trips, talks and tinkering, AND after spending $$$, I still have work to do! But I THINK I may be getting closer to completing the mission!
Upon each of the last 3 trips to the store I had occasion to share Jesus with someone who has no idea what they are missing. Let’s just say their life is leaky! Trying to hold it all together with hopes and wishes hasn’t been working. It is evident in the tone in which they speak. MY broken thing has placed me right in the middle of THEIR broken life! Which makes me wonder!
Reading from Luke 14 this past weekend brought me some insight. People who think that Jesus is some peaceful, sweet guy like Santa or Gandhi…haven’t read this chapter! God has a problem! People are broken! God set out on a mission to fix that by sending His Son, and now YOU and I are told to ‘GIT-R-DUN!’ To say this is anything less than a stark command would be to water down that Truth!
Luke 14 says that when the King threw the Banquet for His Son, He expected EVERYONE to join in the festivities and to enjoy the celebration. When lame excuses arrived for regrets, the King got ANGRY! “INVITE EVERYBODY…ANYBODY…MAKE IT HAPPEN!” The word He uses means to compel, push, press upon, constrain and urge them to ‘get in here!!’ Far too often I stand there paralyzed…wet with guilt from uncommitted, drippy intentions!
I COULD say “I tried.” Or “I gave it my best shot,” and “too bad so sad, God!” But I KNOW I won’t get away with that excuse, since the drip of my excuse is full of holes! JESUS IS SERIOUS!!! Which brings me back to wondering! Is it possible that my leaky pump is just another excuse to make a FOURTH trip to the store to ‘press,’ ‘compel’ and ‘urge’ just 1 more time? I could sit here and think about that…BUT…I think the Master’s tone is evidence enough! I’m gone!
Where is God sending YOU today?