“This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples.” John 15:8
The pain in my eye started in the late afternoon on Friday. Saturday morning, I looked at myself in the mirror, a red eye staring back at me, and I had to finally admit I had a problem! Why do medical things seem to always happen on the weekend?? I called my Doctor, who is also my friend, and tried to describe my condition. “Send me a picture!” He said.
A stye is not something one hides. It was REDily apparent what was wrong when anyone saw me. And just by seeing, I started receiving free medical advice on how to get rid of the stye in my eye. I had already tried several remedies that hadn’t worked before I finally got smart and called my Doctor. He was kind and gracious to me, calling in a prescription for me on his day off. When I picked it up, I couldn’t believe what I saw!
The tube of stuff I picked up, when compared with chocolate syrup, wouldn’t even be enough to flavor my milk! Thinking he was joking, I could only chuckle at the pharmacist’s pronouncement of the cost! I knew he was serious when he didn’t laugh! He DID try to make me feel better by telling me the RETAIL cost of the stuff! NOT feeling like a prominent FBI Hostage negotiator, I shut my mouth and paid. After all, ‘I’ was the one with the stye!
A stye, I have learned, is a Staph infection. Katie did a study and told me that I’d probably picked my nose and then rubbed my eye! A thoroughly disgusting act that I could EASILY see myself doing. The ointment needs to be applied 5 times a day, is uncomfortable and makes my vision cloudy. But as the French say…”c’est la vie!” Such is life!
Sin is that disgusting stuff that gets in the way of my relationship with God and prevents me from seeing Him as He really is. Dr. Jesus has the remedy, which is FAR too expensive for me to pay. But out of His love for His Father AND for me, He paid it and gave it to me for FREE! But the way I see it, there’s more to the story.
God is a Gentleman. Which means He doesn’t FORCE me to ‘take my medicine’ like an angry parent might do. He KNOWS it’s for my own good, but then… so do ‘I!’ He sought, fought, bought and caught me to offer me the ONLY remedy for my stink eye! But He leaves the application up to ME!
It is shocking to me how many folks have home remedies for sin and death. I don’t have to have an opinion as to their effectiveness, because Jesus already stated, “My way is the ONLY way!” I don’t understand why so many folks refuse to take the time to actually seek, try and apply God’s medicine to their vision problem! Except that time and money are ALWAYS a part of the problem AND solution. But that’s another subject!
How do YOU see it?