
So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in Him, rooted and built up in Him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.” Colossians 2:6-7

I don’t think about stuff under the hood! My truck is AWESOME because it pretty much cooperates with my unconcern by rarely breaking down. When it does break down, I know something is wrong! I know people for that! All was well, as my truck and I had been maintaining our mutual non-commitment toward one another. But last week I went out to start it and ‘click click click,’ was all I got!! She had let me down!

To be fair, it wasn’t the truck that failed. It was the battery. I bought a 24 month battery and it only lasted 36! So I slapped a battery charger on it and drove the Gold Wing! Later in the day, I tried the truck and she fired right up! Was it jealousy??? I drove her for a couple days when, being about 2 miles from home, she did it again! This time, I had to call my wife! And THIS TIME.. I wasn’t foolin’ around!

I don’t know batteries. And truly… I don’t WANT to know. I just want them to WORK for me. FOREVER! With NO DEMANDS from ME! This battery let me down, even though it had lived, half again, as long as warranted! I am a HARD and DEMANDING taskmaster! When I took the time and tried to charge it, it only held for so long. Bye Bye battery! Hello NEW!

I paid more for this battery than the last one. So my expectations are HIGH! I’d better get at least FOUR years outta THIS one, since the LAST brand let me down! Yes I’m fickle and demanding like that! But am I any different than anyone else? Don’t we ALL want MORE than expected? Even from GOD?!

There is a BIG sign on the back wall of my church that says, “Jesus Works!” I know because I PUT it there 22 years ago! I placed it there because, at that time, I had been a believer and disciple of Jesus Christ for 31 years. As I like to say, “Jesus had NEVER let me down…even at times when I initially thought He had!” 22 years later, I can STILL say that He is a God of his Word! He’s STILL the ONLY one I recommend!

I HAVE to admit that there have been times in life when I have allowed my ‘truck emotions’ to slop over into my relationship with God! Like when I expect Him to BE THERE, and ALWAYS WORK for ME without any effort on MY part! Even now I can hear Him chuckle cuz…He doesn’t DO that! Ours is a ‘give and take’ relationship. He gives AFTER I’ve taken the time and effort to nurture our relationship, FOLLOW HIM and DO His directions!

I have found a very truthful saying that actually works ALL the time. “USE THINGS…LOVE PEOPLE!” I am VERY good at the first one. But I am STILL working on the second because, my WARRANTOR expects it from me because…He’s a pretty hard and demanding taskmaster! But SOOOOO gushy and loving inside!

How do YOU see and treat God?


let us draw near to God with a sincere heart and with the full assurance that faith brings…” Hebrews 10:22

The occasion was yesterday…Easter! It is, what I consider, the biggest Holy Day of the year! Our Church, like so many around the world, is a collection of different believers and followers in Jesus Christ, grouped into 1 place for the purpose of worshiping Him and serving one another. It had been a BUSY week of preparation. Set up, tear down, assemble, cook, clean and then setup again! And it was all because of Lettuce! Kind of!

Easter observes the occasion of the death of Jesus Christ to pay for mankind’s sins, and His rising from that death in conquering victory. The Holy Day gives His followers reason to gather together to celebrate and rejoice! Until Resurrection Sunday, there was one nasty fact that overlayed all of mankind’s condition. We were sinners, separated from our Creator, and destined to perish forever in a Godless place not even prepared for men in the first place! Easter changed that!

All week long we had been meeting and preparing for something coming. Thursday Communion was a time to remember the sorrow and pain of what sin had cost us…AND God’s Son, Jesus! The pain He suffered because of my ‘sin status’ is unimaginable. Saturday we gathered together to prepare breakfast for Sunday Morning. But even at breakfast on Sunday, there was a sense of anticipation. Soon…the church was packed with Lettuce people!

Let Us! 2 words that corporately unite a group of people under 1 purpose. Those 2 words are used several times in the Bible to unify and move us in a single direction. And what a Joy it was as dozens of people, many we don’t even know, came together to glance at the person of Jesus Christ…the one who called Himself, The Way, The Truth, The Life, The Door and the Great Shepherd! From what I could tell…NONE of us were disappointed!

I have been rescued from a fate WORSE than simply dying and moving into nothingness. And not just me! Anyone who finds Jesus’ hand and grabs on, carries with them a SINCERE heart, FULL of assurance that WE ARE part of HIS STORY! FOREVER! So what do we do about that? The I’s become US and together, we draw near to God in Joy and anticipation of what will come!

Lettuce is an interesting vegetable, as leaf upon leaf overlays one another in orderly fashion…forming one complete unit, all stemming and held together by 1 main core. Which leads me to wonder why no one ever used lettuce as a symbol for ‘The Church!’ Let us gather again on Wednesday night and talk about that!!!


All the people answered, “His blood is on us and on our children!” Matthew 27:25

Yesterday was Maundy Thursday, a special Holy Day celebrating the last supper Jesus had with His disciples before being arrested. It ALSO happened to be April 1st…my youngest daughter’s Birthday! Yes, she was born on April Fools Day! We had her and her family over for our own dinner last night, which turned out to be quite a hoot!

I’ve never been a big prankster on April Fools Day. We had stuff planted outside our house, and as of this morning, we are STILL finding evidence of her and her husbands mischievous hands! While I like to joke a lot, to me, giving 1 single day ‘all ya got’ seems a bit too extreme! My daughter practically LIVES for it! It’s almost like The Day was made just for her! Today, being Good Friday, I can see a resemblance to all things eternal!

Good, or Holy, Friday, traditionally is the remembrance of the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ. I usually take time to read the ends of the 4 Gospels to remember what actually happened. After being arrested in the dark of last night, today starts our remembering the horror of His torture and death. Mel Gibson’s ‘The Passion’ movie attempts to give us visual details, as if written words aren’t descriptive enough! This was not just the killing of Jesus, it was a slaughterhouse. And it marks ‘The Day’ made just for HIM! BY Him!

Jesus is not a man like Gandhi or Mohammad. To not know that is to not understand what He said about Himself, or the Bible, which presents the evidence from writings over THOUSANDS of years! Jesus said that ‘He’ was the ONLY way to get to His Father…GOD! As C.S. Lewis inferred, He never gave us the option of considering Himself just a good teacher. He, is the creator of the Universe (John 1:3) and God the Son. And He came FOR THIS DAY…on a rescue mission!

Lots of people have blown it off or made light of it. According to Jesus’ own words, He died for them too! As I reflect on my life and all the mistakes I have made, both intentional and unintentional, I see clearly that perfect Heaven would be ultimately defiled if I stepped even 1 foot into it. Which is the reason HE, perfect God, stepped into MY imperfection.

Sin is horrific to God. Being steeped in it doesn’t bother me as much. Which is NOT allowable by God as an excuse! The horror of my sin, transferred onto His loving perfect Son, demands that I look SERIOUSLY at His crucifixion and my own guilt! My punishment for my sin is deserved. Why would God even WANT me, let alone willingly DIE in my place? TODAY marks the day, made intentionally for ME, to think about that! It’s no Joke! His blood is on MY hands!!!

How do YOU see Jesus Christ?


I have gathered much information and compiled it to try to answer this question.  At the end is the instruction and timing for tonight’s Maundy Thursday service at Church .. I hope to see you there!

What is Maundy Thursday??

Maundy Thursday – Stealing the Concept

Thursday (today)  of Holy Week is called “Maundy Thursday.” The name “Maundy” comes from the Latin “mandatum,” or “command,” and is the first word of the phrase “Mandatum novum do vobis ut diligatis invicem sicut dilexi vos” – in English, “A new commandment I give you, that you love one another.” Jesus, speaking to his disciples, continues, “Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another” (John 13:34).

Jesus said these words during his final meal with his disciples. For this reason, worship on Maundy Thursday is almost always a communion service and is, indeed, often used as an occasional on which to reflect on the nature and importance of the Lord’s Supper.

In the other three Gospel accounts, at Jesus’ final meal with his disciples – which is actually the Passover meal – He offers them instructions about how to commemorate this occasion by instituting a NEW meal, an even BETTER Passover meal. But in John’s Gospel, Jesus instead washes the feet of His disciples in an unusual display of service and servitude (which is why Peter objects). He THEN “commands them” (Maundy) to…”DO THE SAME!!!! Discipleship, in other words, is about service, about caring for others. Then having set this example for them, he adds the new commandment to the Ten with which they were most familiar: to LOVE ONE ANOTHER!!

This command raises an interesting question. Can you command someone to love another person? Isn’t love beyond commands, discipline, the human will, or even logic? Not according to Jesus. For when he commands his disciples to love one another, he does not use the Greek word eros that captures passionate love (from whence our word “erotic” stems) or the Greek phileo of familial endearment and loyalty (the root of Philadelphia, the city of “brotherly love”). Rather, when Jesus commands his disciples to love another, he chooses the Greek work ‘agape,’ the self-sacrificing love of a parent, the promise of an ongoing and permanent acceptance. This kind of love – because it is more about behavior than emotion – Jesus CAN command.

Here, in the Gospel writings, is where our worship practice of Maundy Thursday settles. We come together to remember Jesus’ sacrificial love for us – and, indeed, God’s enormous sacrifice to witness the death of His ONE FAVORITE child – to save all the other children of God! It is perhaps best captured, in the pouring out of His life, that we be encouraged and inspired to love Him, AND one another.

Maundy Thursday was filled with other significant events. Not only did Jesus share the Passover meal and communion, but is also the day he retreated to the Garden of Gethsemane. While Judas left to go to the Jewish leaders to betray Him, Jesus knelt in agony, prayer, and surrender. Maundy Thursday marks the time when “the hour had come.” Before this time, the Bible often records Jesus saying His hour had not yet come (John 2:4), but on Maundy Thursday, he knew that the beginning of the fulfillment of His greatest mission on Earth had come.

It is on this evening of the Last Supper that all of HIS-STORY hinges! And for the Son of God, this time is utterly terrifying. Jesus must decide: Will he protect his own skin, and soul, or will he embrace his Father’s perfect and painful will?” It is upon moving to the Garden of Gethsemane that Jesus agonizes over what He is about to face on the cross. Praying “more fervently, he was in such agony of spirit that his sweat fell to the ground like great drops of blood” (Luke 22:44).

It’s an important night and worship service in the church year, as it draws us deeply into the heart of Christ’s story. And YOU have a chance to celebrate it at YOUR Church tonight. For it is THIS night that we received the “New Commandment” Jesus gave on Maundy Thursday.

Now to fully appreciate this command, we have to remember that at this supper Jesus and the disciples were obeying God’s original command to the Jews to remember the Passover. The Passover meal celebrated God rescuing His people from Egypt, as described in the book of Exodus. For Jesus to have the audacity to offer a “new” command when the old one was such an important part of Israel’s history, is astounding enough. But Jesus went even further. Rather than remembering the redemption of their forefathers from Egyptian tyranny and the way the angel of death “passed over” the homes with lamb’s blood on their doorposts, they were now to remember ‘His’ sacrificial body and ‘His’ shed blood. In Christ’s death, death itself is not just avoided; Death, and it’s power, were finally defeated.

The new commandment to love others is only capable through the sacrifice of Jesus. We CAN know and experience the forgiveness of sins and the full love of God through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. But to love people, especially our enemies, is ONLY possible through allowing Christ to live His life THROUGH US! We are called to show the same level of love to everyone. God loved us while we were yet sinners (Romans 5:8) and the gift of salvation calls us forward to do likewise.

By Friday of this week (if you don’t know the way the story ends) it looks like the wrath of God has eclipsed the God of Love. But it isn’t so. Mercy triumphs over Judgment at Easter: love triumphs over wrath. Love is the new commandment given on this night by Jesus after he has washed the disciples’ feet …. “Love one another as I have loved you.” This is the “mandatum novum” from which the name “Maundy Thursday” comes.

As Jesus washed the disciples’ feet on Maundy Thursday, he set into motion what would be completed on Easter Sunday. His sacrificial example calls for us to love – as He has loved us.

But the disciples didn’t fully comprehend how deeply Jesus had loved them. After all they had been through, it took a king on his knees with a towel around his waist to prove to them the loving, servant heart of God. But even couldn’t fully understand why Jesus would defile himself in this way.

If Peter finds it hard to accept that Jesus his king would humiliate himself by washing his followers’ feet, he will be even more confused tomorrow. For there will be another demonstration of how God loves on Good Friday, when the perfect love of God in Jesus faces the wrath of God against evil, and triumphs in the end. All for, and because of, the love He and His father have for you and me!

The triumphal entry into Jerusalem. The cleansing of the temple. The teaching and the miracles. All displayed their leader’s power and the faith of the disciples soared. But now, on this fifth day of the week, came the most intimate moment of all, the Passover meal, that high holy feast, just the twelve and Jesus. Over and over, at the table, He reiterated His love for them, finally kneeling before them to wash their travel-weary feat.

If they had ever doubted, they could no longer do so. What if, as Jesus cautioned, testings and trials lay just ahead for them? Could THEY face anything? “Lord,” Peter assured Him, “I am ready to go with you to prison and to death.” (Luke 22:33) In a growing hostile world toward those who are disciples of Jesus, can YOU answer it?

Thursday symbolizes the most perilous day of our pilgrimage, because when testing comes, we so often fail. It was before daybreak on Friday, that Peter was swearing he’d never heard of Jesus. Yet Maundy Thursday represents OUR failures too—the ones which swiftly follow our moments of high commitment. The times when, having made great promises, we fall on our faces. When we let God down and let ourselves down and are left with only the certainty of our own weakness.

Yet strangely, Thursday also ushers in the most hopeful stage of our journey. Because at last we are truly on the road to Easter. We have learned better than to place our trust in ourselves. “I tell you, Peter,” Jesus replied to Peter’s confident boast, “the cock will not crow this day, until you three times deny that you know me.” (Luke 22:34) And I cringe!

But Jesus didn’t cringe!! He said those words to Peter without condemnation, without rejection. Jesus knew that HIS way leads through loss. Loss of self-satisfaction and self-sufficiency. He knew that on the other side of Easter, Peter would find His power that never fails. Now the question remains….have YOU?

Jesus main purpose, after individually saving those who would become His Body – “The Church,” was to demonstrate just how far He expected THEM to go in His love. It is this ‘total concept’ of loving and serving one another, AND the world, that He invites, and encourages us to steal! This Maundy Thursday He is asking…will YOU Love Him, and others, the way He loves YOU??

Tonight, between 7 and 8pm, the Congregational Church will be open for silent communion. Please come quietly and sit, listen to the music from the Passion, pray, meditate and send some personal time with Jesus Himself. Then, when you are ready, go forward and take communion. Remembering just what this night REALLY means. And be thankful… After all, Redeeming YOU was EXPENSIVE!


If your brother sins against you, go and tell him his fault, between you and him alone. If he listens to you, you have gained your brother.” Matthew 18:15 ESV

I didn’t even notice when my tongue got caught in front of my eye teeth and I didn’t see what I was saying! Looking back, I should have! Words that I had spoken in jest, in a joking manner, were not received that way. I became guilty of hurting a very dear Christian brother. Thank GOD, and him, neither of them let it go!

Being called to preach is not all it’s cracked up to be. Preaching the Gospel to a world of sinners is ALWAYS offensive. ESPECIALLY today, when reminding people that sin is Biblically wrong in God’s eyes, is becoming a HUGE NO NO! Usually folks will decide they don’t like me because of the message I’m demanded to to tell. But that was not the case this time. I had no excuse and SHOULD HAVE known my brother well enough to know his soft spots. Stupid me!

The Bible verse today is a 2 way street. It is a COMMAND from God and presumes that BOTH parties are dedicated to Him enough to both WANT and DO His will. EVEN if it becomes an uncomfortable experience! When I got the message of my offense, I had the option to just ignore the pain I had caused, or to be reconciled.

Maybe it is no accident that ‘reconciling’ starts with the word ‘recon.’ A word defined as ‘the exploration of an area to gain information.’ I desperately wanted to know how to repair the relationship. So after he called, I dug in and listened. Thank God he talked! Many do not! I recognized his bringing up the issue was loving, brave, honest…and Biblical! I am honored to know such a man.

I THINK everything is going to be OK. But fixing hearts isn’t like fixing a car. Hearts can take time. Knowing my friend as I do, and knowing his love for God, I believe we’re on the right track to get it right! He was obligated to TELL ME what I had done, and he is obligated to ultimately FORGIVE ME! Even if it takes me ‘70×7’ plus requests! This writing is like # 10!

I know there is NOTHING on this planet more important to God and people as relationships! I also know that as long as sin and people are on earth, there will be fractures. But that God He has a way of dealing with those. I thank God for ‘BRAVE JESUS WARRIORS’ who aren’t scared to confront and fix broken things! So thank you James for letting me know of offense! I am blessed to have such an honorable friend who actually DOES what God says.    IOU!  

From whom are YOU estranged…and what are YOU DOING about it? 


Whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.” Col. 3:17

Needing to find a receipt for tax purposes, I emptied the ‘glove box’ in the consul of my truck. I don’t know WHY they call it that? I’ve never kept gloves in there! But I DID find found enough junk in there I COULD call it a STY box! The evidence shows – I am a pig!

Have you ever heard the explanation or concept of a White Elephant? The King of Siam would sometimes bestow a white elephant to someone he didn’t like as a gift, since the maintenance and cost of keeping it FAR outweighed the gift itself. Receiving elephant was an honor, and not one that could be rejected. But if the recipient was not REALLY wealthy, it would often lead to their financial ruin! Almost like acquiring a used BOAT!!!

This made me think of the free Gift God gives to me in the offer of His son, Jesus Christ. Since He is God and already KNOWS the thoughts and intents of my heart, I cannot surprise Him. He already knows what I think about Him and His gift. AND whether I appreciate and want Him or not! The biggest difference, is God’s Free Gift doesn’t just show up with an obligation to receive Him. I must willingly want and ask for Him!

In reading the verse above, two words jump out quickly. ‘Whatever’ and ‘all.’ Meditating on my life and holding it up to that verse is like standing on a scale which makes me question if Jesus Christ really carries all the wight in my life! Sometimes, I feel like that rich young ruler in Mark 10. You know the story where the expectation for eternal life is expressed by Jesus to a self called ‘do-good-er!’ “Go and sell everything you have, give it to the poor, and follow me!” It became the straw that broke the white elephant’s back!!!

When I made the great exchange with God years ago, I traded MY life for His. I heard that His eternal life was a free gift and I jumped all over it! A decision I have NEVER regretted. BUT… I didn’t realize that it came with BIG White Elephant expectations! Over the years I have learned that God’s expectation is that I grow up to LOOK and ACT like Jesus! He expects me to do what HE would do as He leads and guides me!

Sometimes, in rebellion, I have grown to I miss His hand of guidance and peace, when I step out of His will and into my own. But even then, His absence becomes a compass that points me back. I have found that this God of expectation is just like that BIG white elephant! He wants ALL of me! Which isn’t a bad thing at all…since I get ALL of HIM in return! Not a bad trade for a pig!

How do YOU see God’s Gift and…what’s in YOUR barn?


Therefore I do not run like someone running aimlessly; I do not fight like a boxer beating the air.” 1 Corinthians 9:26

It was a BEUUUUTIFUL spring morning. The sun was beaming down and all creation was singing the glory and wonders of Earth and sky…seemingly. I was doing what I like to do most, by silently sitting there taking it all in and then talking to and thanking God for all His blessings. For me, it doesn’t get much better than that. Then I saw HIM…running up the road…beating the air like it was his archenemy!

It’s not that I am condemning or judging. It’s just that there couldn’t be 2 more polarizing opposites under heaven! I was sitting there, relaxed, at peace with God and full of joy. This guy was all tensed up, angrily running nowhere in particular! His fists pounded the air as if landing blows upon a foe attempting to punch HIS ticket! As sweat poured from his body and soaked his shirt, I thought…”that’s FAR too much work for me!” So I smiled, waved and then turned around to face the opposite direction!

Lately I have been seen with my wife pushing heavy stuff around a gym. SHE decided that we had better get in better shape in our older age so we won’t end up living like invalids…a burden on family and society. My Doctor gave me just enough encouragement, after a physical, to make her crazy words seem logical. So we go. But I don’t like it! Even though new friends at the gym encourage and cheer me on, I have to admit that I only go there because I HATE the thought of my life actually becoming ‘in-valid!’

I know a guy named Paul who, during his lifetime, felt the same way I do. Though he’s a LOT more famous than me, we still share the same best friend named Jesus! Paul and I also share a favorite pastime together, setting alone while talking to God and pondering the REAL meanings of life! He liked to write too! Though much of his work was done in a prison and often in chains (showoff!). He actually wrote much of the New Testament! The Bible verse today is HIS quote!

I wasn’t looking for a metaphor for 2 differing kinds of lifestyles when I saw that shadowboxing jogger. But I did see him. At the time, the ‘high-five’ nudge from my best friend was kind of like looking at a scale, after watching what I eat and pushing some weight around! After the wonder comes the actual realization that, “Hey!!! This really works!”

I STILL don’t put much stock in bodily exercise. Because my friend Paul ALSO wrote, “for bodily training is just slightly beneficial, but godliness is beneficial for all things, since it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come.” 1 Timothy 4:8 NASB. I may not look like an Olympian on the outside. But inside my heart, with my best friend showing me how, I am contentedly and joyfully magnificent!

How do YOU see things?


In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.” Genesis 1:1-2

Ever see a car with a curious bumper sticker that you couldn’t read? One that grabbed your attention and had you asking…”what’s that say?” It happened to me the other day. Luckily for me, up ahead the light turned from green…to yellow…to red! So I had a chance to get up real close to read.  You’re looking at a version of it!

I hate red lights! But THIS time, interest grabbed me and I had a chance to really think and ponder what that sticker meant. Thus distracted, God and I had a little conversation. If you want to call it that! You see, I know what the Bible says. I ALSO know the Author! So…going to Him I asked Him if that sticker was OK!

When I talk to God, I use words. When He talks to me, He uses practically everything BUT! Which doesn’t bother me. I have to admit that it took time for me to learn His language and to know when it is Him speaking. You see, God’s arch enemy ALSO tries to speak to me as well…with a goal of confusion and distraction! But I knew in my spirit God was talking when I broke out in a smile!

God even wrote it Himself…right there in Genesis!! Before He spoke, all was empty, formless and DARK. Kind of like a painters canvas…only black! And while you and I have absolutely NO power to CREATE ANYTHING, God created, simply with WORDS! LET THERE BE!!!!” And just like that…it was so!

One of the proofs of God’s existence is Creation. Romans 1:20 says, For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities–his eternal power and divine nature–have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.” Simply looking at the beauty and complexity of creation SCREAMS GOD! The Universe literally has His fingerprints all over it!

As I sat at the light and talked with Him, I finally got around to asking the obvious question! His answer came in the beauty of His silence when the thought came…”Sure…you can call me that!” So I did:

“Dear Art: Thank you for bringing beauty, imagination and wonder into my life. I really appreciate and LOVE you and your work! I’d like to see more please!” And just like that…the light turned green!

How do YOU see the universe?


Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word.” Ephesians 5:25-26

It was time to face the inevitable. The Oven at the church had gotten so dirty over the years, it puffed smoke like the magic dragon every time it was turned on! My approach to cleaning an oven is the same as my doing my own dental work…I don’t! But it was time and I was free so…

Before I go too far, I need to explain that the attached picture is NOT of our church oven. Ours was bad…but not THAT bad. Which is funny in itself! Why do I feel like I have to make up a disclaimer about an oven because…like…who cares? I mean, never once has anyone used the condition of my oven as a prerequisite to friendship! But after doing some research, maybe I lack quality friends!

I invite you to Google ‘Oven Cleaning’ and see for yourself just how many products, methods and experts there are on the subject. There are soooo many, it’s humorous! Who thought it was so important! I didn’t care to go NATURAL…using baking soda and vinegar as encouraged by apparent conservationists. I went the cheap and powerful chemical method! Now that I am an expert, I can’t imagine taking the time and energy to do it any other way! My method?

After turning on the oven to 200, I sprayed the heck out of the inside until it was all white and foamy. After 20 minutes, I took a huge bucket of water and towel and wiped out the goo! It was both easy AND disgusting! The chemical did what it was supposed to do, and when I was done, I felt like a doggone hero! I even showed it off to a couple ladies at church last night. All I got was…”That’s nice! Do mine next?” Typical!

Now that I am an expert oven cleaner, having taken the time to become one, I felt compelled to write about it. MOSTLY because I was out of ideas! But I couldn’t help but remember this Bible verse and throw it out there too! Because, after all, I’m stretching! ‘The Bible is like Oven Cleaner…use liberally and let it do it’s job!’ Haaaa yup! I just said that!

It may surprise you to learn that the above verse is actually part of a bigger one. The ACTUAL verse starts off with, “HUSBANDS LOVE YOUR WIVES LIKE…!” And UH-OH!!! Just like that! It’s turned to meddlin’! With that, I think I’ll sashay to a conclusion! How does this sound for a symbolic metaphor? Husbanding is like oven cleaning! Liberally use the Bible like a can of oven cleaner…and let it do its job! After all…you’ve got time…and you’re free!

You’re welcome!