“Jesus said, ‘If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.’” John 8:31-32
It was the second day in a row that I entered the business. And just like the first, there, right at the door, was ‘The Doorkeeper!’ Call him the screener, security, front man or whatever…his job was to make sure EVERYONE obeyed the rules. And the rule was, wear a mask and answer the questions. Because the day before took far too much time, I was irritable.
MY opinion is that the whole mask thing is wrong, unscientific, politically motivated and it has gone on for FAR too long. But I wasn’t ASKED my opinion. I was asked to “answer the questions.” AGAIN! When I joked, “I already said ‘no’ to ‘em yesterday,” he took offense. “Sounds like you’re telling me how to do my job!” was his response. I was IMMEDIATELY contrite and apologized, adding “I’m not a normal kind of preacher!” Then round 2 happened!
I watched his face soften as I had hit common ground. His next question was, “what version you think is best?” Knowing I was being set up, I said, “NIV or ESV…you?” “King James,” was his reply. When I asked “Why,” “1 John 5:7,” was his response. And just like that, we were friends! Sorta!
When I get a Bible verse with a ‘disputation’ attached to it. I like to do the research. EVERY common version of the Bible will lead you to today’s Bible verse and point out that Jesus Christ is God and THE ONLY Savior of mankind. When disputing comes into the discussion, reading ALL the versions, along with the original language and commentaries, is a CINCH in the ‘smart phone’ age and usually clears things up. Not this time!
It happens that I HAVE both versions of the Bible AND a smart phone. It took me all of about 8 minutes to find out what his beef was. I had fun because I also LEARNED something new. Now that I understand his position, and have an even clearer opinion of mine, I am ready to face ‘The Doorkeeper’ again and pick up where we left off. You see…I am DETERMINED to WIN!
I’m not going to tell you the controversy. Betting you a dime to a donut (an old saying that probably should be changed to $1 to a donut) I’ll bet YOU HAVE a smartphone and know how to use it. I’ll let YOU have your OWN fun if you want to look it up yourself! Me? I’m ready! And when I see ‘The Doorkeeper’ again, I’m not even going to bring it up! I’m going to WIN by keeping my mouth SHUT and him as my friend.
On…I’m just curious…how do YOU spell that circular shaped delicacy of goodness with the hole in the middle? And who really cares? The main thing… is to keep the main thing… the main thing! Are YOU FREE?