“Now concerning spiritual gifts, brethren, I would not have you ignorant.” 1 Corinthians 12:1 KJV
The scene before me was both serene and unsettling, as it brought out from within me both joy and deep concern. Driving along the highway at 60 mph, a family of ducks; dad, mom and ducklings, waddled TOWARD the 6 lane highway! As emotions and thoughts conflicted, I peered into the rear-view mirror to see at least 20 cars bearing down on the sord. My final conclusion, before returning to life as usual, was to whisper out…”stupid ducks.”
O.K., so what was I SUPPOSED to do? There are people out there who would pull off the major highway, back up and try to shoo them away from danger. But that’s dangerous AND illegal. Not to mention that stupid ducks would likely just move to some OTHER highway and do the very same thing! IF they lived passed THIS ordeal!
I am not a Duck Professor. It is not in my nature or ability to explain and educate a duck in road etiquette. Nor is it my calling to write a thesis on ‘Duck Parenting Along the Roads of Life!’ Ducks are ignorant about cars and traffic and other human things. The Ducks that DO learn are usually limp or unlively! Which, come to think about it, DOES put them on the same level as humans.
There are a LOT of ignorant and stupid humans out there along life’s roads. I don’t say it to be mean, but factual. As a human with ‘stupid’ tendencies myself, I have been known to ‘walk into it’ on MANY occasions. AND lived to tell the tale. Most lessons have come the hard way. Even though God took time to write a book on how to do life CORRECTLY, I have been prone to pushing His Spirit, and nudge, away… and walked on in spite of His appeal.
Lots of people look at God like a stupid daddy duck! Some blame Him for leading them into harm’s way. Others go so far as to invent a story that Daddy Duck INVENTED highways and cars… just to show off His power to those ‘He chooses’ to survive! It’s quackery to me! Why? Because I don’t know ABOUT God… I KNOW HIM! I am not ignorant or stupid when it comes to His character. His role as Savior comes out BECAUSE of His great love and grace toward low lifes like me! And I’ll NEVER understand why!
When it comes to knowing God’s heart, are you a contented, waddling follower… or just some sort of quack?!