“Therefore prepare your minds for action. Be sober-minded. Set your hope fully on the grace to be given you at the revelation of Jesus Christ.” 1 Peter 1:13 (Berean Standard Bible)
Today is the first day of School for Katie. It’s the day parents come to school WITH their kids to ‘Meet the Teachers’… and vice versa. She’s excited! For the last week especially, she has been getting prepared to make a good impression on everyone. Me? I’d been watching and waiting to see if she needed my help, and then made her coffee.
On the way out the door she reminded me that today is gym day. Four years ago we were told that, at our age, if we didn’t start working out, our kids would be pushing us around in wheelchairs and spoon feeding us. That was enough to sell us on the gym idea. We’ve been going ever since. Today’s verse is similar in tone, but brainy!
With a local county election coming up on August 20th, and a national one for President on November 5th, the news has been pushing propaganda. It’s all meant to sway people to DO something. With so much at risk, I have been amazed at the number of people who really aren’t sure what they should do! To ALL of us, God says… PAY ATTENTION!
It was God who started the whole ball rolling long ago with Adam and Eve. He gave explicit instructions of what He expected from His creation, then stepped back. All it took was outside influence to tempt them away from doing His will, to doing their own. In a world of turmoil and chaos, humans still don’t seem to comprehend reality!
1 Peter is a teaching chapter that sounds like a Teacher loudly clapping hands to get attention! ‘The End’ is in sight, Jesus will return, and the choices to sit back, be lazy and do our own things (or His) will be rewarded accordingly. Trouble, suffering and grief are simply markers God uses to check our position on the journey. Rewards are pending!
So how is YOUR journey, education and position going? Are you paying attention to Rabbi Jesus and doing what He expects from you? Because the Class Bell is about to ring! Are you focusing on Jesus and your relationship, or sitting on the couch?