
(Put no) hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but put hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment.” 1 Timothy 6:17

In the grocery store the other day, I was walking down an aisle and saw a sign below laundry detergent that said, “SALE $4.99.” Now to ME, ‘SALE’ means ‘SAVE!’ So it got my attention! Now, we don’t NEED laundry detergent. The last time it went on sale I bought 2 big bottles of the stuff. But hey, being optimistic that I’m going to outlive those bottles, I paused and began to calculate.

I am NOT very good at high math, but I get by with the basics. 90% of the time I’m right, so I don’t worry about the other 5%. Upon investigation, I noticed the store did the math for me, telling me how much it cost per ounce…in fine print! It took me about 4 minutes to figure out that it would be cheaper for me to buy the biggest doggone bottle they had…at full retail! Then I remembered, we don’t need laundry detergent!

I figure that one day someone got a little too caught up in the bottom line. Maybe they needed more money to keep out of bankruptcy, or just wanted a bigger boat, but THAT someone started playing store math. The process of taking advantage has evolved since. A bigger bottle at a seemingly lower price… or the same price for a smaller package. It’s all the same thing. It’s about getting more without giving more! And Jesus doesn’t like it!

Today’s verse, and the couple that follow, parallel Jesus’ own words when He said, “Lay up for yourselves treasure in Heaven!” Long ago I realized this was a COMMAND and NOT a request! Treasure for MYSELF…NOT for HIM! Because, after all, He owns it all anyway…right? Well, not really. But he’d LOVE to! And here is the point.

God does NOT automatically own MY HEART! He wants and desires it. But it isn’t His to simply grab and run off with. Consider it like a tiny vacuum in the vast universe…about the size of a dime. He owns it ALL…EXCEPT for that part. THAT part is MINE. And He cannot have it unless I GIVE it to Him. WILLINGLY! But He wants it so badly He is willing to pay almost ANYTHING to get it! So He did the math!

To get MY heart He calculated the cost. It would take His life, His love, His sacrifice, the promise of eternal treasure and even the sharing of His Eternal throne. After calculating and discussing among themselves, the Trinity literally agreed to take a chance on getting ripped off! After His death and resurrection, Jesus Christ began His own promotional tour! NOW it is up to ME…to either take it or leave it.

Fellow shoppers…I have tried Him. He works. EVERY-TIME! I gave him my puny heart and He gave me EVERYTHING He promised. With MORE TO COME! Like I said in the beginning.. I am not a math genius…but I’ll take that offer all day long! How about YOU?

“Jesus…We need a cleanup in Aisle 10!”


So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.” 2 Corinthians 4:18

My wife and I were discussing our day when the doorbell rang. I could see through the curtains that I didn’t know the person who had rung the doorbell, and proceeded cautiously to answer. Immediately recognizing the who, what and why of this visitor, I silently breathed a heartfelt prayer of Praise and Thanksgiving to God. JOYFUL that ‘I’ wasn’t ‘him’!

The young lad was both kind, and kind of new at his job as a door to door window salesman. Decorum and his boss dictated that he start off winning me over by making small talk upon which I could agree. Seeing his old used vehicle in the street, rain started pouring down upon it. Feeling his pain, I couldn’t just say ’NO’ and send him out there to get soaked. So we communicated!

I was NATURALLY kind. Having made my living in sales, I had empathy for him and his situation. He was a door to door salesman, cold calling for leads and HOPING he could find someone interested in his product, which was windows. As the rain started letting up, my ‘no thank you’ became increasingly more firm. He HAD to have had SOME experience because he kept talking… with hope in his voice. Which is what he was supposed to do!

While going over the features and benefits of his product, “IF I were to take advantage of the sale right now,” I finally dropped the shock anchor. “Son, I don’t care about saving money!” I then went on to sell HIM on the idea of finding another way of sales that didn’t involve door knocking, suggesting that he set his sights a little higher and find a better way of finding people who MIGHT be interested in his product. As I closed the door, my last thought was…”poor kid!” Because he WAS!

We learn by getting burned, failure, trial and error and by hard knocks. The PAIN of those experiences can actually be used AGAINST us. The world, the flesh and the devil PREY upon people who want to eliminate the pain of bad circumstances. God DOESN’T! He pulls no punches when He promises He will go THROUGH the waters and fire WITH US… thereby affirming that pain is on the way.

I put my life, faith and hope in Jesus Christ. NOT by Blind Faith, but by tested experience. God said, “TEST ME AND SEE!!” I did, and He passed! And BECAUSE I have TRIED other things and FOUND that THEY don’t work, it isn’t so hard to trust ‘The One’ who doesn’t demand I see to believe Him. When the world offers petty things that do not satisfy, I really CAN say, with firm commitment, “I am NOT INTERESTED!” The shock on their face is a GREAT opening way for me to start suggesting that they may want to consider Jesus!  


Now concerning spiritual gifts, brethren, I would not have you ignorant.” 1 Corinthians 12:1 KJV

The scene before me was both serene and unsettling, as it brought out from within me both joy and deep concern. Driving along the highway at 60 mph, a family of ducks; dad, mom and ducklings, waddled TOWARD the 6 lane highway! As emotions and thoughts conflicted, I peered into the rear-view mirror to see at least 20 cars bearing down on the sord. My final conclusion, before returning to life as usual, was to whisper out…”stupid ducks.”

O.K., so what was I SUPPOSED to do? There are people out there who would pull off the major highway, back up and try to shoo them away from danger. But that’s dangerous AND illegal. Not to mention that stupid ducks would likely just move to some OTHER highway and do the very same thing! IF they lived passed THIS ordeal!

I am not a Duck Professor. It is not in my nature or ability to explain and educate a duck in road etiquette. Nor is it my calling to write a thesis on ‘Duck Parenting Along the Roads of Life!’ Ducks are ignorant about cars and traffic and other human things. The Ducks that DO learn are usually limp or unlively! Which, come to think about it, DOES put them on the same level as humans.

There are a LOT of ignorant and stupid humans out there along life’s roads. I don’t say it to be mean, but factual. As a human with ‘stupid’ tendencies myself, I have been known to ‘walk into it’ on MANY occasions. AND lived to tell the tale. Most lessons have come the hard way. Even though God took time to write a book on how to do life CORRECTLY, I have been prone to pushing His Spirit, and nudge, away… and walked on in spite of His appeal.

Lots of people look at God like a stupid daddy duck! Some blame Him for leading them into harm’s way. Others go so far as to invent a story that Daddy Duck INVENTED highways and cars… just to show off His power to those ‘He chooses’ to survive! It’s quackery to me! Why? Because I don’t know ABOUT God… I KNOW HIM! I am not ignorant or stupid when it comes to His character. His role as Savior comes out BECAUSE of His great love and grace toward low lifes like me! And I’ll NEVER understand why!

When it comes to knowing God’s heart, are you a contented, waddling follower… or just some sort of quack?!


For everything in the world—the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life—comes not from the Father but from the world.” 1 John 2:16

I couldn’t believe he said it!! So asking for clarification – he REPEATED it! In my thinking his statement ridiculous, he expanded, with a twinkle in his eye and a smile on his lips…just for clarification! But it was now out there on the table, in the restaurant where we were eating. “The REASON,” he said, “that you keep losing your wallet, keys and phone is because you are too prideful!” “RIDICULOUS!” I thought! Until I gave it some thought!

The scene HAD to be either comical or serious to the folks in the restaurant. How were THEY to know that I was a pastor too? The frocked-up Orthodox Priest with the big gold cross looked like GOD. Which left ME looking like some kind of sinner! The occasion was his invitation to spend time and chat. Since we are friends and cohorts, we did. And I was getting schooled.

I don’t like getting older in many respects. Since he is older than me, I asked his advice on how to stop losing my stuff after I lay it down. Looking for sage advice, I DIDN’T expect ‘THE TRUTH!’ But he’s a hard head too, and wasn’t going to feed me pap! That’s why we like each other! But his diagnosis kinda hurt a little. So it took some processing.

“You think you are SO important and necessary that you rush around frantically trying to do all YOUR important stuff, instead of slowing down and thinking about what you are doing and just BEING WITH GOD!!” COME ON MAN!!!! HOW does one make THAT kind of connection from that evidence. Except that his explanation came from experience. He had discovered it in himself and was passing it along to me!

In the end, HE was right and I was appreciative! I DO have a tendency to take myself too seriously, far too often. But I am grateful that family, church and friends are loving enough to put up with my prideful selfishness. Even if I’m too ignorant or stupid to see it in myself. So THANK YOU GOD for telling me the truth. AND for a friend that is willing to put himself out there to boldly share it as he did!

In the end… I WAS a sinner in need of some advice!!! Leaving, I did the next natural thing and paid the bill! I mean hey…it always costs something to get repairs done!


Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work: If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up!” Ecclesiastes 4:9-10

I have a friend named Frank. Well…at least I THINK he’s my friend. I call him that because I have him in my cell phone’s address book. But there’s a LOT of people in there, who aren’t! Friends that is. But Frank has a unique position as a specialist in his field. That I even HAVE his personal cell number is unique…since very few have it! Yup…Frank is my friend! I think!

The other day introduced an emergency situation that was rather scary and I didn’t know what to do. Peering over the edge of ‘Freak-out Cliff’ I remembered, “wait… YOU know Frank! He’ll know what to do!” Since it was late and I hadn’t yet fallen OFF the cliff, I texted him. Then awaited an answer from Frank. I got nothin’! So I CALLED another friend and got through IMMEDIATELY.

Ever since 9/11 it seems a ‘thing’ to call out and praise those considered ‘First-Responders.’ Anyone who works in Law Enforcement, the military, as a firefighter, an EMT, or in the field of medicine, became immediately qualified to receive adulation and praise because of their title or position. Thank God for people who show up in emergency situations! But I happen to believe that there exist people worthy of even GREATER honor than them!

A First Responder is just that. The FIRST one to arrive… AFTER a crisis has come. Often, the damage is already done and the job necessitates them the clean up crew. Heroes, the ones who run into burning buildings, rescue the hostage or bring the dead back to life, are rare. But I believe there exists a position that is even GREATER and MORE necessary than the First Responder! And like Frank… I don’t even know what to call them!

When you find a Church, you have found the place MANY of these people call home. With duty and relationships thicker than blood, THESE are people on a mission. They sally forth DAILY, looking for ways to help, bless, encourage, strengthen and grow people up into a higher position than the one they find themselves. Their ‘Manual’ comes directly off of God’s personal shelf! So their advice really isn’t even their own.

Who do you call when you are about to lose it? When loss grief, pain, fear, and all those horrible conditions that persist like an overwhelming unquenchable fire…when they rise to utterly destroy…who do YOU call when a First Responder would be that LAST person you wanted to see? When you need that ounce of prevention…NOT the pound of cure?

In the Church we call them brothers…and sisters. And I thank God that my cell phone contacts have a bunch of them! People willing to give God’s hand…through theirs. Are YOU are hero? All it takes is a yielded heart and a desire to serve The Master Servant…Jesus! He’s taking applications!


Speaking to one another with psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit.. Sing and make music from your heart to the Lord.” Ephesians 5:19

Every week in Church we play and sing songs, from a video screen hanging, from the front of the Sanctuary. While this may SOUND elementary and simple, I can certify that it is anything but! Having been at this Church business most of my life, living today’s Bible verse is a lot harder than it seems.

It takes 3 of us to get the music up on the screen. I usually pick the songs to go with the sermon, Charles downloads and tweaks them onto the computer, and Mike executes the program during the service. Picking songs is more difficult that I want it to be, because never being sure about music is tough. Especially when everyone has their own idea of what they like.

After trying to mix it up with modern videos and old hymns, I was shocked to hear that someone didn’t like a couple videos because, ‘the songs were old’…by like 10 years! And watching faces as we sang “In the Sweet By and By” was like watching someone get a cavity filled… without anesthesia! It has been recorded that there are more fights in churches over music than anything else! And I get it!

It is an absolute fact that if “I” don’t like something, it only stands to reason that JESUS wouldn’t like it either! And since me and Jesus make a majority… well you don’t even GET a vote! Add to it that the songs I want to jump up and dance to don’t even get your toes a tappin’… and we have serious and ‘less than ideal’ worship issues! Thus…the verse!

I listen. In fact, I have to admit I don’t even LIKE picking the songs. But sometimes I get suggestions that simply make me cringe! It’s a judgment call and one that we ALL have to live with. Because sometimes ‘momma LIKES to sing bass while daddy sings tenor!’ And the point is that we all are required to get along ‘in love’ by The Boss Himself!!! That’s Jesus..not Bruce Springsteen.

So I’m going to take the suggestions and switch it up again and try some old, and other stuff. Which is guaranteed to not be pleasing to everyone. I just thank God that our Church errs on the side of love and forgiveness more than judgment. And we’ll live to sing again! As long as no one asks for “Shall We Gather at the River…” we’re good!


There’s a LOT of sick folks out there. Whether Covid, Strep, back issues or other physical ailments, we need to get better. Since Jesus Himself said to “pray the Lord of the Harvest sends workers into the field,” I think it is perfect to pray for the workers who are already out there, and ailing, to get better… right?


Elijah was a human being, even as we are. He prayed earnestly that it would not rain, and it did not rain on the land for three and a half years.” James 5:17

I anticipated the question before Katie even got home to ask it. She hasn’t been feeling very well lately, so I KNEW she wasn’t going to want to go out to eat. But I was ready! Coming through the door she greeted me, and then skipped the small talk and asked ‘the question!’ ”What’s the plan?”

I’ve been married to this woman for decades. I KNOW that, ”What’s the plan?” is REALLY CODE for, ‘what’s for dinner!’ KNOWING her favorite food and ANTICIPATING her mood helped me with a very simple answer that was guaranteed to please. “PIZZA!” I replied. Evidence of a sickly smile was proof that I had NAILED IT!!

When you think about it, Pizza, like a good Sub Sandwich, is a perfect food! If ordered correctly it has ALL the major food groups, is relatively inexpensive (I collect coupons) and it’s quick and easy. 1 phone call, a short drive and BAMM!!! Hooked up! The ONLY thing that can really go wrong is getting sick of eating it! Which only spoiled people could do anyway, right?

Because we EAT EVERY DAY, satisfying our hunger in a ‘non-prison camp’ environment CAN become difficult. Food can easily turn into a quest for pleasure instead of simply providing sustenance. It is EASY to replace the goal with a desire instead. We have been studying about prayer, and I have been convicted, possibly on behalf of all Christendom, that we have been doing the whole prayer thing…wrong! The evidence is there!

“What do you want, need or desire,” turns into a printed prayer list. When we don’t get what we want or like, it is easy to complain! I know because I’m good at it! But THANKFULLY, God is a God of Love and Grace who puts up with all of my selfish and childish ways. But unless I grow up and get smarter, I fear I may just be talking to the wind and receiving only rice and water for the effort!

I’ve come to believe that this Bible verse is literally a seed of wackiness planted by God. It seems out of context and leaves the goal or purpose up to the reader. Hadn’t God already warned Israel that failure to obey him would lead to drought and famine (Dt. 28:24)? Could it be that Elijah, like me with Katie, already KNEW and ANTICIPATED God’s will, and that he spoke those prophetic words in COOPERATION with God’s will and purpose? It’s food for thought!

What does GOD WANT from me? What does HE want me to pray earnestly for… and WHY? Does my prayer factor in HIS WILL? Or am I just asking for selfish desires that actually provide NO sustenance to forward His Gospel and will in this dying world? Do I pray to accomplish HIS will, or to simply get prayer over with? I’m just looking for a pizzadatruth!

What do YOU really want?


I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.” Galatians 2:20

One evening last week, while relaxing at home, I received a text message from a vacationer from Colorado that was anything BUT relaxing. Along with a picture of a dead Palmetto Bug, the text read, ”I’m not sure what kind of bug this is!” I called back immediately and said, “Welcome to Florida! That’s a DEAD bug!”

I remember when I saw MY first Palmetto Bug as a teen. The 2.5” long thing crawled out while I was in the bathroom and stared at me…it’s antennae moving with an intimidating, “I own you now,” kind of look! I completely freaked out! When I swatted it with a towel… IT FLEW! Thinking it’s sting might be poisonous, I screamed like a little girl and ran out the door! Today, I see Palmetto Bugs in 1 of only 2 ways. Alive…or dead!

The name Palmetto bug is really just a southern, genteel way of saying cockroach. They are, in fact, one in the same family. Because of that fact, NO one wants them in their house. I spray the house myself with a Boric acid based spray that does a good job at killing off the ones that get inside. Every bug on its back is a victory! Which, in a weird way, kind of parallels my Christian Walk.

Roaches have habits. They eat all kinds of disgusting things, and use their antennae to PREEN themselves like movie stars! These 2 habits are their downfall. For them, ingesting Boric acid, is like me swallowing razor blades. Since roaches blood doesn’t clot, they simply bleed out! Preening themselves only makes matters worse and takes the Borax home with them to the family. My flesh has those same habits! I eat a lot of junk and preen during the process!

To become a Believer in Christ means I MUST die to myself, in my flesh, and allow Christ to live inside me instead. Dying to myself DAILY is necessary because ‘The Flesh’ is chock FULL of nasty habits that will never simply wash or go away on their own. Death is the ONLY remedy. And though I sometimes wish God would have made the process of walking with The Savior EASIER, it is what it is! DESIRING to ‘die to myself’ is actually a GOOD thing because, as Jesus says, I can’t REALLY LIVE until I die. It’s a Spiritual principle.

There is no nice way to say it. In my flesh I am a roach! But when roach K.C. chooses to die to himself and I live according to the Spirit, God calls me SON! And THAT…is a piece of magnificence I hope you just might notice!

How are YOU living? 


“I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you.” Luke 10:19

It’s not like we didn’t know there was a possibility of running across one, or that they were even there. After all we aren’t stupid! So when 7 of the family went for a hike along a predetermined route, we were, for the most part, cautious. Sticking to the trail, we followed the signs and arrows through the woods. It was my grandson, the last one in the line, who shouted out…STOP!!!! And there it was! Right in the middle of the trail!

Looking at the picture…do YOU see it? Because WE didn’t. In fact, 6 of us had already walked over it or trampled to the side of it! IT being a coiled up yellow rattlesnake! But something was strange! It wasn’t moving or rattling. It was just lying there as if in a coma! I poked it with my walking stick to see if it was dead. It wasn’t. But I found no sign as to why it just laid there. So I thanked God and we continued the hike.

Katie and I ran into, almost literally, a VERY fat thick BLACK rattlesnake that same week. And HE was chattering. He saw us from a few feet away and, true to form, rattled. We gazed at each other for some time before he had enough and slithered away! It was beautiful…for a rattlesnake! And it did EVERYTHING it was created to do. It warned and rattled…and ultimately submitted to our presence.

I am not afraid of Rattlesnakes. The Bible verse today gives me some information that I can put into my Faith bag and use on my journey here. I am not stupid! And because of my Savior, Jesus Christ, I am not afraid either.

There are some crazy people out there that take this Bible verse out of context, grabbing and playing with poisonous snakes to prove something that Jesus NEVER intended this verse to mean. The verse is an illustration and the snakes and scorpions represent demonic evil in the world. Wise believers don’t tempt or play with evil. But wisdom comes with time and effort, and ALL mature believers carry scars reminding us of the times we grabbed, instead of tread around evil.

I belong to Jesus Christ. I am His and He is mine. I am special to Him. Because of that, I take ‘walking BY FAITH’ quite literally! I try not to play with things that have the potential to hurt me. But I don’t avoid walking as His representative in this evil world, fearful at every turn at what COULD happen. I trust Him to give me wisdom and walk with me. If He and I run into a snake of some kind along life’s journey…it’s the snake that has the problem!

Do YOU walk in fear seeing nothing but danger… or do you walk by Faith WITH the Savior!