“God helps those who help themselves“
Standing at the busy intersection, holding ‘Jesus Signs’ as cars fly past is a ministry of our church. As four of us stood proclaiming the message and reason for Christmas, a piece of paper, carried by the wind, came drifting up the road. It got past 3 of us, but Vic was determined to catch and eliminate that litter from the street! Then it got interesting!
The paper appeared to pull a ‘football move,’ avoiding Vic’s foot…twice! The third attempt ALMOST sent Vic rolling into the street! But heroically, he was finally able to subdue the paper perpetrator. Not bad for a lawyer, eh? As he examined the document, it appeared to be some sort of official paper. Reading it out loud brought shock and excitement to our little group!
Vic stated that the finder of this particular document was entitled to receive $1 Million Dollars! Apparently the ‘reward’ was to any ‘do-gooder’ who would take time to pick up trash, thus cleansing the world of its debris! We were all ecstatic! I began to wonder if ‘I’ might have a legal right to some of that reward as well. After all, I DID TRY to get it FIRST!
Vic let out a little laugh as he confessed that the paper ‘DIDN’T ACTUALLY SAY THAT!’ He was just messing with us! But for a moment…no let’s just call it a nanosecond! Because that’s about as long as I was fooled. I began to think about things people actually believe are true…but aren’t! Take today’s Bible verse.
LOTS of people quote it AND give the Bible as the source. But the slogan, “God helps those who help themselves,” is found NOWHERE in God’s Word. In fact, I’m glad that it ISN’T! Because if there were a hint of truth to it, there would be NO hope for me. The Christmas Season and Story make that point clear! When it comes to men, and me especially, we are ALL in desperate need of a Savior. There is NO WAY I can Save or Help myself!
Sin is the offender to God. It makes us all filthy pigs in His eyes. There is NO place for a filthy pig in God’s perfect presence! That thought makes me sweat like a pig, because with no hope, I am destined for the ultimate barbecue…and DESERVE IT! But 2000+ years ago, God sent His son, born of woman, to pay for MY offenses. Sadly, very few people actually get excited about that thought!
The Bible has a LOT to say about God, man, sin and righteousness. The more I read God’s Word, the more I appreciate what He did for ME. I believe it and receive it, and no longer need to sweat like a pig over my destination. Especially since I discovered…pigs don’t sweat!
Are YOU trusting in Jesus Christ, the Son of God and the Savior of the World? Then join me this season in NOT sweating. Because God doesn’t need my help. Just my trust!