“… having canceled the charge of our legal indebtedness, which stood against us and condemned us; he (Jesus) has taken it away, nailing (stapling) it to the cross.” Colossians 2:14
We have an outside pool table that was gifted to us years ago. But as with all things, maintenance must be done, and it’s time to recover the old, dirty cloth with new. To do that job requires a stapler. And not just ANY stapler! This one needs to be a STAPLER!
I have several hand staplers, none of which have sufficient strength to push the staple into the backing OR do so without GREAT hand strength! Yesterday I headed to Lowes and bought an electric one. Surprisingly, THAT one couldn’t sufficiently handle the job either! Luckily I have a friend!
My friend called ME, and as we were talking, the question just popped out of my head, “Hey, do you have a good stapler I can borrow.” Within a short time I had an air compressor AND a stapler WITH staples, in the back of my car! I was surprised, yet glad to have ‘staple’ influence!
Being born in 1955, I didn’t fully understand that my life was in a state of disrepair. My parents tried to teach me right from wrong, but I generally altered those silly rules to invent my own rule book that conformed to MY way of thinking. The older I got, the more miserable I became. My way wasn’t working!
It didn’t help to realize that God not only had a set of rules for relationship and life with Him, but that He had written them down! If you’ve ever read Leviticus, you can see just how picky he is! It didn’t take mankind any time at all to add ‘intents’ and ‘imaginations’ into the mix to see that there was NO hope for ANY of us! Luckily, I heard about a friend!
Jesus Christ, God’s son, came to pay the penalty for my sin so I wouldn’t have to! The wage of sin being death, He came and died! But stapled up on that cross along with Him, was something else He brought along for maintenance purposes. The RULE Book! My friend paid my price, then did something else! He left the Rule Book stapled UP THERE!
Friend, if you want to be free, you need Jesus. He made it possible to be forgiven! But He did it in such a way as to take the penalty book out of the way so no charge could even be leveled against me! Now, my friend Jesus and I are close. As we hang out (no pun intended) He continually teaches me how to maintain and enjoy my new life in Him. FREE from any charge!
Have YOU been saved and influenced by The Stapler?