
The king of Israel answered, ‘Tell him: ‘One who puts on his armor should not boast like one who takes it off.’” 1 Kings 20:11

It was last summer when I last rode my 4-wheeler with my son-in-law and grandson. We were in the mountains then, but some mechanical issues forced bringing the ATV home to Florida for repairs. It was time to test it out. So yesterday, the 3 of us headed to the flatland of Florida. For me, as a grandfather, it was a boasting kind of experience.

Having ridden dirt-bikes and 4-wheelers for most of my life, I forget the process of actually learning how. Now, it’s mostly instinct. Riding over dirt trails behind my grandson Cash, I noted his style and confidence as he showed off the skill of an experienced rider. When we hit some deep mud-holes filled with water and he got stuck, I watched him use his experience and wisdom to get unstuck. His dad and I were both proud! He’s 11!

My 4-wheeler is better than his. It has more capability and power because it was built that way! His is 2 wheel drive while mine is 4… and with twice the engine power! A couple of times, after he got stuck and couldn’t get out, his dad would shout further instructions. When that didn’t work, I went behind him and pushed him out. Even then, Cash was learning HOW to teach and to help others.

My father was called to be a Pastor almost immediately after being saved! He had to learn everything the muddy way. Trial and error, along with advice from experienced Pastors, brought lots of pain and failure. But over time, as little muddied successes became instinct, the Prince of Darkness came to know my father as an enemy and warrior. And God and dad pushed me!

I’ve heard stories from Cash. When the subject of riding comes up in the school yard, LOTS of his peers jump into the conversation, boasting like they know more and are better at it. Cash is learning to just ignore hollow boasting, since talk doesn’t prove anything. Only the muddy school of hard knocks and experience makes a true rider.

The same thing happens in the schoolyard of the Church. Over the years, I heard the stories around the house. As frustrations and pain, brought by a challenger of my father’s abilities, were discussed by mom and dad around the house, I overheard. Now, my wife and I have those conversations. It’s amazing how many people think they know more, and aren’t afraid to say so!

I’m proud of my Grandson. He’s learning LOTS of skills in many areas of life. Which is a good thing. Because, as I have learned, Life in Christ on this Earth is a very muddy business. And one needs to be VERY careful how they put their armor on!

Are YOU a true and experienced warrior for Christ? 


I can do all this through him who gives me strength.” Philippians 4:13

Spring sprung a while back here in sunny Florida, and doing anything outside had been mostly sweat-less. Figuring the job of sealing my dock to be about a 2 hour job, I was actually looking forward to it. Within 30 minutes, with sweat coming from every pore, I began questioning both my purpose and my abilities! I needed some help, in more ways than one!

I hate sweating… always have. After a while, whether at work or leisure, heat causes me to become fatigued, then nauseous. As the sun rose, so did the temperature and my comfort. Having about a quart of liquid to drink, I began chugging to offset the sweat. But I wanted to pace my work and drink to meet the time required. When nausea set in, I humorously said to myself, “Man, you’re gettin’ too old for this!” Then began to question if that was really true!

Getting older leads to questions I don’t like to ask because they can lead to realities I do not wish to face. At my age, I still feel like I can do anything I have always done. But over time, as I’ve started needing assistance in the form of a tool, like a dolly, or a person, I am realizing new limitations. But using a paintbrush and a roller was NOT on my ‘needs help’ list.

When brain started kicking out orders, “move faster, drink more, think smarter, take a break, quit now,” I did what I learned to do a long time ago. I talked to The Master. When this Bible verse came to mind, I had to question IT as well. “REALLY Lord? You mean like finishing this sweaty job?” That led to more ‘ability and purpose’ questions. Soon I saw myself being loaded into the fire of the crematorium!

The best help I received was after the job was done. Tired, sweaty and nasty, I told a person I’m close to about the experience. They said, “it was REALLY hot today… in the 90’s! That’s normal for ANYONE working under the sun!” Suddenly, I felt better about my lot in life, that I’m NOT close to death or uselessness, and that I actually finished the job ‘like a boss!’

I came to realize that “ALL THINGS” in this Bible verse doesn’t really mean ‘ALL THINGS!’ I am limited by my humanity, age and abilities in MANY areas. I’ll never have to fly a plane, drive a ship, or design a building. But I CAN do, though Him, EVERYTHING HE asks of me. I was reminded that it wasn’t HIS idea to seal the dock in the first place!

What is God asking YOU to do for Him?


In Him, you also, after listening to the message of truth, the gospel of your salvation—having also believed, you were sealed in Him with the Holy Spirit of promise, who is given as a pledge of our inheritance.” Ephesians 1:13

It was overdue and had been a couple of years since I last sealed the dock. I remembered it took about 1.25 gallons of clear sealer the last time. Shaking the can from the shelf, I noted ALMOST a gallon.  Then I remembered there was about half a gallon of COLORED sealer of the same brand at the church. “I’ll just mix the 2 and avoid buying a whole new can!”

It’s not like I was stealing from Jesus. After all, I had bought the colored sealer myself. After the sealing project at the church was done, I knew Jesus didn’t really need what was left over anymore. “Besides,” I thought, “it’s probably going to go bad anyway.” So I picked it up, along with a clean bucket, and headed to my dock.

It SHOULD have been simple. I shook the can of brown sealer really well and poured it into the bucket. Then did the same with the clear. INSTANTLY I knew I had a problem! Though they were from the same company, it was obvious they did not have the same base ingredients! It was like mixing oil and water! OR… kinda like mixing Law and Grace!

One of the biggest controversial subjects in Christendom comes when Law and Grace are mixed together. As I stirred my mixture to try to force a blending of the 2 sealers, the brown stuff would immediately fall to the bottom and the clear would rise to the top! I snickered at the thought because it made so much sense to me! God hinted… “Write about that!”

I’ve said many times, “Heaven is like a good government job, it’s not what you DO… it’s who you KNOW!” Getting to know God through the 10 commandments was about as clear as my muddy mixture. But when He sent His Son to meet all the requirements of the law FOR me, He made it clear that Jesus Christ was my ONLY possible way to ‘seal the deal.’

Taking advantage of the clear stuff floating on top, I went ahead and trimmed out the dock by dipping my brush in and applying it 1 stroke at a time. Later, Katie called and asked if I needed anything from the store… since she was going there anyway. I asked if she would please purchase a new can of clear sealer… since she was going that way anyway! She did.

After His resurrection, Jesus was heading back to the Father in Heaven and wanted to make sure the pathway was clear so I could join Him if I wanted. But only on HIS terms. Since I really wanted to go… and He was going there anyway… I sealed the deal by simply giving up on my own muddy plan, and accepted HIS free offer of Grace… at His expense. It remains the best deal I have ever accepted!

Is ‘How to get to Heaven’ crystal clear with you? Or muddied?     


If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us.” 1 John 1:8

With Gift Card in hand, we headed to Panera for dinner. My eyes immediately fell upon the pastries, in particular, a presentation of Bear Claws. When ordering, I requested ‘the Bear Claw on the top right please.’ How was I to know that simple request would become a dagger to my heart… with a battle to follow?

I grew up in a small town south of Pittsburgh. While in Jr. High school, I was privileged with an occasional job at the local Italian Bakery. It was there I learned the art of baking, and acquired a taste for Louie’s Bear Claws. Having eaten so many, I learned to be picky. The one on the ‘top right’ was covered in icing and almond shavings. I HAD to have it!

I’m no dummy. I requested ‘top right’ because, from HER position behind the counter at 180 degrees my opposite, there could be no confusion. I watched her grab the Bear Claw from the ‘top left,’ turn it sideways, shake off the loose almonds and then bag it! My mind and heart could not comprehend the crime that I had just witnessed with my own 2 eyes!

Within 2.7 nanoseconds, my whole being became a battleground! It started with judgment, “does she not know right from left?” When she shook off the goodies, I slid into attempted murder thinking, “how could she be so stupid?” My final crime was selfishness, “demand the fool go back and give you the correct one!” My battle ended in 30 nanoseconds.

Such is the application of today’s Bible Verse. ‘I am a judgmental, murderous, selfish PIG!’ That fact, proven in less than a second, is evidence enough to send me to the Lake of Fire for eternity! But ANOTHER fact QUICKLY overcame and conquered the first. ‘I am a child of God by faith in Christ Jesus.’ Being a Prince, The King QUICKLY reminded me to ‘ACT LIKE ONE!’

I wish I could say that the matter disappeared from my mind immediately. Unfortunately, both satan and my flesh were not willing to let matters quickly go by. Outwardly, I received the Bear Claw in the bag, then kindly thanked the gal for her service. But the battle raged inside all the way back to the table. Finally, I said to Katie, “I have a ‘Word for the Day!”’

Jesus said that those who put their faith in Him WILL suffer for it. Scars from my repeated battles over pride and selfishness are testaments to HIS victorious life in me. Remembering them humbles me, then leads me to Christ-like action. Jerry Reed said, “He who expects nothin’ ain’t gonna be deceived!’ Which is exactly what Jesus insists from me!

In the end, I guess you could say I was mauled by a Bear Claw… for His goodness sake! So what’s YOUR story?


“You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.” Matthew 5:14-16

Walking through a landscape nursery, I wasn’t looking for it when I saw it. The plant just sort of ‘popped out,’ causing me to stop in my tracks and stare. Having never seen a pepper plant like that one before, I marveled at it’s beauty. As the sun made the colors shine and come to life, I wanted it!

I had just spent over $60 for milkweed plants. Katie likes spring butterflies and butterflies like milkweed. Since I like Katie, I decided to get some for her. Returning the cart, I saw the pepper plant in all it’s glory! The longer I looked at it, the prettier it got. Though an unusual plant to give to a woman, I figured Katie would appreciate it. So I bought it!

The key to any gift is presentation. Once home, I placed it in front of her flower garden where it would be easily seen… figuring she would HAVE to notice! True to habit, when she came into the house, she passed by the glass doors to admire the flowers. Her jaw dropped and she let out a gasp! “Where did you get THAT?!” “At the pepper plant store,” I replied.

Ephesians 4:8 fulfilled a prophecy of Psalm 68, both which show God receiving and giving “gifts to men.” Which is how it goes! I received the gift of joy in the beauty of the pepper bush. In turn, I presented that joy as a gift to my wife. She blessed me again with the joy of her favor. Which again… is how it goes.

New Life in Christ is promised to all who choose to receive it. But like the ‘flower’ gift of the ‘pepper bush,’ His gift is hidden in mystery. Presentation is everything, and when mystery is added, the gift becomes even more desirable. After he reveals Himself to me, He asks ME to go and show it off to the world by doing things HIS way! In turn, HE gets glory from ‘showing off’ our true colors! And that’s how it goes!

Are people amazed by YOUR Jesus life and asking, “Where did you get THAT?”  Shine on!


“’Drink, my lord,’ she said, and quickly lowered the jar to her hands and gave him a drink. After she had given him a drink, she said, ‘I’ll draw water for your camels too, until they have had enough to drink.’” Genesis 24:18-19

Florida’ means ‘Covered in Flowers,’ and because my wife likes flowers, we have our share. Flowering is kind of a necessary hobby for her because she likes pretty. But pretty doesn’t just happen without work! I like pretty too… which is why I married her. Let’s just say ‘work’ and ‘pretty’ kind of go hand in hand.

Water is the biggest need for plants in a hot climate. No water, no flowers. So I came up with a couple of ideas to get water without having to pay for it, then pour it into the dirt! One of those ideas is a rain barrel that catches the rain coming off the roof. Once collected, we fill jugs, carry and distribute that water around to the posies! It’s a daily task.

I know we have 31 jugs which we fill from the barrel, because I counted them. This allows the barrel to collect as much rain as possible. When it is dry, that stored water is a blessing. Yesterday, while passing the time, I was figuring out how much water we use when the story of Rebekah and Issac came to mind. It’s a classic Bible love story that makes a type of point!

The story is in Genesis 24 and is worth reading. Choosing to go deeper, I did both the work and the math. Master Abraham sent his Chief Servant to go find a wife for his Son. With a 10 camel entourage, the servant flipped up a prayer to God, asking a sign for success. That Rebekah was beautiful was not one of them! He wanted to see her work ethic!

10 camels, 26 gallons per camel, a 2.5 gallon water jar, 8 lbs per gallon and over 100 trips to the well produced about 260 gallons, weighing over a ton. And it was transferred QUICKLY! The servant had found His Master’s Son a worthy bride! And pretty too!

I said this is a type of a point, because Bible stories are written to MAKE points. The Master represents God. The Servant is the Holy Spirit. The Master’s Son is Jesus. And Rebekah… since I am a member of Jesus’ Church… is ME! The proof of my character and loyalty lies in just how good and enthusiastic a water boy I am!

Jesus said, “Go into the world and carry the Gospel with you.” And just like I enjoy a smile from Katie as I help with her flowers, I hope and want to make Jesus smile as I enthusiastically splash His Truth around! Cuz I KNOW He’s watchin’!

Get the point?


Whoever has my commands and keeps them is the one who loves me.” John 14:21

Needing some shelves in my garage, I was looking forward to the task. It had been many years since I’d done any kind of carpentry work. 45 years ago I had started in carpentry to provide my betrothed a living. It was back then I learned, often the hard way, from a seasoned old codger who expected me to do it right! As I picked up my saw, I remembered!

Whenever hands reach for a saw, a gun, a knife or even the steering wheel of a car, there are rules to LIVE by. These inanimate objects have no brain, but serve as tools to do their master’s bidding. If the user does not choose to follow the rules, life can be severely disrupted! Setting saw on plywood, instinct kicked in and I remembered those commands.

“SET the blade to the depth of the cut. WEAR safety glasses! AVOID the blade! WATCH the extension cord and PLAN for where it will follow. MOVE smoothly with the speed of the saw. For a straight line, watch where you’re going… NOT where you’ve been!” In seconds, I had them down and proceeded. 12” inches later I could tell, by sound alone, I had missed one!

If you’ve ever cut wood with any kind of saw, there is a satisfying rhythm to it. As the blade cuts, it creates a sound. That sound tells an experienced person how fast or hard to push and the resulting quality of the cut. The sound of my saw told me the saw-blade was dull. Not having another, I did the ‘next right thing’ and slowed the movement of the saw.

My Master Jesus has commands, or rules, that He wants me to live by. Though they are in black and white, and sometimes in red, they often turn gray or dull when time comes to actually apply them. ‘Giving’ seems rather simple, until pen and checkbook are in hand. Honoring and obeying? EASY… until a selfish heart is pricked! What then?

The hard way of learning has taught me that there is no way around the hard way. Jesus told me to keep my head in His Word and remember the basics every step of the way. Even when it gets hard.  And that if I watch where I’m going, and not where I’ve been, He will always be out in front. I am simply called to KNOW and DO … the “next right thing!”

Are YOU cutting it with Jesus?


Even as fools walk along the road, they lack sense and show everyone how stupid they are.” Ecclesiastes 10:3

“You’re not going to believe this,” were the first words out of Katie’s mouth as she walked in the door from work. Pulling up this picture taken 10 minutes before, she said, “What is wrong with this world? Are people really THIS STUPID?”  Her naivety can be so cute sometimes!

She went on to say, “whole families traveled the Oregon Trail over 2100 miles without signs this huge and ugly. Yet people can’t cross a parking lot without 3 of them trashing the landscape?” I didn’t have the heart to tell her only about 20% of those Oregon Trail travelers actually went all the way. AND that they trashed Wyoming, sacrificing long term benefit for immediate ease. Fools tend to do that!

Later that afternoon, I pulled into another parking lot and saw a man, about 10 years older than me, drive up in a sporty little BMW convertible (WHY?) with the top down. I watched him get out of his car, then lock the door with the key… the top still down!

Now I admit to being FAR from perfect. Though not be the brightest bulb on the tree, I am not stupid. In fact, ‘stupid’ is at the top of my personal list of intolerable things!  I can handle ignorance. But not the stupid! God made me in His image, gave me a conscience (basic common sense) and later wrote the Bible. While today’s cell phones grant access to every kind of information in seconds, foolishness just seems to grow!

Those signs are there to speak to pedestrians, “Walk Here!” To drivers, “beware of walkers here!” But to the owners, and the zoning officials who require them, the signs say, “don’t blame us if stupid happens… we warned you!” Which is EXACTLY WHY God sent His Son and gave us His Word. So what other name can be given to someone who doesn’t pay Him attention

Does the world see you as foolish for God? Or does God see you as a worldly fool?


Store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” Matthew 6:20-21

I have stuff! LOTS of stuff! So much stuff that I have nowhere to put it except for whatever empty space happens to be available when I am done with my stuff! Being a reasonable guy, that space is where I put it. But when I need or want it again, I can’t remember where that was! I need a place for my stuff! Shelves!? Yea!!! Those!

I was given plenty of 2×4’s by someone who had the same idea, but didn’t get around to doing it. I’ve had them for a while. The trouble is, they’re just laying around taking up space until I get around to building them. The trouble with THAT is, what do I do with my stuff while I’m building the shelves over where my stuff is now?!

As I was rearranging and organizing to build shelves to rearrange and organize, I came across some stuff I had forgotten about. A very full case of files from when I was a Scoutmaster, over 20 years ago. Which was about the last time I looked at it!

I was about to just throw it in the garbage… hesitated… looked inside. BIG mistake!

That bag, along with boxes of other stuff… is my life! Looking through it, I remembered the thousands of hours and money I invested in kids… mine and others. Then there’s the tools and materials I use, and still need, to maintain the investment in my home. I can’t just throw those away because there is still a need! So… shelves!

I realize that someday I will be dead and other folks will go through my stuff without the same memories or needs. I’m pretty sure they’ll chuck it all in a trash bin to make room for their stuff! Then I remembered this verse and wondered, “Does Jesus have shelves in Heaven?

If He commands me to store my treasure in Heaven, just where does He put it all when I send it on? Does it take up space? Can it be sorted through and reused? These are silly questions I have no answers for, but they do make me think about the things I store up there.

God is in the People Business. Because of that, whatever I do, with and for people, are the treasures God receives and stores on my behalf. If they are treasures, then they will be worth holding onto and remembering. My job is to send them ahead. God’s job is to store them. How He does it, I need not know? Maybe HE has shelves too!

Are YOU sending anything valuable ahead of you to Heaven?