
When the sentence for a crime is not quickly carried out, people’s hearts are filled with schemes to do wrong.” Ecclesiastes 8:11

It was a Trifecta of terror! The possible collision of 3 separate bodies of motion, operating independently, yet at the same time. I was seeing it almost in slow motion. As ‘right turn on red,’ crossed into ‘U-turn has right of way,’ ‘Lady on bike’ decided to cross the highway… AGAINST the light! This was not going to end well.. so I SCREAMED… “HEYYYYYYYY!“ And whistled!

I whistle very loudly! As a kid I heard stories of my grandfather’s whistling prowess and how EVERYONE could hear him across several streets. I wanted to learn how to do that… and did! It just came naturally in the wake of what was about to happen, when instinctively, I put my fingers in my mouth and blew… HARD! Everyone STOPPED!   WHEW!!!!!

Mine wasn’t the only noise on the street though. The drivers of the cars, vying for right of way, had let their selfish desires be known by honking their horns! They wanted THEIR OWN way. Blinded by desire, they did not see that cars and humans do not merge well under movement. They all, Bike Lady included, just wanted to keep moving their own way. Toward destruction.

It was a relief to see that all 3 parties had stopped. The warning had worked and no one died or went to jail. For my part though, I received ‘the bird’… a ‘California Howdy’… a ‘flip-off!’ ‘How dare you,’ was the message! Though I didn’t like it, I’m used to it! Someone had to go down and it was either going to be me… or dumb bike lady!  I’m not a fan of the sight of blood.

Standing on a busy corner holding Gospel signs to point people to ‘Jesus, the Way, Truth and Life’ is an honor for me, because Jesus has proven Himself in those areas of mine… many times. As the world of evil and darkness grows, ‘Truth’ has become relative, and people fighting for their own way are careening toward a cataclysmic crash. Sadly, whistle-blowers have become few! Which makes me wonder.

What makes YOU concerned enough to whistle and shout out GOD’s Truth? 


Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand.” Ephesians 6:13

“Do you think we’ll be able to see it?” Katie asked. Being a fan of anything spaceship connected, her phone informed her of the launch of SpaceX’s Starlink rocket in 3…2…1! We’ve been able to see the lift-off contrails of former shuttles on a clear day, so as I walked back to see if we could see, I saw something else! Then God showed up with… ‘’Mornin!”

We had some baby rabbits running around here for a while. They aren’t babies anymore, but rather more like teens. One, in particular, is kind of used to me. I’ve been allowed to get within about 4 feet before he hops off. He’s cautious, but not stupid. Rounding the corner, there he was. “Hey lil fella! How you doing?” He just chewed grass and sat there. Then looking to the sky, I saw contrails!

When God showed up in my attention window, He had a lot to work with. Drawn to both the rabbit AND the rocket, He did what He always likes to do. He focused my attention on HIM with the question, “Where is my Glory?” As He awaited my answer, I stood there, the bunny ate and what turned out to be a jet… flew through the heavens! In seconds I knew the answer… “In all 3 of us!”

I realize God didn’t build the Jet. But He DID provide the wisdom for men TO build it! God DID build the bunny. But to me, chewing grass didn’t seem nearly as sophisticated as defying gravity. Then, God dropped a big one on me. “The Jet’s flying… the bunny’s eating… What are YOU doing for my Glory?” Immediately I knew I was in 3rd place. But God was not about to let me stay there.

Today I am facing more evil than I ever have. News stories are breaking so fast that I don’t even know how to deal with them. And I don’t even WATCH the news! But God does, and He has been prodding me to prod His church to stand up for His Glory! Today’s verse makes that clear!

I are dumber than a rabbit sometimes, because a bunny CAN’T understand. But God makes clear that, “I’m supposed to!” I am a human, called and divinely inhabited, to put on the sophisticated weapons of warfare to fight the most evil adversary in the universe. Using the excuse, “but I can’t even SEE the enemy!” won’t cut it. The news stories clearly point out the specter before me.

I have attached some articles for you to chew on. If you want to DO something, maybe start there and ask God what HE wants!  Then let Him upgrade you!




Knowing HOW God works helps me to recognize when He is!  That God is urging us to ‘suit up’ and get involved in His work and war is apparent.  I have been discovering His footprints around this theme of Spiritual Gifts and rules of engagement from many sources.  Sometimes my voice gets cancelled because it’s the one you may hear the most.  So I’m sending you one of the messages from God so you might read it for yourself.  

Daily Devotion by Ray Stedman Ministries.

“So the Twelve gathered all the disciples together and said, It would not be right for us to neglect the ministry of the word of God in order to wait on tables. Brothers and sisters, choose seven men from among you who are known to be full of the Spirit and wisdom. We will turn this responsibility over to them and will give our attention to prayer and the ministry of the word.” Acts 6:2-4

It would be very easy to read that as though the apostles were saying, we’re too good to serve tables. After all, we’re apostles. Let’s pick out seven flunkies who can do that, while we devote ourselves to the tremendously spiritual work of prayer and preaching the word. If you read it that way you completely misread this passage because that is not what they did at all.

Remember that these apostles had been in the upper room with the Lord Jesus. They had seen him divest himself of his garments, gird himself with a towel, take a basin of water, and wash their filthy, dirty feet. They had heard his words, the greatest among you should be like the youngest, and the one who rules like the one who serves…. (Luke 22:26). They were not, in any sense, downgrading the ministry of serving tables. They made this decision on the basis of a difference in spiritual gifts. Here we have a very clear example of the way the early church assigned duties upon the basis of the distribution of gifts by the Holy Spirit.

The glory of this church was that they were conscious of the superintendency of the Holy Spirit — so aware that the Lord Jesus himself, by means of the Spirit, was the head of the church. He was apportioning gifts, giving certain ministries to various individuals and sending them out, giving the orders. All through this book of Acts you can see tremendous manifestation of the direction of the Holy Spirit.

Here, then, they recognize that he had given various gifts. The apostles understood that their gift was that of an apostle. They were to lay the foundation of the church, for it was given to the apostles to lay foundations. That foundation is the Scriptures. It is on the Scriptures that the church rests. The minute the church departs from these Scriptures it loses its strength, its light and understanding, and its ability to operate. That has always been true. Whenever the church has rested upon the foundation laid by the apostles, the truth as it is in Jesus, the church has always had strength, power, and grace.

Therefore, it was necessary that the apostles give themselves to the ministry of apostleship, which involved, prayer and the ministry of the word. As they met together in prayer they learned and understood the mind of God. The Spirit of God reminded them of things which the Lord Jesus had taught them, and they in turn imparted this to the church. At that time, none of the New Testament was in writing. Yet all of the truths which we have reflected in these New Testament pages were being uttered by the apostles as they taught the people from place to place. They taught them what we now have written down for us. And all we have, of course, is the word of the apostles. This whole New Testament is nothing but the word of the apostles given to us. So it was essential, as they understood it, to devote themselves to this.

But they recognized also that there were other gifts of the Spirit. There were gifts of helps and gifts of wisdom, and men and women in this vast congregation had these gifts. So all they are doing here is charging the church with finding among themselves men who had gifts which would qualify them to do this kind of work — gifts of helps and gifts of wisdom — that they might know how to solve these practical problems within the church. They are saying, every gift is important. We simply are sticking with the gifts that were given to us, and we want you to find among yourselves those who have other gifts.

Father, thank you for the gifts you have given me and I ask that you will teach me to serve you accordingly.

Life Application

Do we seek to discover and put to use individual gifts distributed by the Holy Spirit? Do we honor each gift for its distinctive value, as we use them to serve His calling? Do we exhibit the beauty of Jesus’ humility in our serving?

Daily Devotion © 2014, 2022 by Ray Stedman Ministries.


“Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good.” Romans 12:21

Katie made the switch from reading books to a Kindle years ago. She hasn’t looked back. When she suggested I give it a try, I just couldn’t get the hang of it. She liked having all her books on 1 device that was easily carried. I like to write notes and skim around. Thinking about it, I believe our preferences came  down to a matter of convenience.

I had shelves of books that I could be read, refer to and put back. Stopping and starting was as easy as turning to a paper bookmark. A lot of my books were my dad’s and I love seeing his handwritten notes where he had visited years ago. I didn’t have that kind of ability with a Kindle. So I stuck to what convenienced me. Until yesterday.

95% of what I read is for my vocation. Unless on vacation, I don’t usually pick up a ‘fun’ book. But recently I had, and enjoyed it. So much so that I thought… “hmmm, what next?” A friend had recommended a book, Katie had downloaded, read and liked it. Her suggestion to me to read it meant doing so from her old Kindle. And so my fight with the learning curve began!

It took some time, and I’m still not an expert on the stop and start of the thing, but having read a third of the book, I’m getting it. Reading in the dark was interesting, and hitting the ‘off’ button was easier than finding my bookmark! So I’m picking up on the conveniences and slowly being sold on how easy a Kindle can be! Suddenly… I am stopped in my tracks!

This last week was NOT a good week for righteousness. The protests over abortion, LGBTQ and transgender education just had another ‘right’ thrown in when Johns Hopkins University hired a trans-gender professor who believes that a propensity to pedophilia really isn’t all that bad! And I’m sick! Because, I know, this is just the initial trial run of an evil idea trying to get out of the gate!

The easiest thing I can do when evil raises it’s head is to hide. Speaking to Christians about this latest issue facing our society, I am mournfully searching. But unlike my Kindle experience, every mark in God’s Book as to what He expects from me points to an IN-convenience on my part. It’s getting harder to see in the darkness!

What is God calling YOU to do?  Will you?


CONFRONTATION – A Daily Devotional – from your friends at RayStedman.org

“They called the apostles in and had them flogged. Then they ordered them not to speak in the name of Jesus, and let them go. The apostles left the Sanhedrin, rejoicing because they had been counted worthy of suffering disgrace for the Name. Day after day, in the temple courts and from house to house, they never stopped teaching and proclaiming the good news that Jesus is the Messiah.” Acts 5:40b-42

I love that. They did not stop. They counted themselves fortunate to suffer dishonor for his name. It seems to take Christians so long to face up to the simple declaration of Scripture that, when they were called to be a Christian, they were called to suffer. As Paul said in his letter to the Philippians, For it has been granted to you on behalf of Christ not only to believe in him, but also to suffer for him. (Philippians 1:29). 

We are called to this. Suffering is an integral part of the Christian experience. It is not something that is unusual or reserved for just a few; it is for all. Peter wrote, Do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal that has come on you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you. (1 Peter 4:12). Don’t think it is strange. 

You go through problems, difficulties, heartaches, disappointments, ostracism and coolness from others, all for the sake of the Name. Don’t think that is strange. It is that to which we are called.

In a world that is run by illusions, governed by deceptions, and is a victim of lies and maliciously evil falsehoods, what else can we expect if we stand for the truth? People will think we are strange, at times. People will think we react in funny ways. There will be some degree of coolness, even among those who are, in many other ways, friendly toward us. They will think we are a little odd. But it is they who are odd; it is we who are normal. 

When a normal person lives in a world full of oddballs, they think he’s odd. But that is the suffering to which he is called. Like these disciples, we ought to thank God for it and rejoice in it. Jesus said that, didn’t he? Blessed are you when men revile you and persecute you and say all manner of evil against you falsely for my name’s sake. Rejoice, and be exceeding glad, … for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you… (Matthew 5:11-12 KJV).

The church, then, is not to wring its hands, and say, Oh what a terrible thing! We’re being opposed! What an awful thing! No! Rejoice, like these early Christians did. Count it an honor that you have been called to suffer a little for his name’s sake. Stand up and be counted.

Father, help me to understand that we are the salt of the earth, we are the light of the world, and we must begin to act that way again. Evil is lurking… but is it afraid of YOU?

Click here for the link to RayStedman.org – link to devotional here


May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you the same attitude of mind toward each other that Christ Jesus had, so that with one mind and one voice you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.” Romans 15:5-6

SWAT – SLAM… BAM… and it was over! I hadn’t even looked for the opportunity before it presented itself, though my dander had been rising at the sight wasps coming to eat the butterfly larvae. As I passed by the wall, the wasp was just sitting there. Before I could even think, and as quick as lighting, I smashed him with my bare hand. I felt like a hero!

Situations, like seasons, come and go. I often forget the problems and responsibilities that come with seasons. It had been a year since dealing with the wasp-larvae problem. Katie likes butterflies, wasps like their offspring. Now that it’s spring, the 2 naturally come together, To us, butterflies represent life, freedom and hope. Wasps… irritation, pain and death! I hate pain and death!

There’s another thing I hate almost as much as pain and death. Bullies! I hate bullies! People picking on other people, often for no logical reason at all. Being a preacher’s kid, and on the small side, I was bullied growing up. Often by adults using me to make a point, or to attack my dad. Wasps are bullies. And I learned a long time ago that the best way to deal with them… is quickly!

There’s a lady I have come to love very much. She is under Hospice care. Though her death is inevitable, it is not coming quickly. Being in constant and increasing pain naturally leads her to depression. I visit her regularly, but long before I arrive at her door, I already know what wasps I am going to have to face… and swat! So I pray, prepare and present God’s swat, in order to limit those evil stings!

Being a drummer, I had to learn to be fast! When that wasp landed on the wall in front of me, I didn’t even think. Before my hand began to move, my mind had already made the decision… ‘him or me!’ Learning how God loves His children has made me learn what HE doesn’t like. AND how HE handles those pests. GOD gives endurance and encouragement! I am simply His messenger. And what an honor it is to be so.

Are YOU an agent for God’s endurance and encouragement? Do you need some?  


“…Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the Word.” Ephesians 5:25-26

“They’re WILTING – OH NOOO!” Looking out the glass doors, I saw what Katie was seeing… and saying. She had wanted butterflies, so I bought her milkweed. Placing the plants where she could SEE the butterflies left the plants under the hot afternoon sun… which was drying them out fast! It was a problem we’ve had before, but last year’s solution was not working now!

When wilting happened last year, I built a sun filtering screen above the milkweed so it wouldn’t dry out. Which worked! The butterflies last year already knew where the milkweed was, so flying under the screen was not a problem. The new butterflies this year weren’t seeming to find easy access to the plants, so we weren’t seeing many of them. Experimenting, I moved the plants out from under the screen. The butterflies came, but the milkweed wilted!  So I repositioned the screen. 

Watering plants twice a day isn’t impossible, when we’re home to baby it. But we aren’t always around. Milkweed attracts butterflies that lay their eggs on the leaves, which grow into caterpillars, eventually ‘morphing’ into more butterflies. Keeping the plants watered is critical. Plans to keep them watered, when we are away, are critical for the life of the butterflies. Just like humans!

The verse today is similar! Sin, and the effects of it, can wilt and kill the life in me that Jesus loves. Though He paid my price for sin, I STILL have the need to be watered and cared for. And He does that PERSONALLY though His Word. The Bible is my SON-screen… His Word, a filter for everything that comes into my life. It is MY responsibility to seek His direction and will by DRINKING IN His Word!

Jesus’ love led him to sacrifice Himself for His Bride… The Church! Knowing the Scripture makes that clear. But I cut the first part of the verse off… on purpose! The verse STARTS with “Husbands love your wives like…!” Hmmmm….! That He gave His ‘promised purpose’ AFTER giving ‘the command,’ makes clear what HE expects from ME! So BEFORE any heat rises, I’m going to The Word – FIRST!!

Are YOU spending time DAILY… bathing, drinking and being protected by the Water of Jesus’ Word?


For we do not have a high priest who is unable to empathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are—yet he did not sin.” Hebrews 4:15

I saw him come in, though he looked a little off! When he opened his mouth to speak, I knew something was wrong. He sounded horrible! I shook his hand anyway and we went into the office for a quick Church meeting. Moving from a chair, to standing, it was evident he was not comfortable. It may have been seeing Jesus’ picture on the wall, but I wondered, did Jesus ever get sick like Randy?

There are only 2 answers to the sick question… Jesus either did or didn’t. Everything we know, or need to know, about God and Son is found in the Word of God. If it isn’t in there, it’s questionable! And I’ve heard some crazy, unverifiable stuff. Like, ‘when Jesus was a child He healed sick animals for fun!’ Which cannot be found in PETA 4:7. But Jesus, like Randy, was a man. Did He ever get sick?

We have several folks in our church who are going through health issues. Some serious! When I talk to them on the phone or go visit, it is my calling to give them some hope to hang onto. So I pray to God, by the power of the Holy Spirit, through Jesus Christ His Son. I ALWAYS ask for healing or to help them to feel better. So I’ve wondered, “can Jesus even sympathize with one of His sick sheep?

The question of ‘did Jesus ever get sick,’ begs another. ‘Does it matter?’ In one respect, it doesn’t. God told us by His written Word what we need to know. If it’s not in there, we are not allowed to build fanciful sandcastles of Doctrine that can easily fly away on gossamer wings! Like Calvinism (that was a joke aimed at a few of my friends).

So did Jesus ever get sick? Looking at this Bible Verse, I’m going to make a 51/49 bet that He did. But I’m not putting money on it. We know, other than dying from the sickness of paying for our sin, He didn’t have terminal cancer. I doubt He had COPD or Cerebral Palsy because He appeared to walk and talk really well! But did Jesus ever catch a cold or the flu? I think He did… and here’s why.

Sickness, like breathing and sinning, is common to EVERYONE! Whether sick from flu, cancer or fatigue, we all know what it feels like to not feel well. That being said, it helps me to think my Savior has an ‘experienced’ empathy for my plight. Just like He did with my breathing and my sin. And that thought, unbelievably… gives me a LOT of comfort.

Whether healthy or sick, are you comfortable with Jesus?


And this is love: that we walk in obedience to his commands. As you have heard from the beginning, his command is that you walk in love.” 2 John 1:6

I had the need to see a doctor I had never met before. After the referral, I received an email from his office with instructions about the appointment. Several times I saw, written in bold print, “Please do not arrive early!” It was the first time I had ever heard THAT rule before!

With the appointment set for 9am, I arrived at 8:40am because of the rule drilled into me, ”early is on time, on time is late, and late is never acceptable.” So… what to do? I sat in my truck until 9:52. When I started heading toward the door, there was a man ahead of me by about 10 seconds. He was older, and I could have easily beat him, but rules of courtesy came first and I had time!

Once in, I heard him give his name and say, “I have a 9:30 appointment.” Astonished, I thought, “Flagrant violator! Didn’t you read the instructions?” When it was my turn I said “McCay… 9am… because I READ YOUR INSTRUCTIONS ABOUT NOT BEING EARLY!’” After helping them out with enforcement, I sat down. About 9 minutes later the door opened.. and they called HIM FIRST!

I wasn’t mad or upset, since I didn’t have anywhere else to be. But I was intrigued! So I asked, “I’m just curious as to why your office was so explicit, yet called the early guy first! She mentioned something about not having copied my paperwork yet! After about 10 minutes HE walked out and they called me in! I think I saw a snicker on his face!

I have a love/hate relationship with rules because I don’t like lots of them. Yet trying to live in a society without rules would be murder… Literally! Growing up, I was promised that life would be better for me if I simply obeyed ‘The Rules.’ But I have learned that not everybody does, and that rule breakers often benefit when there are no consequences. Like the snickering Mr. Early!

On the way home, I hit the Venice Drawbridge. I SAW a red light as I approached, but didn’t really comprehend what it meant, since the gates weren’t lowering. When I finally realized I was supposed to stop, I was just ‘at the edge’ of the decision. Then hit the gas!!! Yes, like Mr Early, I got away with it. But then I kinda sensed that Jesus wasn’t too happy about it!

Are you proving you love Jesus by following The Rules?