“…just as we have borne the image of the earthly man, so shall we bear the image of the heavenly man.” 1 Corinthians 15:49
Today, many in the world celebrate Halloween. A time of innocent fun as children of all ages dress up in costumes and go door to door seeking treats. Providing threats of ‘tricks’ if treats are not provided have been gone for decades. But the Harvest Festival still exists, though brewed in controversy. Looking into the mystery of death has been placed ‘off limits,’ and sort of made safe!
The ancient Irish festival of Samhain (pronounced saw-when or sowin) is rarely practiced because of its mystical properties. Instead, harmless fun and parties are proposed to fill in the gap. It seems something keeps calling people to this kind of special day of rememberance. And I sometimes wonder that we may have gone a little too far in sweeping it under the rug! Because ‘death’ is still very much alive!
I have a Christian brother who is, right now, facing the untimely death of his mother. She is still young, so statements like, ‘this isn’t supposed to happen’ and ‘life isn’t fair’ become fair game… along with the biggest question from the lips of men, “Why God?” They are mortal attempts at making an extremely difficult situation, somehow a little more bearable. They always fail.
My friend is in a hole! Having been there several times myself, I have attempted the impossible. Which is to say or do something to try and make his situation a little better than it really is. Pitifully impossible is a better description. Looking again at death actually makes me relive ‘my’ times in the hole. And while never cause for celebration, it provides a needy reminder for my soul.
Because I am a Believer in Jesus Christ, sin and death were the very first subjects I had to learn to become a Christian. The world doesn’t like to talk about such subjects, but God insists! AS an unsaved human, I’d more like to give God a fun slap on the back and say,”don’t take it so serious, I was only kidding!” I forget that sin is serious business, and it’s cost is even more serious. Until!
For all humans, the wage of sin is death (Romans 6:23). But the mystery of ‘Life’ is even bigger. These mortal weak and temporary bodies, when given into the nail-pierced hands of Jesus Christ, WILL bear the image of the Heavenly! From dirt to Glory! And while death is uncomfortable to talk about, keeping quiet about it is a dirty trick never meant to be covered up by a mask.
Will YOU share the real ‘treat’ of eternal life with someone who is lost?