“Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit.” Galatians 5:24-25
And ‘just like that,’ I became a murderer! Recovering from minor surgery proved a little more major than planned. Low activity and no physical labor had left me bored. Since running to the store fit neither category, I went. Halfway there a snowbird, in a Cadillac from Ohio, slid in front of me! We slowed just in time for the traffic light to turn yellow. His taillights turned red. And so did I!
Lying around for a few days, as instructed, had put ‘fleshy self’ into a quiet non-existence. Napping and reading gave no reason to dig him up so, dormant he went. That is until ‘Mr. Ohio’ broke me before a caution light! In reality, I should have exercised caution and seen it coming long before Mr. Ohio made his move. But passionate Mr. Flesh dies hard… and he NEVER dies on this side of death!
Looking back on the scene I thank God for His Holy Spirit. I should have been grateful for not needing an ambulance, but God knew I needed ‘Life-Support!’ And He sent it! As SOON as I swore and became a murderer, God stepped in and reminded me otherwise. Shocked back into His Truth like a defibrillator, I could hear His correction. “You are NOT a MURDERER! You are MY SON!”
While no official obituary was ever posted, Fleshy K.C. died sometime around 1966. Here in 2022, like Elvis sightings of old, there is evidence and rumor that he might still be ‘alive’ after all this time! While that may not impress the rest of the world, it DOES have a tendency to impress ME! And THAT is a HUGE problem. Since Jesus substitutionally died to save me, who am I to question His work?
As long as the world, flesh and the devil can cut in front and get me to believe that I am a liar, murderer, thief or cheat, they can influence my behavior AND my ability to be God’s witness in this world. Long ago a teacher told me that the best way to ACT like a son of God, is to remember that I AM! After that, beating the yellow need not even be a concern!
How do YOU see you? Do things you do in the flesh alter your perception of who you are in Christ? What does the Bible say about YOU? How might words like ‘justified,’ sanctified’ and ‘forgiven’ help you slow down your transformation into fleshy activity?