
“…but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.” Isaiah 40:31

My smile could NOT have gotten bigger, nor could the love and appreciation I felt toward God! After not feeling very well, I was headed out to a doctor appointment. Running a little behind, I had spent some quiet time doing research for Sunday’s service. A link opened to a full concert… then to 1 song. Listening to the song, I was drawn back in time… remembering.

Heading out onto US 41, I noticed a turkey buzzard flying in the air. A usual sight. Buzzards have a tendency to flock together like family, just for a sense of community. When they do, it’s called a ‘harem.’ Shortly after seeing that buzzard, another flew directly toward me.  When the sun caught its wings I noticed it was a Bald Eagle. It then flew directly above me, then circled!

My immediate reaction was to not only smile.. but to SHOUT OUT thanks and praise to God for His glorious gift! This is NOT Biblical! But it Is… personal. Over the seasons of my life, God has used Eagles and Rainbows as personal hugs to me. Sometimes when I have followed through on tough assignments, or after being down… and sometimes for no other reason than His Love.

In the words of a song, “this is my God, this is who He is… He LOVES us (me). Many years ago, back when all there was to sing were hymns out of a hymnbook at church, God took the time to reveal Himself and call ME. I have NEVER regretted saying ‘yes!’ Over time, He has taken me though many mountain tops… and valleys… sometimes with eagles and rainbows along the way!

I’ve learned that God doesn’t call GROUPS to Himself. He births each and every Believer, personally and individually. Each one of us has OUR story. Where I may see an Eagle, you may see a sunset.. or whatever! But God is PERSONAL. Our relationships to Him are like fingerprints… still a finger.. but uniquely personal. Like an appreciated hug from a father.

I don’t know what God does for you at special times. But He does it. Those touches may come often, or they can be rare. But He stamps His name on my heart when He chooses. So… what does He do for YOU? How are you searching for and growing closer to know? Are you pursuing Him as much as He pursues you? Why not spend some special time with Him today and start to discover?

Here’s a good song we just sang Sunday. May it bless you as much as it did me…  i’m feeling better today! 🙂


And if anyone’s name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire.” Revelation 20:15

“Uh Oh!” I knew I was in trouble when the response to my password AGAIN came back, ‘Password not found!” But I had a backup plan. I have a special place where I store those passwords to protect me from… ME! Going to my hideout, I looked it up, typed it in and… “Password not found!” “WHOA BOY! What do I do NOW?” Then… I thought about Heaven!

For just an instant, in the back of my mind, the scenario of standing before God came into view. What if this same response came from those managing the Pearly Gates? Dare I try a few more passwords to hopefully stumble onto the right one? If those didn’t work, could I demand to see a supervisor who might have some ‘pull’ with The Big Guy? Then… I smiled.

In reading and discovering polling answers from people, when asked what they believe and where they will spend eternity, it is sad to see that the VAST majority, upwards to 90% of them, cannot tell for sure where they will go when they die! When pressed on the matter, the common response is to offer guesses or excuses. But could that ever work for God?

I thank God that I KNOW for CERTAIN where I will go when I die. No “if’s, and’s or but’s.” And there will not be any need for guessing either! I know the password EXACTLY. It is the #1 Priority of my life. I get great peace and solace from knowing that MY name is written in ‘God’s Eternal Book Of Life.’ What about YOU? Is YOUR name there? Are YOU CERTAIN?


Do your best (Study) to present yourself to God as one approved, a WORKer who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles (applies) the Word of Truth.” 2 Timothy 2:15

The parts are lying in a box… the box is beside the back door. It’s been there for about 2 weeks now. I have had every intention of ‘getting to it,’ but haven’t! The parts are for my swimming pool where there’s a valve that’s needed attention for a long time. Motivated about a month ago, I called the company’s name on the part and was totally shocked!

We’ve lived in this house for 36 years now, and the pool valve was here when I bought the place. It’s been working… kinda… but it leaks. The company rep told me, “that valve has a lifetime warranty.” My question back was, “who’s lifetime?” He said, “the valve’s.” So he sent me parts… FREE! They’re sitting by the back door. I’m not swimming now… so… why rush?

Priorities! The house and the pool are mine so, it’s really up to ME as to whether it gets fixed, and by whom and when… or not! But hey… I’m in no rush! The water’s cold and I’m not jumping in anytime soon so… no play… no work. Which is kind of the opposite of what today’s Bible verse has to say about my King’s thoughts on my priorities. He wants workers!

This has been the single most difficult part of my job as pastor. My mentor was my dad. And while I didn’t get started as a child, the process of reading and studying my Bible did finally kick in gear when life started to get rough at about 19 years old. I’ve been going ever since. Finding myself in a field of people in rough stuff, I try to pass on this most important lesson.

The King James says ‘STUDY’ to show yourself approved by God… a WORKMAN! It doesn’t say, “put off stuff and have fun like a Playboy!” Life indeed has problems. After all, this life is WAR! But the mentality and effort required to fight a war is different than just simply playing around and enjoying life! In fact, ‘enjoying life’ is not really God’s goal for me. It’s this verse!

I do not belong to me and do not have the right to set my own priorities, Since I traded lives with Jesus, I’m His… He’s mine. HE has the right to tell me what, when, and how to do EVERYTHING. LETTING Him is another matter. But that doesn’t change the rules. God wants me to focus, read, study and apply His Word to my life. Are you leakin’, playin’, or Workin’? 


“…they have chosen their own ways and delighted in their abominations; so I also will choose harsh treatment for them and will bring on them what they dread. For when I called, no one answered, when I spoke, no one listened. They did evil in my sight and chose what displeases me.” Isaiah 66:3b-4

“Baby it’s cold outside,” isn’t just a song. Right now, in Florida, it’s gearing up for chilly future reality, and we’ve gotten a taste. The weather forecast calls for temperatures to drop to the 40’s around here, a ‘thing’ we Floridians do not appreciate! Thankfully, smart people before me invented ways to make the uncomfortable… comfortable!

Our living room holds a piece of furniture that looks nice all year round. It’s an electric, simulated fireplace that is there ‘for show!’ In summer, we can turn it on and choose from a variety of flames and simulations to make the room look cozy and comfy. When it gets cold, the press of a button produces electric heat to warm the room. AHHHH!

But a tricky situation arises when that button is pressed for heat. Katie and I have differing comfort levels that can change. Sometimes she gets too hot, other times I do. We each have to DECIDE what to do about our individual conditions. Adding or subtracting a blanket or sweater can help us accommodate each other’s likes.

Today’s verse takes us to the prophetic ‘end times’ where things get hot real fast! Jesus is very clear when it comes to sin, HE does NOT accommodate HIS likes… to OURS. His is 100% ‘MY way or the BYE-way.’ End time judgment will sweep away those who like doing things ‘their own evil way!’ And Jesus has control of the furnace!

Every day brings challenges, choices, opportunities and even temptations to do things that please Jesus and can make us comfy. But some things He can’t stand! MY choice is to either accommodate my ways to His… or suffer His displeasure or judgment. It is MY job to simply keep my fingers off ‘The Hot Button!’ 

Now what about YOU? Do YOUR choices ‘displease Jesus?’


My soul yearns, even faints, for the courts of the Lord; my heart and my flesh cry out for the living God.” Psalm 84:2

“Honey, would you ring my phone? I can’t seem to find it!” She did… but it didn’t help! The phone MAY have rung, but the sound was not being heard by my ears. It wasn’t until later, when I found the phone outside on a table, that I understood WHY I couldn’t hear it. It rang where I wasn’t! Sender and receiver weren’t able to communicate! It’s been like that awhile!

The Christmas Season is always a favorite. With lots to do, there’s also lots to enjoy. Unfortunately this year, several viruses had settled in among the festivities, making my season NOT so sunny and bright! With congestion and fatigue, my get up and go… got up and went! Being so earthly and physically minded, I became no heavenly or spiritually good!

There is not a person in this world I have ever met who enjoyed being sick! Sickness is simply not normal! EVERYTHING in my being cried out that the sick state I’m in, is NOT the way life is SUPPOSED to BE! Then I got grumpy! After being grumpy for so long, I realized that, like sickness, grumpy didn’t provide any relief either! Then I did something stupid!

It was a rough day and night. I couldn’t breath, and I knew I had to get up early to preach. Suddenly it just came out… and I grumped at God! I won’t say what I said… but it definitely got HIS attention! Because… unlike the ring of my phone… HE HEARD ME! There seemed to come some heavenly lightning bolt that split the spiritual and the earthly. Then I heard HIM!

There’s an old saying, “he’s so heavenly minded that he’s no earthly good.” I’ve never had that problem! But I HAVE been ‘so earthly minded that I was no HEAVENLY good.’ Finding myself disconnected with God… I rang His phone REALLY loud! But thank God for Grace! It seems… He’d been trying to reach ME all along! Are YOU regularly connected with God? He’s trying to reach you!


“…continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling.” Philippians 2:12-13

Work out! Two words that, when put together, cause me no joy. Yes, I go to the gym (usually 3 times a week) with my wife. But I don’t ‘LOOK FORWARD’ to the gym… EVER! Lately, due to a nasty sinus thing AND a busy schedule, we hadn’t gone in about 3 weeks. On Christmas Day, we were going by there anyway, so we decided to get back to it!

Having never been “work out ‘gym’” people, we noticed that our bodies were aching, even though we hadn’t DONE anything. It’s like our bodies were screaming to WORK OUT! We did, and as strange as it always sounded before, the lazy ache subsided and was replaced by a muscle ache that indicated some level of accomplishment! We actually felt… BETTER!

Yesterday had me running around with the McCay clan like the old days. My brother’s family was in town from around the world and about 40 of us got together. Someone said, why don’t we play a game of McCay football like we did growing up! Though I cringed… I played. And was glad to do so. Now… I ache. But it’s a GOOD ache!

Working out the Salvation of Christ in my own personal life means that I have to make the effort to take the initiative. I know the parts of my physical body that need improvement. Likewise, God’s Holy Spirit inside me points out the areas where I need special attention. He expects me to GIVE IT… just that! WITH ‘fear and trembling!’

The fear and trembling comes from love. I do not want to let my Lord down. Therefore, if He really IS Lord, I need to be nervous as to how He views my life and progress. I am nervous to let Him down. What happens at the gym, also happens in my spirit and soul. But I gotta show up first. Then, I’m to WORK! WILLINGLY! Do you fearfully do that?


I hold this against you: You have forsaken your first love.” Revelation 2:4

“Oh no… I’m gonna party like Rock Star!” That was the answer from someone I had invited to Christmas Eve Service. They had just confessed to being a Christian… but confessed they were ‘backslidden.’ When I invited them to come to church, the answer came without delay. Nothing I said mattered. Their smile of anticipation was wide and full!

Later, at the service, the service went badly. All the planning was flushed when a technical problem with the computer decided not to work. But regardless… I pressed on to lift up and honor The Savior. A video that worked sent the message by itself. It’s title, “Do you Have Room?” still begs the question a day AFTER Christmas. Here it is.

In Revelation Chapter 2, Jesus isn’t asking us the question of Joseph in Bethlehem… “Do you have room?” In fact, He really doesn’t ask us to try to simply ‘fit Him in.’ When we make Him our Lord and Savior, he looks at our life, and begins the process of ‘CLEARING’ the room for Himself. Each day, month and year, He beacons me to give Him my ALL. Will… and do you?


But as for me, I will watch expectantly for the Lord; I will wait for the God of my salvation.” My God will hear me. Micah 7:7

It’s Christmas Eve Day! A day I look forward to… even more than Christmas Day! That may sound weird, but recalling my growing up years, it has always been that way. The word that describes the feeling and excitement inside me is ‘Anticipation.’ Coming home from shopping, and dinner out last night, I realized that after today, it’s over!

I had my last minute list on my phone, and like Santa, I was checking it twice. Stores close early today and will not be open tomorrow. So If I don’t get the things I need for Christmas celebrations with family and friends, I won’t get them at all. Readiness, planning, figuring, timing, effort and energy all go into the list making… until tonight!

Tonight is our Church’s annual ‘Candlelight Christmas Eve Service.’ It is the highlight of Christmas Worship. Lot’s of planning and effort have gone into it over decades, having been started by my dad. It taps into the anticipation of God toward man and the world. And it PROVES what is most important to most people. Will they show up?

To me, Christmas isn’t Christmas without Christmas Eve. Anticipation is really just another word for ‘Faith’ as proved by ‘Works.’ I believe the most important subject of the Universe is ‘Jesus Christ.’ Therefore, physically worshiping Jesus Christ in His Church on the celebrated Eve of His birth is the literally THE most inspiring work I can do!

Tonight, we will meet at our Church at 6:30pm. I invite as many people as possible to come and join The Church in hearing His story. Especially people who do not know Him. In the candlelight and quiet, it is AWESOME to hear from The Coming King Himself. What will YOU be doing with Jesus tonight? How important is He… really?


After they had seen the Child, they spread the message they had received about Him. And all who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds said to them.” Luke 2:17-18

At the store, purchasing some propane for an upcoming family gathering, I was in ‘The Christmas Spirit.’ The fellow waiting on me… didn’t seem to be. Knowing how my Boss likes me spreading The Good News, I was fishing for a line to start a conversation. I just knew a standard ‘Jesus’ one wouldn’t work. So I asked, “Ready for Christmas?”

The man quietly answered that he ‘still had some presents to wrap,’ but for the most part… he was. That answer didn’t even equal a nibble! Hoping to use the minutes we had left for some eternal purpose, I asked him if he knew how many wise men there were! He didn’t… and didn’t care. I tried at least 3 more ‘casts,’ but he got away!

The Greatest Story ever told is the one about the Messiah, the Savior of men, taking the form of a man and coming to Earth to rescue us from the evil spell cast by that ol serpent. When Eve fell for satan’s line, it sealed man’s fate for eternal Hell. What we needed was a rescuer! Jesus came! And for those who receive the free gift, It’s HUGE!

Sadly, far too many people have forgotten to keep the main thing… the main thing! Christmas is NOT about mandatory shopping, parties, decorating and holiday cheer! It’s about the Hero who provided rescue for ANY kid willing to go to the back of life’s Bus to escape it’s fiery fate! God came to rescue people… who want to be rescued! Do you?