“For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.” Hebrews 4:12
DDDDDDDDDDDDDDT! DDDDDDDDDDDDDDT! Every day at this time of year, and just about at the same time, between 7 and 7:30am, a pileated woodpecker arrives at my house and starts making a racket… ON MY GUTTER! When 2 of my grandkids stayed with us this week, they awoke to the sound saying, “WHAT IS THAT?” I told them it was a woodpecker sharpening its beak! But I was wrong!
I had this great idea of sharing the importance of keeping oneself sharp by getting up early and getting into God’s Word. I even looked up a great Bible verse to drive the point home!!! Looking for a picture, I found that gutter thumping woodpeckers are a common occurrence. But the reason has NOTHING to do with sharpening their beaks. They’re ACTUALLY looking for attention from the ladies!
Red headed pileated woodpeckers are always males. In the spring, like all birds, they begin to look for a mate. But while other birds chirp or sing, woodpeckers do it by drumming! The sound marks their territory and lets lady woodpeckers know they are there and ready! Which, in a way, kind of destroyed my theme or idea of sharpening my life with God’s Word. Then God said, “hold on there!”
It may be a funny allusion now, but 45 years ago ‘I’ was drumming in a gutter bar and caught the attention of a VERY fine lady on vacation! We were married in 2 months and have been making music ever since! So the woodpecker’s story relates. But humorously, it doesn’t stop there! You see, the 2 loves of my life are STILL the one’s whose affections I continually look for. So I still drum!
I have found, through time and experience, that diving into God’s Word does indeed sharpen my life… AND makes me more attractive to my mate. The more I learn and grow, the better and more attractive I become to both of them… AND to those around me. “Jesus Works!” Is one of my sayings. And when I say that, I’m not just making noise. I’m sharing a truth, never meant to be kept a secret!
Are YOU attracting God’s attention in a good way? Do other people see and hear you joyfully drumming for God? Or are you just being selfish, loud and irritating? If you’re not sure, why not ask some of your fellow feathered friends how THEY see you? And then go to God’s Word for some drumming tips! After all… the whole idea was invented by Him in the first place!