“The heart of the discerning acquires knowledge, for the ears of the wise seek it out.” Proverbs 18:15
“ICK!” was my personal response as I looked out the window into a cloudy, cold dreary morning. The weather threatened more rain, on top of the already soaked everything that had already been drenched. But it was decision time. And I’m the guy that needed to make one. I recalled one of my slogans, “when you don’t know what to do, get more information.”
It was Wednesday. Which means different things to different people. For me and our church, it was the day we go out to share the Gospel by holding signs on a busy corner. At least a half dozen others were looking out at the same clouds and temperature… wondering. For them, they wondered what “I” would decide. Do we go… or not? I didn’t want to!
It was cold! Icky! Nasty! But those are NOT adequate reasons to avoid the mission God had laid on our hearts. Pleasing God is Priority one! At least it’s SUPPOSED to be. Secretly I was looking for more information to make a sound and logical decision that would be OK with HIM. Looking up the weather forecast, I saw there was a 91% chance of rain. I canceled!
Rain and painted cardboard signs do not go well together. Cold, rainy weather… and my going out INTO it… don’t either. But I had to BE WILLING to do what GOD wanted me to do. And I was. As were the faithful folks awaiting the decision that had to be made. I had to admit I was relieved when I saw the rain chance. I had done my duty, and called it off!
‘Ahhhhh’… was the relief I felt. I quickly messaged everyone and got zero responses. Which meant no one was going to argue the decision. Which was a good thing! All was well, for about 20 minutes, when the sun seemed to mess with me and just pop out after all! Do you wrestle with doing the right thing at the right time? How do YOU determine what God’s will is?