“The LORD saw how great the wickedness of the human race had become on the earth, and that every inclination of the thoughts of the human heart was only evil all the time.” Genesis 6:5
Bzzzzzzzzz! I knew the sound they were making because I’d heard it many times. Not hearing like I used to, I just associated sound with sight as multiple mosquitoes flew around me in the dusk of the day. They were hungry! I knew my new found popularity came because THEY saw me as dinner! Since sucking my blood was grounds for capital punishment, I swatted. They kept coming!
It’s one of the universal questions that gets asked when mosquitoes invade groups of people. “Why did God make mosquitoes?” EVERYONE knows that the very idea of creating mosquitoes is ridiculous! Thus a presumption buzzes in the air, even asked by atheists to make their point. “If God created ALL things… why did He make mosquitoes? JUST WHAT WAS HE THINKING!??”
We had a family get-together the other day and 8 of my grandkids were here hanging out. I love these times because I don’t see them, or kids in general, on a daily basis. My Clan-kids are AMAZING, but even THEY have ‘occasional’ spats or fights, picking on each other and ratting each other out. Parents shared stories and experiences of raising these exceptional wonders of creation. My legacy!
The bubble gum machine I have for them was put to good use. After they left, I walked around and found several sticky blobs of goo on the pool pavers. Closer research revealed them to be wads of chewed gum. Someone in my legacy line had taken my gift of Bubble gum, enjoyed it, then had spit it out on the floor! I didn’t need to draw blood or do a DNA test because I pretty much know the who!
So there you have it! The answer to the big question. God didn’t make thorns, weeds, sweat and mosquitoes originally. They became the result AFTER man abused God’s gift of Life! Buzzing and bloodletting are the result of men choosing to be men, instead of His Legacy. Men are sinful and evil because men chose to be sinful and evil! Simply put… sin is in our blood! It’s what we do!
Adam and Eve had only 1 thing to avoid. Unfortunately, with the birth of sin, sin now comes in swarms! Now I wake up every morning to the buzzing swarms of evil choices just waiting to get a piece of me. But thank God that Jesus Christ gave HIS Blood so that I don’t have to ultimately pay… with mine! Is the Blood of Jesus YOUR sin repellent? Do you apply Him often?