“Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.” Philippians 2:4 ESV
I saw it before I stepped in it… but then was called to step in anyway. Grateful to find a spot in the already full parking lot, I got out of my truck and headed to the store, weaving the path between cars. Looking ahead, I was lucky to see it before I stepped in it. Gum! Right there! Lying on the ground for someone to step in! So I stepped over it! THAT’S when I felt God’s nudge of interruption.
Turning around, I walked back and crouched down to look at the mess. What I saw was NOT gum, but a small smashed cap to a plastic water bottle. My judgment of whoever it was that spit gum out on an open parking lot had dissipated. So I stood up and headed to the store. Two steps into my walk, I KNEW it would come before it actually did. Another nudge from God said, “go pick it up!”
Now EVERYONE KNOWS that spitting ABC (already been chewed) gum onto a sidewalk where someone might step on it, is BAD FORM! It is messy, inconsiderate and mean! To have no guilt or nudge of correction means that God’s voice has been tuned out… possibly forever. And if there is one thing I have learned the hard way… it’s that keeping tuned in to hear God’s voice is for my own good!
God loves EVERYBODY! And while we are NOT ALL God’s Children, God is ALWAYS in the business of trying to MAKE MORE people His children. He does it by using MY words and actions. I am His. And because of that, He counts on me… to count on Him. The first nudge was to see if I really cared and was paying attention. The second was to see if I would actually OBEY what He was telling me to do.
Caring, and then DOING something about it go hand in hand. And yes, I know that sometimes there are even BIGGER tests than just noticing and picking up a small piece of litter. Sometimes He asks BIG things from me. But if I am not paying attention to the little things, I will never notice Him directing me to the big ones. Recognizing and doing something about it only comes with time and obedience.
Are you cultivating and knack for listening to God’s Spirit? Do you pay just as close attention to what He tells you He wants you to DO WITH those nudges? Are you faithful in doing them? Because in a messy world full of the unconcerned, He calls His kids to be VERY much concerned. And sticky situations are His specialty!