“Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.” Proverbs 3:5-6
The guy with the beard is our son Clint. He is standing beside the Commanding Officer of a new, ready to be commissioned, Naval Destroyer. He is talking into his radio, giving commands to the tug boats to safely dock it in Tampa Bay. That 2 second picture was taken out of a 2 minute story on last night’s news. Harbor Pilot is what he DOES. But it’s NOT who he IS. Clint’s a God’s Guy.
Yeah, Yeah… I know… sounds like bragging and ‘Yes!’ I am proud. But the whole scene tells a MUCH bigger story than just docking a Navy ship. Because his GETTING there took over 40 YEARS of guidance, encouragement, study, trial and error, rebellion and valley walking… as God led him to live out today’s verse. But what he IS… is MUCH bigger and more valiant than what he DOES!
I am a proud father of 4 VERY exceptional children. Yes, I BEAM when I hear that Colt was invited to speak encouragement to members of the ‘Up and Comers Club.’ A group he is too old to join! My heart rejoices when Cori, a working mom, takes time out of her day to remodel our church. Or when Mommy Calah sends pictures of her kids laughing at play and learning to be Jesus’ kids!
But all those milestones are merely symbols of something MUCH greater going on. All those superhuman feats are only examples of what my kids DO. But it is NOT who they ARE! What they ALL ARE… is ‘Jesus’ People’ who belong to HIM! And if you look at today’s verse, it isn’t hard to see the connection between a 3000+ year old Verse, and the reality it brings for those who BE-live it!
Mike and Max on the Computer. Jason and Randy at teaching and JYC. Randy, Dan and Vic on Signs! And many others who, behind the scenes, take Jesus seriously enough to step up from DOING… to BEING! Doing can get old, tiring and make one want to quit. Many do. But BEING His is tougher. It’s a call to yield to the hard road, and lay aside YOUR stuff to take on Jesus’ load.
Discouragement, sorrow, temptation, exhaustion and worry, even though preached against by our Lord, are still very real. Valley walkers trust that soon there will be an exit path that will lead them out and UP to the TOP of the mountain. And that soon… The Master will lead us THERE! ‘BE-er’s walk on, knowing who’s they are, with a faith to be less concerned about what they DON’T see.
Are YOU His? Are you committed to follow Him even through the dark, lonely times? Does what you DO, reflect Whose you ARE? If so… your name and picture are already on display on His Heavenly refrigerator. Now go make Him proud by BEING what you are!