“I consider everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them garbage, that I may gain Christ.” Philippians 3:8
WHAT A MESS! And the SMELL??? As much as I did NOT want to clean it up, no one ELSE was going to! So reluctantly, and minus enthusiasm, I got started. After all, it was my fault! I had set a garbage bag, filled with old refrigerator food leftovers, on the corner of the garage floor. Moving the lawn mower around in a hurry, I didn’t see the garbage bag lying there. Ever noticed how plastic bags and metal mowers don’t go well together?
Garbage day around here is Thursday and it was Friday morning. Which meant that I had missed setting a garbage bag out. Now that the mess and smell were dripping over the floor, the horribly stinky contents had to be SUPER wrapped… since it was going to lie around for almost another week until NEXT trash day next week! What a nasty job.
Last night, listening to some good Christian music, I found myself in an uncomfortable conundrum. While listening to songs about the ideal Christian Life, something started to smell…REALLY bad! I was reminded by my conscience, or an ugly little demon, of some things I had recently said, done and felt. I realized that the smell was coming from ME, and soon started to FEEL like what I was smelling! Garbage!
One of the hardest concepts to understand is the one concerning who I AM in Christ. Romans 8 says that, “There is NO condemnation to those who are in Christ.” But at the moment, I sure didn’t feel or SMELL that way! I FELT like a piece of rotting garbage. And it was time to take out the trash!
If the King continually points out to his son, the Prince, that he is a failure, he’ll soon have a failure for a Prince. When the father points out that the Prince is ROYAL and NOBLE by BIRTH, and that the title carries expectations and favor, he’ll see a Prince arise! The difference is the point of view. According to God, there is ONLY ONE view that matters. HIS!
I was feeling down, like a failure, Stinky, smelly and disgusting! But that was not God talking to me. I knew the ONLY way to eliminate that trash was to TAKE IT OUT! I had to replace it with what GOD says about me… because of what His Son did on MY behalf! But “I” HAD to be the one to remove and replace my stinking thinking!
I AM the Righteousness of God in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:21). The ONLY person who can make me feel like garbage… is ME! I just felt like that surpassing knowledge was worth passing on! Are YOU focusing and living by the Words of The King?