
Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one receives the prize? Run in such a way as to take the prize. Everyone who competes in the games trains with strict discipline. They do it for a crown that is perishable, but we do it for a crown that is imperishable. Therefore I do not run aimlessly; I do not fight like I am beating the air. No, I discipline my body and make it my slave, so that after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified.” 1 Corinthians 9:24-25

I hate the gym! Always have. So yesterday, as I was preparing to do my workout, my friend, fellow Christian and gym owner, who by the way has muscles from head to toe, gave me a pep talk. I told him, “I just don’t get a thrill out of lifting weights for no visible purpose. Cutting grass or wood at least produces a product!” He said that , “an old body that WORKS… IS your goal!”   Touche’!

There’s was a TV on the gym wall playing ‘Super-human’ TV. I watched it as a distraction, while pulling on a rowing machine, and found myself going through different emotions. When someone showed off their kicking skill with a soccer ball, or their ability to ride a skateboard down a railing I thought, “what a waste of time!” Bouncing a golf ball off a club isn’t that impressive!

But when I saw the skydivers doing aerobatics in the air, when a bike, dirt-biker or snowboarder did a multi-flip off of a giant leap…my thoughts went to “WHOA!!! THAT’S COOL!!” Then I kinda felt a heavenly nudge with (I think) God asking me, “so why is THAT cool… but the bodybuilder lifting a car isn’t?” Filtering my thoughts, I had to admit that my foolishness was NOT ‘cool!’

In EVERY instance, what ‘I’ thought was cool came from an area if interest of MINE! I have zero interest in bodybuilding my physic into a Hercules! I have ZERO desire to show off by telling people.. “hey.. look what ‘I’ can do! “ Jesus reminded me, “I CALLED you to be a bodybuilder for my Church.” AND that “You are not here to impress the world… just HIM!” And said further… “II Am watching!”

I apparently gave too much yesterday, and hardly slept last night because my legs and arm muscles HURT! Maybe Gym-Man’s speech pressed me ‘harder than I’m used to.’ But God OFTEN does that… just like He did with Paul. I’m just praying that God has somebody special in mind, someone He wants ME to show HIS ability to save them from hell!  Are YOU working out with Jesus in God’s Gym?


…those who hope in me will not be disappointed.” Isaiah 49:23

Time and Temperature! That’s how it’s done! Looking for something to eat this morning I saw, on a shelf, the bananas I had purchased 2 days ago. When I bought them, they were a beautiful, light yellow and green. Now, their color had changed to dark yellow and brown. In 2 days! Knowing what I know, I decided to learn more about bananas and hit the web for info.

We get our bananas locally from Dole. Dole gets them from places all over South America. When they are picked, they are dark green. It takes 1 to 3 weeks to ship them to stores around the world. Once they are placed in the open air at the store, they last about 4 days! I was perplexed! With the varying times for shipping, how do they keep them from spoiling?

You already know the answer because I just told you! Using those 2 controllable conditions, Bananas CAN be KEPT and PERFECTLY PLACED in their final location because, the banana people know a thing or 2, about a thing or 2, about bananas. This morning saw the evidence, and I am now a witness for the Banana thing! Do I sound bananas? Let me drive YOU there!

I am a Christian! I’ve been one for 56 years. My life, over time, has seen many storms and temperature changes. And just like with the banana I ate for breakfast this morning, I am a witness for Jesus Christ because of my experience. Now I’ve been eating bananas all my life! But I’ve never questioned how they ripen before. I find many Christians in that same boat.

Today’s promise is from Isaiah. I can claim it for me… TODAY, even though Isaiah wrote it 3,000 years ago! He wrote a LOT of other things that would happen in the future. Things that ALREADY happened… 2,000 years ago! And they are PROOF that Jesus Christ is God! How?? because 3,000 years ago, Isaiah wrote about Jesus dying FOR ME, about 700 years later!

You want proof in order to witness to YOUR people? Then take the time to look up, and mark these scriptures in Isaiah, share them with your skeptical ones and ask them, who do YOU think this is talking about? Isaiah 49:15-16, 50:4-10, 52:13 through all of chapter 53! Those are but a FEW of the prophecies fulfilled by Jesus Christ. Now that you know, will YOU go be a witness?!

Can YOU witness that, because of placing your hope in Jesus Christ, over time and through difficulties, that today’s verse is true? If not, you might want to simply chill and give Him some more time! God IS working for your good (Romans 8:28).  And you are MUCH more valuable than a banana! Yes, YOU are BEING KEPT and WILL be placed in Glory, in time!


Daniel replied, ‘No wise man, enchanter, magician or diviner can explain to the king the mystery he has asked about but there is a God in heaven who reveals mysteries.'” Daniel 2:27-28a

Surfing through my Bible and focusing on Daniel brought back old feelings and remembrances, along with some new ones. Reflecting on what I read, I am asking myself, “Do I honestly like the way God does things!” Before you become outraged, I’m willing to bet that Daniel, and maybe YOU, aren’t either! Please allow me to explain.

I LOVE God. But ‘His ways (can be) past finding out’ (Romans 11:33). Talking with a friend last night we were discussing just ‘what the heck is going on in the story of OUR world?’ Though friends, we disagreed on fixes, but agreed that good People are emotionally exhausted over the increasing evil around us. Back to Daniel.

Daniel and his 3 friends were actually from the Royal Family of Judah (see Dan. 1:3). Though they proved to be more wise and handsome than a Valedictorian Quarterback, they didn’t seem to have much influence back home. Evil King Jehoiakim was responsible for bringing God’s Judgment and the subsequent Babylonian exile of Judah… seemingly without any warning from Dan and the boys.

Hadn’t they been praying? Had they been warning? Had they tried to influence at all? After being taken captive, tested and castrated, they were placed into a forced 3 year boot camp to ultimately become an influencing army as Nebuchadnezzar’s ‘Wise Guys!’ Yes I said ‘castrated!’ Maybe castration does something to motivate a fella’!

We talked about news and the USA, agreeing most parenting today needs to be back-graded. We remembered how some of us started warning parents to ‘get involved’ YEARS ago when the board made horrific decisions over our kids. But the majority of the public remained silent. Now, like Daniel, we find ourselves here! ALLOWING castration!

I have learned that God doesn’t simply ‘take out’ His enemies. He SEEMS to prefer to let them go on to dig deeper holes! AND to see if those who call Him God will DO THEIR part in His business. Unlike humans, He isn’t as immediately concerned about ‘castration-like’ abuse if His people aren’t! Which leaves me with a question… What is God Thinking?

“Do I honestly like the way God does things?” is probably not the right question! Looking at Daniel, I’m rethinking MY place in all this mess. Maybe MY question should be, “knowing what I know now, what does God expect ME (US)to DO about it!?” Will I (WE) OBEY Him? What do YOU think God wants us to DO?  Cuz unfortunately… they’re coming! 


Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.” Proverbs 3:5-6

The guy with the beard is our son Clint. He is standing beside the Commanding Officer of a new, ready to be commissioned, Naval Destroyer. He is talking into his radio, giving commands to the tug boats to safely dock it in Tampa Bay. That 2 second picture was taken out of a 2 minute story on last night’s news. Harbor Pilot is what he DOES. But it’s NOT who he IS. Clint’s a God’s Guy.

Yeah, Yeah… I know… sounds like bragging and ‘Yes!’ I am proud. But the whole scene tells a MUCH bigger story than just docking a Navy ship. Because his GETTING there took over 40 YEARS of guidance, encouragement, study, trial and error, rebellion and valley walking… as God led him to live out today’s verse. But what he IS… is MUCH bigger and more valiant than what he DOES!

I am a proud father of 4 VERY exceptional children. Yes, I BEAM when I hear that Colt was invited to speak encouragement to members of the ‘Up and Comers Club.’ A group he is too old to join! My heart rejoices when Cori, a working mom, takes time out of her day to remodel our church. Or when Mommy Calah sends pictures of her kids laughing at play and learning to be Jesus’ kids!

But all those milestones are merely symbols of something MUCH greater going on. All those superhuman feats are only examples of what my kids DO. But it is NOT who they ARE! What they ALL ARE… is ‘Jesus’ People’ who belong to HIM! And if you look at today’s verse, it isn’t hard to see the connection between a 3000+ year old Verse, and the reality it brings for those who BE-live it!

Mike and Max on the Computer. Jason and Randy at teaching and JYC. Randy, Dan and Vic on Signs! And many others who, behind the scenes, take Jesus seriously enough to step up from DOING… to BEING! Doing can get old, tiring and make one want to quit. Many do. But BEING His is tougher. It’s a call to yield to the hard road, and lay aside YOUR stuff to take on Jesus’ load.

Discouragement, sorrow, temptation, exhaustion and worry, even though preached against by our Lord, are still very real. Valley walkers trust that soon there will be an exit path that will lead them out and UP to the TOP of the mountain. And that soon… The Master will lead us THERE! ‘BE-er’s walk on, knowing who’s they are, with a faith to be less concerned about what they DON’T see.

Are YOU His? Are you committed to follow Him even through the dark, lonely times? Does what you DO, reflect Whose you ARE? If so… your name and picture are already on display on His Heavenly refrigerator. Now go make Him proud by BEING what you are! 


Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past.” Isaiah 43:18

The Event was a blast from the past! Yet it was all new! Holding remembrances of years gone by, it crackled with an even greater intensity than ever before. It was The Friday Night Football Game at Venice High School! And if you’d have been there, you would know WHY all those letters are capitalized! The excitement was fueled by reputation, hope, expectation and a ‘New Announcer!’

It was the Pre-Game, and the announcer had the crowd FIRED UP! Music was blaring, lights were flashing and the crowd was cheering as the Venice Indians were about to take the field! I was remembering what it was like when my sons played football and my daughters were cheerleaders on that very field. Now… My granddaughter was on the field as a Cheerleader. Then I saw it!

I really don’t know how I missed it as my first instinct. Maybe the past had taken over my mind, holding it captive. My oldest son was an ‘Indian’ Football Player, cutting the path for his siblings on that field. His brother was a starter on the first ‘State Champ’ team, while both sisters stood on the sidelines as VHS Cheerleaders. Remembering, my eyes must have drifted upward… then I saw God!

Look at the picture for yourself! While everyone was dressed in attire to reflect their team spirit, God’s Spirit invaded and out-shined everything else with a display all His own. Go ahead… use your hand to cover up the sky to see only the football field. It isn’t NEARLY as good… is it? There’s no doubt about it. Looking up and forward makes the past and present even better!

Today’s verse is the Old Testament version of an even more precise instruction in the New Testament:

Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. All of us, then, who are mature should take such a view of things. Philippians 3:13-15

The new announcer was on fire, as we all found our ‘game spirit’ lifted by his encouraging remarks. Someone said He was the State Champ Coach for Girls Volleyball. Knowing who he was, I knew him ALSO to be a Believer! I thought, “VHS needs to sign him to a Football Announcing Contract before one of the TV Networks grabs him!” Then God reminded me. HIS job… is MY Job… for Jesus!

Too often I find myself looking back in the past, trying to remember the ‘good old days.’ Worse, I find myself dragged into the desperate conditions of the present when a news story comes across my radio to announce another horrible story. It takes determined words of encouragement from The Holy Spirit to remind me to LOOK UP AND FORWARD! Only THEN do I find real winning Joy!

Are YOU stuck in the past or depressed by the present? Then read The Word and put your eyes on Jesus! Let HIS work and will for your life remind you to be CHEER-FULL for the life that is ahead! And yes… just like you and Jesus… Venice WON!


For it is from within, out of a person’s heart, that evil thoughts come—sexual immorality, theft, murder,” Mark 7:21

It happens EVERY SINGLE DAY! And I HATE IT! I’m talking about evil… and NOT just the evil that is OUT THERE! It is the evil that is within ME! I’m just being honest. Because it is THIS battlefield where the demons assigned to me LOVE to sling their arrows, fire their machine guns and drop their nukes! And I’d bet a dime to a donut that it is the exact same experience with YOU.

I was cleaning out the dishwasher… AFTER I had run it the day before. It takes several days for the 2 of us to fill up the thing with dirty dishes, and there is really no set rule as to WHO is supposed to do it. But the last few times it was ME who both loaded and UNLOADED the thing. Katie got home, and she didn’t even notice the dishwasher was empty, dishes were put away and the counter was clean!

A VERY INTERESTING development happened because the task doesn’t bother me in the least. Katie is gone all day teaching little kids how to learn… a talent for which I know NO one better! She gets home about 4 pm. Yesterday she got home at 4:30. Brain bomb #1 went off… “WHERE IS SHE and WHAT IS SHE DOING?” Putting the dishes away, bomb #2 whispered, “SHE should be doing this job!”

I said the thought was VERY INTERESTING because THAT is NOT how I even FEEL or THINK! Katie gives me ZERO reason to EVER distrust her. Putting away the dishes helps BOTH of us. I DAILY do things to show my love for her. And she doesn’t even have to notice. I do it BECAUSE I love her and want to prove it!. So where did those thoughts come from? It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure it out!

I am the redeemed, forgiven, Child of Most High God! God is LOVE, so my godly tendency SHOULD be to love as well. But within me lies the flesh. And ‘flesh’ never moved out when I was saved. And satan and his demons would LOVE for me to ‘go fleshy’ and stay there! So they continually prick, bomb and blast at me from within. Little thoughts that zing can become the spark of a fireball!

The thoughts were ridiculous. That Is why I KNEW they weren’t from MY heart. They came from a foreign source. And I KNOW what that source is. Knowing I needed to punch that spirit in the nose, I went and cleaned the sinks, toilets and tubs! It was kind of a, “take THAT you evil spirit!” Because I know that thoughts continually thought about, lead to acts that can become habits! BAMM!

So how do you deal with YOUR thought life? Are you aware of the tendencies and weaknesses in your own flesh? Are you fighting them with Godly action and prayer? Or do you give in to the demonic or evil tendencies and let ‘flesh’ win? Jesus came to set me FREE! But there IS some work on MY part as well. So don’t beat yourself up… just throw out the trash and Have a GREAT weekend.


Study and do your best to present yourself to God approved, a workman [tested by trial] who has no reason to be ashamed, accurately handling and skillfully teaching the Word of truth.” 2 Timothy 2:15 Amplified Bible

My throne was a 75 gallon cardboard shipping drum used for our dirty laundry. It sat in my father’s study, which was central to all 3 bedrooms. Measuring about 23” x 42,” I found it fit my rear end quite comfortably, with my legs bent at the knees and my armpits resting on the rim. I started sitting there in Jr. High School when it became my Bible learning throne. It remained so for 8 years.

My Father, a Pastor,often sat at his desk, consisting of a chair between 2 filing cabinets witha varnished door sittingon top. Many times I’d walk past thatroom and see him, his back toward me. He seemed intense, but lonely, ashe poured through His Bible and worked on writing Sunday’s sermon. I’d often feel a nudge to pop in, plop in and ask, “so what’s yer sermon about dad?”

How was I to know that drum would become my sanctuary? My seminary.He would give me the subject and a brief outline, then I would ask questions. If I had a different idea on the subject, he welcomed it. We’d talk and banter, busting up Scripture to it’s smallest partsin order to understand that subject. If I argued, he’d say, you need to back up your position with at least 3 scriptures boy!

I don’t have any of his Bibles. I wish I did. He used The Scofield Study Bible, as I have ever since. When I got married, he gave me a new one. I’m now on my 5th and saving every one. Notes get scribbled and different colored markers mean different things to me. His favorite encouraging verse to me, all my life, was today’s Bible verse. It remains a favorite because, The Word really WORKS!

Last night at Bible Study, Jason and Randy both pointed me to a paper on how to read The Bible. As I read through the outline, I could hear my dad. Everything he continually said to me lay on this sheet. I am sharing it with you because, like a compass, it directly points to a place where you can rid yourself of dirty laundry and live an Abundant Life. I hope you will make it your study guide too. Give it a try!


Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.” Matthew 7:21

I admit it… I’m nervous! But a person can only operate on what they KNOW… right? But sometimes, I don’t feel I know enough. Which is my cause for being nervous. Jesus was talking on the subject of who gets to heaven and who doesn’t, and the key word in the verse centers around DOING the WILL of the Father. Which I don’t ALWAYS do! Knowing Jesus as my Lord doesn’t stop my nerves!

Last year I filed my taxes and ‘MY GUY’ told me that this year I needed to make quarterly payments to the IRS to avoid any penalties. I did very well the first half of the year. But then I forgot. Then this month, I couldn’t find the forms! When I did, I wrote and sent the check, apologizing for being late and confessing said reasons. The question is… will I be penalized?

I know that at the end of the year there is a penalty if I don’t send the payments. But is there a pre-penalty penalty for sending the pre-payments late? I’ve no idea. But I am SURE I will find out! When it comes to Heaven though, I don’t really want to find out AFTER I’ve been found out! That is why the word ‘Fear’ is used in the Old Testament for our relationship to God. And there is a reason.

The idea that I can DO what I WANT and get away with it as a Believer, is not a safe bet. This verse encourages me to take a SINCERE look at my life and ask, with the help of the Holy Spirit, have I done anything that would warrant discipline from my Heavenly Father? Because, since God is close to His children, He already KNOWS. Meditative Prayer, study and the help of fellow Believers is essential.

I want to live my life with God directing my steps. But sometimes I wander in wonder. I don’t want to get in by the hair on my chinny-chin-chin. I want to serve Him well right here and now. MIGHTILY! The only way to do that is to stick close to Him. Are YOU doing that? Do YOU ask for answers when questions come? Do you trust in His powerful Love and care? His WILL is that you LOVE and trust His Son.  Do you?


What shall we say, then? Shall we go on sinning so that grace may increase?” Romans 6:1

“Antinomianism… what’s it mean?” That was the question Katie asked me yesterday, which made me feel OLD! I had just read about it last week and had to look it up. It was in my head years ago, but I’d forgotten it. Now I’d forgotten it again… within only a week! UGH! Simply stated, it is the ‘get out of jail free’ card in the Christian world. Like the illustration above… it’s “a license to sin!”

We had an interesting discussion about the subject. She had just gotten home from work and was frustrated because a group of small children ‘just don’t seem to get it!’ She told me of a nasty incident committed by a child. When the parent was told, their reply was, “my son wouldn’t do that!” What that taught the child was, “it’s OK to be nasty, my parents don’t care!” I felt her pain!

I remembered my adolescence and the rebellion and pain I put MY parents through. I was saved at a young age but, naturally and easily, gravitated toward the Grace message of, “once saved, always saved!” I had done the logic and math myself and figured… ‘well if that’s true, then it doesn’t matter WHAT I do!’ So naturally, I did things that should not be done by a Christian! And I still do!

But so do YOU! Bound by sin, and finally made aware that I had ZERO chance of avoiding the lake of Fire, I LEAPT at the chance of Forgiveness from God. I was told Salvation was FREE! Now who can pass up a GREAT DEAL like THAT? Admittedly, it took a while, But the realization finally hit that ‘Freedom isn’t Free!’ Over the years I have learned that… being His is like walking a tightrope! IT’S HARD!

I admit I STILL have a hard head… meaning I usually learn things the HARD way. But the discomfort that comes from willful sin and rebellion ALWAYS catches up to me. And ‘sin’ is ALWAYS ‘willful rebellion.’ Now… sin is simply uncomfortable to me. Yes.. I got away from the ultimate penalty of it! But the payment of shame and correction is never worth the credit. ‘Free to sin’ simply doesn’t exist!

Romans 6:2 finishes the Bible verse today, “…by no means! We are those who have died to sin; how can we live in it any longer? Are YOU trying to get away with something that you KNOW is hurting your Heavenly Father’s heart? Do you talk to Him about it? Do you let Him know that YOU know it is wrong, and that you are sorry? Are you trying to work with Him to clean up your act?  I’m going to try hard to never forget this again!