I didn’t want to do it… but the grass needed to be cut. Neighbors on BOTH sides of me must have plotted to make me look bad, cutting their grass 3 days before. Now, my yard looked like a field of hay! Finally guilt and shame made me lean towards getting behind the lawn mower. Finally, reluctance turned to anticipation when I found the album and grabbed my headphones.
Music has always made me work and feel better. The type depends on my mood. What I needed was some rock n roll with a touch of nostalgia. Hitting ‘Find’ in the settings, I’d typed in ‘The Captain and Me,’ by the Doobie Brothers. As the music played, I walked fast behind my fast moving mower. Making progress, finishing became the goal. Then, I remembered to remember.
Time is something that can play tricks on my mind. Suddenly I remembered where I was in 1973 when that album came out. It was a FAR cry from where I was now! In fact, I could never have imagined I’d be where I am, looking ahead from back then! Remembering from where I came, I could only thank God for what I have, then where and who I am. I was filled with gratitude.
Earlier in the day I saw someone in a wheelchair that was less than half my age. I could just tell that ‘why’ he was in there, had also been made a permanent arrangement. Suddenly my old sore body felt just fine. Rejoicing, I know the difficulties of life where I am, are nothing compared to the struggles of so many. So I did what a hymn said, and ‘Counted my many Blessings, naming them one by one!’
‘The Captain (Jesus) and Me,’ have been like a ‘Long Train Running, for over half a century. The only time I’ve ever gotten into trouble is when I tried to take control of the throttle on the Engine. I’ve learned, the hard way, that only HE knows how to drive this complicated machine to its safe destination. My job is to stand behind Him and gratefully hand Him everything I’ve got, until we’re done.
Are you running with Jesus? Do you remember to take the time to remember and be grateful.