“…since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them.” Romans 1:19
The picture says it all. And it’s not cute or funny. I ran into a reality of this picture last week, looking for a parking spot at an over crowded lot. A Cadillac was taking up 2 spots! A day later, driving behind yet another Cadillac, I noted the driver swerving from the center of their lane to the very edge of the middle line, blocking traffic. It was rude and selfish.
Now I’m not saying that all Cadillac drivers are rude. But I’ve noticed a pattern among certain types of drivers. When someone slides all over their lane and ‘rides the line,’ they are showing no concern for fellow drivers on the road. Whether blocking someone from passing them, or parking beside blocking them, love and courtesy toward others seems NOT a priority.
Florida just passed a law prohibiting driving slow in the left lane. It doesn’t seem to have had much impact. The roads seem to reflect what has happened in our society. The ‘Me’ generation has arrived onto the highways of life, displaying a lack of care for law, respect, God and others. And as a T-shirt of mine says… ‘Normal isn’t coming back, Jesus is!’
Now I know I can be as selfish and arrogant as the next guy! Sometimes, sadly, even more! But being a jerk or disrespectful on purpose is something my Master has a STRONG opinion about. Romans 1 and 2 plainly lay out God’s view. God had laid rules and boundaries into the hearts of people. And people KNOW what decency is. There’s NO excuse for disrespect.
The saying, “God said it. I believe it. That settles it!” is really only 2/3rds true. “God said it.. That settles it!” is the intention of God. Unfortunately, KNOWING Truth cannot guarantee obedience to Him. It takes a willful desire to WANT to please Him, to please Him. Receiving and following Christ replaces ‘being good!’ HIS intentions should determine my actions.
I backed off of a very rude driver the other day when I moved over and got behind a slower driver in the right lane, allowing the rude, and possibly violent driver, to get WAY ahead of me. I just felt God moving me over there, and obeyed… which is typically NOT my usual method of handling rudeness. But I swear I heard Him say, “Good Boy” to my heart!
It seems clear to me that ‘non-God’ followers can easily overwhelm God’s followers. When I was young, it didn’t SEEM to be that way. Now, as society pushes it’s own agenda beyond boundaries, I am trying to pay closer attention to The Master and follow HIS lead. It seems to be a whole new education. Are YOU TOO trying to pay more attention to Him as you drive through life?