“be on your guard so that you may not be carried away by the error of the lawless and fall from your secure position.” 2 Peter 3:17
Florida has another hurricane headed our way. Normally that doesn’t get me too excited, but today I found myself looking at the maps and predictions rather seriously. Where will it hit? When? What will it’s affect be on traffic? How would I avoid it? No… I am not planning a trip or going anywhere. But I have some friends that are in the middle of it, and they are headed my way!
Florida Snowbirds are northern folk who come down for the winter. Howard is a smart one and is usually the first to get here. He has a schedule and plans WAY in advance. This time though, Howard’s plans collided with Hurricane Michael’s, and if he doesn’t make a shift in his route, the collision could be literal! Today, the questions of what, when, where and how are very important to Howard!
Chapter 3 of 2 Peter lists a great many warnings of its own and deals with the same questions ALL of us face. What, when, where and how. The subject combines ‘The’ Second coming of Christ AND ‘The’ Day of the Lord! Written almost 2000 years ago, it may not SEEM up to date… until you read it! Looking at our world, the clock appears closer to Midnight than ever before!
Weather and its predictions have come rather far over the years. Maps, experts, pressures, fronts… all provide clues of what MIGHT happen. But if you know weather forecasting, you know it is still a big guess. And a guess is NOT a prediction. Peter writes about a certain prediction and he wants us to KNOW about it. His evidence may surprise you!
2 Peter 3:1-3 is too long to put here. But it basically says that the key to understanding the world’s future end requires you knowing what the past prophets said! In other words, evil, and man’s draw to it, are predictable. What happened in the past, WILL happen again. Only worse! BE WARNED!
Howard will look and plan and plot… and since I know some things HE may not know, I may make some suggestions of what to avoid. He can determine if he wants to follow them or not. Howard is an adult! But so are YOU. And like Peter’s audience over 2000 years ago, you can either trust him and do what he suggests… or not! But he promises a WHOLE lot of peace and security if we follow his advice. But know this… YOU are now on Life’s road, the clock is ticking, and the choice of destination…. is yours! Happy Trails!