
“Lord, how many are my foes! How many rise up against me! … From the Lord comes deliverance.”

“May your blessing be on your people.” Psalm 3:1 & 8

Driving on a back road with no traffic, I saw 2 bicyclists riding up ahead and into a sharp turn. I slowed, and when the opportunity came, I passed them cautiously, thankful that I didn’t accidentally hit them! Later in the day, while driving with my wife, someone passed me, got in front of me, then slowed down! It was when my wife got upset with my attitude that I realized why Jesus had to die for my sins!

In the first incident with the bicyclists, I was grateful. Had I hit one of them, I’d have been guilty of manslaughter and my day would have been ruined. In the 2nd incident, according to Jesus, I was not just guilty of manslaughter… but actual MURDER! One version of Matthew 5:22 says, “if you curse someone, you are in danger of the fires of hell.” Uh-Oh!

I know when God is dealing with me, He often uses my wife to remind me I am being sinful! So yesterday, after she pointed it out, I murdered her too! Then this morning I read something from a parent who lost patience with their children. She said something like, ‘my children did not CREATE my mood, they simply revealed it!’ Ouch! Boom! GUILTY!!!

It is natural for my selfish ‘flesh,’ as it sits on its throne of power, to blame anyone else for the wrongs in the state of the Kingdom. But when I step off my throne and let God rule, I learn that the problem is not THEM…. it’s ME! At that point, ‘shame’ joins ‘guilt’ and it is an EASY process to lock MYSELF in the dungeon as my own prosecutor. But God reminds me… ‘don’t do that please! You are MINE and I want you FINE!’

One of the greatest gifts God gives me is the ability to realize that “I” am usually ‘my’ own problem! Anger, rage, impatience and frustration are already IN me. They do NOT come from outside. Outside forces simply ‘reveal’ the sin within. When I see and admit the REAL problem, with God’s help, He then delivers ‘deliverance’ right to the doorstep of my heart! When that happens, my wife can love and appreciate me once more. Even though I’ll probably murder her again!

What a WOMAN!




“let the wise listen and add to their learning, and let the discerning get guidance.” Proverbs 1:5

My lovely wife has been working a lot lately… and her boss noticed. The notice turned into some extra money and I decided to help her spend it!!! She had mentioned a desire several times over the last couple months, and though it sounded a little strange, even for her, I encouraged her by taking her to the local music store. There, she picked out a bright, shiny red, bass guitar! Yes… my wife is COOL!

I met my wife 41 years ago as I was playing drums in a band. Though that ended my music career (“Oh no! Your not playing in another bar,” she said) I still have the drums. We have some family members who play the guitar, but no one plays the bass! One thing led to another and her desire led to reality.

She was kind of sheepish to get started. “Don’t laugh,” she said. As she sat there plucking the strings all I could do was smile… from the other room of course. She likes to learn in private. After about an hour she came out of the room and said, “I’ll bet that drove you crazy! All that Bloom, bloom!” All I could do was smile bigger with pride! Like I said, my wife is cool!

Having learned to play piano, tuba and drums I could never get into a guitar. It seemed too difficult for my taste! I didn’t want to take the time to learn the complexities of a guitar, but I appreciate those who have. The bass seems a lot easier. No chords… just one note at a time. In reality… it is a lot easier to learn. All you have to do is put your finger on the right string and on the right position, then pluck! The sound will either correspond to the music.. or it won’t! The thing is, EVERYONE will know.

God LOVES for us to be open minded and WANTS for us to learn new things about Him. He has given us His Word, the Bible, for over 3500 years. He promises that if we take the time to seek and learn His tune, then live our lives corresponding to it, the music we make together will be beautiful. But it takes PRACTICE! Read, apply, pluck… then do it again.

God is real and His Word is true! I can attest to it because I have tried and applied it for years. I can also verify it though the lives of others who join in the symphony that God is building. How does YOUR life sound? Why not be cool like my wife… and try Him! I can guarantee He will be smiling!


“I consider everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of ‘knowing Christ Jesus my Lord,’ for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them garbage, that I may gain Christ.” Philippians 3:8

Mike just bought a house in town. He already owns a condo in another town. So Mike had to, like the Beverly Hillbillies, load up a truck and move! Yesterday, a few of us went to help unload. As a stack of old wood came off, one of the guys said, “Hey Mike, you’ve got a problem here!” There on the boards were hundreds of termites that, coincidentally, just happened to be moving at the very same time as Mike! After a quick conference, Mike decided to move that wood to the trash pile! Mike is smart!

Termites eat wood. They are often hard to see because they burrow into their meal, then hide, eat and breed there. They don’t like light and generally like it damp and rotten. Humans generally like the opposite environment, so we don’t generally go looking for them… until evidence is discovered and it is too late!

I know that my sin is like a nest of termites. That is obvious. As I hold, coddle, nurture and feed my flesh, its nest only grows bigger, darker and more rotten. But Paul goes a WHOLE lot further than fleshy sin in this verse. Sadly, his point will be lost on a LOT of supposedly, ‘good folks.’ Because he isn’t just talking about bad stuff here. He’s referring to even the BEST stuff this life offers! So now, “he’s gone to meddlin!”

Paul lived among the elite. Born, raised and destined for the high life of society, he chose to choose Christ. And it cost him EVERYTHING! Losing his status, position, home, family and friends, Paul went from the penthouse to the pen! And here he explains that he hasn’t gone far enough! Moving even further away from worldly good stuff meant he didn’t just need to relocate, he had to refocus! He calls all the ‘good life stuff’ of the world ‘garbage.’ The King James says ‘dung!’ Which is just a nice word for _____! Yes… that word!

As sinful human beings, we should be shocked at the possibility of being able to personally KNOW God in the first place. Once I met Jesus Christ and started moving out the old to bring in the new, I found that He isn’t interested in ANY of the old stuff ‘I’ thought was important! I learned He wasn’t interested helping me move, He wanted to takeover! I had to ask myself, “Do I REALLY want to KNOW Jesus Christ THAT much?” Well… sign me up Paul!

It has been said that, ‘Experience is the best teacher.’ MY experience has proven that the more I grow to know Jesus Christ as my Lord, the better He becomes. When He points at something in my life that needs to be thrown on the trash pile, I find myself arguing less and agreeing more. In light of how big my trash pile has grown, I am coming to realize that “You’re right!” is just another way of saying, “Amen!”

So what’s eating you?


“Who is wise and understanding among you? Let them show it by their good life, by deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom.” James 3:13

Just over a year ago someone bought a new mixer for our sound system at the church. Recently the thing quit working, just out of warranty, and a few guys set out to troubleshoot it. From the front, every thing looked great. Lights lit up and moved up and down when the microphone was engaged. But no sound came out! Others looked at it with the same result. To all of us it seemed to be broken. Yesterday, having maxed out OUR capabilities, I took it to a professional. After explaining the situation, Music Store Billy said nothing. He started hooking the mixer up to other parts, pushing buttons and turning knobs. The silence was deafening. When his head turned my way, I prepared myself to hear his professional and expert opinion. His words of wisdom? “It’s broken!”

Last night I needed to find something in the dark. I grabbed a flashlight and hit the button. Nothin’! I shook it. Why? Because SOMETIMES that is all it needs. Results? Nothin! Mentally noting to get new batteries, I used my cell phone light. Is this just coincidence or is God trying to teach me something?

The book of James is a tough one. Growing up as a teen and on into my 20’s, it became an unstated goal to avoid as much as possible when I read my Bible. Why? Because like stinky food in a refrigerator, it always managed to invade my personal space and force me to DO something about it! Something humans beings are usually reluctant to do.

I would like to say that Billy found a broken fuse or connector for a quick repair. But he didn’t. The only remedy for this sound device was replacement therapy! Billy kindly sold me a slightly used, but proven, working one. As I left the store he said, ”Hey… aren’t you going to take your old one with you?” With wisdom that ONLY comes from time and experience, I smiled and replied… “Why?”

I have learned that I don’t have room in my life for any more broken stuff. I have drawers full of ‘parts of things’ collected over the years, all kept under the headings, ‘Just in Case,’ ‘ya never know,’ and ‘maybe someday.’ NONE of which ever seem to come around.

I no longer mind when God leads me to read the book of James. Wisdom has shown that I do NOT always work correctly, and that some things in my life and attitude are in need of some ‘replacement therapy’ of their own. The results are always easy to see. Peace, consideration, submission, mercy, good fruit, sincerity and righteousness are always welcome sounds (James 3:17-18).

I have learned that when I am working right and properly connected, I can enjoy the sounds God produces through me, ALMOST as much as my Lord does.


“…go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them…and teach them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you ‘always,’ even to the very end of the age.” (like white on rice) my paraphrase Matthew 28:20

Jack is a member of our church. Having recently lost his heroic and sweet wife, he traveled to Indiana to be with family. I met him yesterday upon his returning home to Florida to make sure he was ok. When I left, he was in good shape. At 10pm last night I saw I had missed 2 calls and a text!

Jack’s daughter, who lives in Texas, had been trying to reach him to verify he had gotten home. Jack didn’t answer. After a few hours she managed to get my cell number, but I had forgotten my phone in the car. She found another number for one of our church folks here, who happens to be on vacation in Boston. HE called Jack… no answer! Then HE texted me. To top it off, she had called the police to check on him and Jack hadn’t answered the door! I immediately drove over to His house and through the window saw he was sitting there, TV blaring… watching Baseball! Jack is fine!

I knocked REAL loud! Jack got up and came to the door with a look that said, “who the heck would be knocking at 10:30 at night!” I met his look with a fun stare and said, “Jack… why aren’t you answering your phone? Your family is worried about you!” His answer… “I forgot to take my phone with me tonight!” Jack and me are a lot alike!

The last verses in Matthew contain both a prompting and a promise. A job and a jackpot! In summary, Jesus Christ, the Lord of the Universe says, ‘Let’s get to work… I got you covered!” Even though I KNOW His words are directed at me, I have to confess that I too often forget the mission, and then wonder where He went!

Years ago I read a saying, “if God feels distant…guess who moved!” Theologically that statement contains error because we are ‘not’ called to operate on ‘feeling’ but ‘Faith’… and THIS verse already promises that Jesus will NEVER leaves us. Where we go, He goes! Yup!!!! Even THERE! It may be a hard concept to learn and fully understand. But it is ‘The Truth!’

No matter where I go or how far the distance in miles or trials, He is ALWAYS with me. He won’t be shaken, so neither must I. God’s entire mission is wrapped up in me and you! Without us, He can’t and won’t finish. I guess one could say… How far He WENT proves how far He will GO! So leaving me is the last thing on His mind. Leaving HIM should be the last thing in mine!

I am going to remind myself, like Major Payne said in the movie, that God and I go together “Like white on rice in a glass of milk on a paper plate in a snowstorm! And make a few calls!


“For as lightning that comes from the east is visible even in the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man.” Matthew 24:27

Monday night is $5 BURGER NIGHT at several restaurants in the area. As we headed out, dark clouds and thunder reminded us to take rain gear. Arriving, the place was packed, and the only available seating was in the bar area. It seemed the revelers had been there a while, as they were loud and jovial. We got our burgers, the thunder roared, lights went out and the revelers howled! What happened next was chaos!

Among the noise and growing darkness, battery powered lights were brought in. I watched the computer screen on the cash register with interest, “surely there was some kind of back up power,” I thought. But no! Blank screens matched the faces of confused wait staff, who stood not knowing what to do. Since most would pay with Credit Card, and no bills could be generated, the revelers howled some more. I paid the estimated bill with cash and we exited the darkness.

There are generally 2 reactions to unexpected events… cheer or fear. Matthew 24 is mostly written in red ink, meaning that Jesus Christ, God in the flesh, is speaking. His message is a coming “great distress, unequaled since the beginning off the world!” He is speaking of His future return in Judgment, the time with the game clock of life… will stop!

The Boy Scouts have the motto… “Be Prepared!” If you have ever experienced a natural disaster, like a hurricane or tornado, you can appreciate the head’s up. Knowing what kind of things happened in the past helps to pre-gather supplies. But what does one do with the ‘End of Days?’ Thankfully, God has already told us. His Word tells us to put our eyes and hearts on His Son!”

Everyday life brings choices and consequences. We can choose to live like there is no tomorrow. Or live like tomorrow is our last. The choice, God infers, is ultimately our own… cheer or fear! We CAN look at our lives to see what we’ve done and read God’s Word to know how our life stacks up against HIS standards. Knowing our failure at perfection, we CAN choose to take His free offer of Grace and live HIS way… building on HIS-story! OR… we can simply party on!

The King is coming and His Judgment will be final. But because of His love and grace, it need not be fatal! We can ‘Be Prepared,’ if we choose to be. It is not even hard! All I have to do is to take each next step with Him in mind! Doing so brings no fear for me. But It is MY choice.

I hear thunder!


“On the contrary, we speak as those approved by God to be entrusted with the gospel. We are not trying to please people but God, who tests our hearts.” 1 Thessalonians 2:4

Having written something that contained graphics as well as text, I moved the cursor on my computer screen and paused over the “Print” icon, double checking to verify that all the settings were right. I had NO idea that God was doing the EXACT same thing, at the EXACT same time… with me! I hit “Print,” and THAT is when “The Test” began!

As I sat listening for the printer to begin its work, the silence was of concern. Soon a message popped up…”printer error.” I tried again. Nothin’! After each attempt at a ‘fix’ I got the same message. There is a LOT that can go wrong with simply printing out a final product. While searching for the problem, the LAST thing, that ended up being THE thing that was wrong, was shocking! The printer was out of ink… 3 of the 4 wells were dry… and all at the SAME TIME!

Having been in this situation in the past, I had made it my policy to keep ink in stock. When this had happened before, I had to run to the store to buy ink. Now all I had a to do was reach into the drawer. The clock was still ticking and my temperature was a little high. But overall I was O.K.! Pulling on the silver, foil tab that covered the bottle, it didn’t come off. I pulled again… Harder. AGAIN! Splash! The foil gave way as physics took the bottle the other. Black ink landed on the desk, rug AND me! THEN my temperature hit ‘boil!’ Grade on test??? ‘F!’ I was operating in ‘error mode!’

To be entrusted with God’s stuff is an expensive privilege. Before He puts us ‘online,’ He works with us to ensure that we are ready. As we move along in life, He has the right to test our hearts to make sure we are in top shape with Him. And He does… whenever He wants and at any inconvenient time He pleases.

Like you, I am God’s greatest creation. There are infinitely FAR more things that can go wrong with me than with a printer! It could be a selfish thought or desire, a slight HINT of a bad attitude, a cold shoulder or fatigue. Or it could be as simple as… being out of juice and needing a refill! I must remember that GOD is making me to be the best product of His Love and Grace that He can. And He is in NO hurry. It MAY take some time and be painful… but He WILL see me through. All the way to completion! He said so remember? And I am sure of this, that He who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ. Philippians 1:6

So how is YOUR connection? Are YOU filled up and ready to go? Because a pop-quiz is coming!


“For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; and these are contrary to one another, so that you do not do the things that you wish.” Galatians 5:17 (NKJV)

One of life’s joys is that first cup of coffee in the morning. Groggy and not quite awake, I grabbed a granola bar, then poured my wife and our morning coffee (Hebrews). Opening the refrigerator to get the creamer, the EYES laid upon the cookies, the HAND grabbed one and shoved it into the MOUTH! All before my BRAIN had time to think about it! So there I stood… cookie breath and all… wondering what just happened!

It really ISN’T a mystery. Paul wrote this verse 2000 years ago to give a heavenly explanation to what every one of us should already know. He gave it even MORE detail in Romans 7. Humans make BAD choices… ALL the time. I listened to it at Celebrate Recovery last night as each one said, “I don’t understand why I keep doing the wrong thing!” The only surprising thing is that ALL were genuinely surprised!

NO GOOD THING LIVES IN YOUR FLESH (Romans 7:18).But that is NOT what the WORLD, the FLESH or the DEVIL says about you. The message that screams to ALL of us is, “you’re a winner, believe in yourself, you’re enough or you can do it!” And the dude with the cookie breath just refuses to smell it!

We are agathokakological beings. That means we consist of both good and evil. We aren’t BORN good and then go bad. If anything, it is the reverse. Steeped in sin, we have the natural tenancy to choose the WRONG things. ALL evidence points out that WE NEED A SAVIOR! A fact that quickly disappears with the whisper of, “Eh…I’m fine!”

If I agree with God as to my lost and dead disposition, why is it my natural inclination to defend myself? Why do I fight so hard to be right, when I know that the majority of the time my flesh is wrong? In a world of sin, why is a drink or drug chosen over responsibility? Why is it easier to take a nap then get something done? Why is it easier to quit than press on? If you’ve read this far then you already know the answer. We stink!

Sin is a stench in the nose of God. If we even had a HINT of its awful reality, we’d faint! Want a taste? Hold your hand over a candle for 1 second! THAT is a TINY taste of what the wage of sin brings. Now multiply that by a gazillion and times that by eternity! THAT is GOD’S view! THAT is what HE took to free me from it. The very LEAST I can do is see it for that it is and be prepared to pay attention… before I grab the cookie!



“You were running a good race. Who cut in on you to keep you from obeying the truth?” Galatians 5:7

Heading north on the interstate I was headed to a place near Tampa. A traffic report on the radio indicated an accident and major backup ahead. Pulling off the road, I decided to tap into old learned skills of map reading with new technology from my cell phone. Plotting a course I wrote down the roads I would need to take to reach my destination without interference. All went well, until I realized I had gone 9 miles past my exit!

I have a cell phone, but the apps that direct me ‘turn for turn’ either weren’t working or I had no signal that far out yonder! So I did the best I could with the information I had. Or so I thought! After a long drive in the country, something started dinging in my head that made me feel I was off course. I had only 2 choices. I could stop and recalculate. Or just keep going. One good thing about being 63 is, I have learned the BEST option is to “stop and recalculate!”

When Paul wrote the Book of Galatians he had his dander up. He didn’t have a cell phone or the ability to teleconference. He was far from town had to get updated travel information to the Church in Galatia the fastest way possible. That meant a letter! We have a copy of it and we know from simple deduction that the Believers there had taken a turn in the wrong direction. If left unchecked, their chosen path would take them WAY off course. It was time to recalculate!

The ways of obeying the Law and the ways of Grace are 100% opposed to one another. We are not saved from our trip to the lake of fire by our obedience to a set of rules. We are save by receiving the free gift of Grace through the death and resurrection of Christ. Once turned around by that Truth, we do not change course and go back to a set of old rules. We are not ‘heaven bound’ because we are good, we are ‘heaven bound’ because we are HIS!

All believers in Christ carry the Gift of the Holy Spirit. This ‘New Technology,’ as compared to the old list of rules, enables ME to KNOW when something is wrong. That is ‘IF’ I am paying attention. And ‘IF’ I choose to pay attention, I really only have 1 of 2 choices. I can STOP and recalculate… or just keep on going. ‘MY CHOICE’ is what makes the difference as to whether I reach God’s destination for me… or not!