“If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” Romans 10:9
It was a brutal 2 hours! Four saved, mature, believing men… one young, confused, unsaved man. For 2 hours we shared The Good News… The Gospel of Jesus Christ. And for every common sense fact about God, sin, its penalties and Grace, he came up with another nonsensical reason for NOT believing ‘The News.’ He had his own ‘facts!’
It was like a man standing in the brutal heat and humidity of a day like yesterday… sweat pouring off his entire body. Other men, in a swimming pool beside him, were holding a cold drink saying, “Come on in, you’ll be fine!” But even though the evidence was clear before the dying victim, the refusal to believe was as hot as the sun.
The young lad’s plea was clear… ‘If only we would agree that HIS way of seeing things was superior, we could have the same intelligence as he!’ Explaining that we were ALL in his same boat at one time, and jumped in and got saved from the heat, made no difference. He had made his decision and he was sticking to it. His vote was cast!
1 Corinthians 2:14 says, “The person without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God but considers them foolishness, and cannot understand them because they are discerned only through the Spirit.” Nothing we could say or do would budge him to receive Christ’s life giving water. So we pray and keep trying.
Today is the day to vote in our Counties Primary Election. For months information, both true and false, has gone out to potential voters. Deceptions and lies are both flagrant and prolific. People are being swayed, votes will be cast. We will reap the policies and government the majority elect. It is imperative that you VOTE and make a decision!
Our Father God has a running election that has been going on for 2000 years. The votes have yet to be counted and tabulated, but there are 2 sides. The difference being that each side can choose for itself who they want to rule their lives for eternity. Have YOU cast your vote for Jesus and Heaven? Or are you dug in and holding out for your way?