“No, in all these things we are MORE than conquerors through Him who loved us.” Romans 8:37
Coming home last night we were stopped at a red-light. When it flashed to green I moved forward and was IMMEDIATELY passed by a new model Camarostangcharger kind of thing with about an 85 liter engine! For fun, it got slightly in front of us and the guy punched the gas! The tail end ROARED to life and slid back and forth as physics did took over. Easing off the throttle and gaining control, the driver then roared on down the road… until he hit a red light. THAT is where I caught him!
I’d like to say I resisted temptation. But we were in our 2004 Nissan Murano and just had to have a laugh. Pulling up beside the car I saw it was a kid. It was obvious the car wasn’t his. That privilege had to be held by the guy in the passenger seat. They were both smiling! That is until I roared my engine to signify I wanted to race. THEN… they laughed! We did too!
The boys were kind… I punched it to the floor and quickly accelerated ahead. Looking behind, they just stayed back there! I don’t know if it was embarrassment or respect! But either way.. it didn’t last long. Soon, my rear-view lit up like a Christmas tree and here they came!!! VAAAAROOOOM!! Naturally… I was smoked! BUT… and I want you to remember this.. .for about ¼ of a mile.. I beat those boys! No excuses allowed!
Some things just aren’t right. I found this picture of a Firebird Station wagon that needs NO explanation as to WHY it never made it to the assembly line! Whoever introduced it in the first place should have been fired! But the concept obviously made it through several meetings and on to a prototype! And for just a few blips in time… the impossible became.. well!!!!
My Salvation from the lake of fire and my current position as a Child of God is kind of like that. The devil knew there was NO way the concept would fly. Sinners deserve death and death is what they get… EVERYtime. It is NOT a laughing matter! Until it became one!
Over 2000 Christmases ago, God’s son came as a little baby, implanted in a peasant girl. His life and horrific death should have signaled a REAL win for the devil. Until it didn’t! And when the God of the Universe blew past the plans of ol Scratch… Christ never looked back! Until He looked back at ME!
The Bible tells me what GOD the Father thinks of me, now that I belong to Him. My Heavenly Father says that because of what Jesus did, and because I received His free offer to become His son… I AM untouchable. NO condemnation. EVER! He even calls me MORE than a conqueror! Which is something I don‘t know how I can be. But God said it! And that’s all that matters! And NOTHING will EVER change that! Take THAT.. devil!