
“For He who avenges blood remembers; He does not ignore the cries of the afflicted” Psalm 9:12

I didn’t wake up angry… but it didn’t take long for me to get there! It wasn’t my plan to experience sorrow so early in the day, but I knew what it was when it interrupted my devotions. Like a shot in the dark or a crash in the night, my day and mood immediately switched from the domination of His Spirit to that of obeying my emotions. Like oil and water, they didn’t seem to mix. Until I heard His still small voice and then… they did!

David wrote about politics… a LOT. The emotional mood of the nation is found throughout the Psalms. Right was right and wrong was wrong! One was either on God’s side and deserving of His mercy and grace, or on the other side, full of evil and deserving of judgment. Like David, I have a hard time keeping my cool. The subjects before me, blasted from my email and the internet, were festering a sore in me. And I didn’t’ know what to DO!

As government gets sophisticated in its manipulation, it can control response. I set my recycling out yesterday, and was reminded that it is a forced way for the county to make money from MY work and trash. But that’s OK, since I AM a part of the county! Likewise, congressmen and elected officials have a sneaky way to keep non-constituents from weighing in on major issues. If you don’t live in their area, they don’t accept your emails! My emotions, needing a vent, seemed stifled. Until I saw the envelope setting on my desk!

David took the time and materials to journal his feelings. Did he write about hiding in a cave while in there? Or later? In either case, God made sure He published the thoughts! I could feel God trying to tell me something. The envelope was the evidence! God wanted me to express His righteousness the old fashioned way! I looked up the address of the official on the internet, then wrote and letter and dropped it in the mail!!! “AHHHHHHH! Oil and water DO mix,” I thought!

What made me SO uncomfortable was ALSO what made me take action. As we are ALL ministers of His Gospel, we ALL are required to take action. Whether by voice or letter… in prayer or by physical action… WE ARE HIS CHURCH! And even in today’s technological age, there are SOME things that God still does the old fashioned way. What are YOUR emotions telling you to do? Because… It could just be God calling!


“I will give thanks to you, Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of all your wonderful deeds. I will be glad and rejoice in you; I will sing the praises of your name, O Most High.” Psalm 9:1-2

There has been a war going on in my house. A battle of wills! This morning, in the darkness, as the alarm clock went off, my wife asked…”will there be coffee?” Arising from the warm bed, my response was… “I believe!”

There has been trouble lately with the coffee pot and its cooperation. It is getting old and sometimes it hasn’t brewed the coffee in advance of our rising. There are SEVERAL things that can cause the problem. Age, loss of power, timer reset, failure to hit the ‘Auto’ button! Any one, or combination of thereof, can prohibit coffee from being there when we awake. Last night I went through ALL the possible scenarios and was confident it would work. If there was NO coffee… it would be time for a new machine! Going to the kitchen… I hit the JACKPOT!

The news in our country is getting more grotesque and horrific by the day. I deliberately do not watch live news as it just angers me. But closing a blind eye is not only foolish… it makes me, in effect, complicit with evil if I KNOW and don’t DO anything in my power to stand up to it. As a member of God’s creation, created to bring His light into the darkness, I am either DOING it or NOT DOING it.

The verse today lays out a promise from David to God. Four times he says, “I will!” He states that ‘I will give, tell, be, rejoice and sing.’ But SAYING isn’t DOING! It is all well and good to INTEND to carry out our God ordained activities. It is another thing to shutdown after the claim! It has been said that, ‘the road to hell is paved with good intentions.’ How true!

The state of Virginia elected a Governor who is proposing a bill that would allow a baby to be killed AFTER it is born. The mother and to doctor would have the right, and power, to make the decision and carry out murder… all by their lonesome! Just when I thought it couldn’t get worse! On another note, the Speaker of the House is proposing that “So help me God,” be taken out of the oath of office for members of Congress! Being a God guy I can say, “Yes.. there is a connection!”

My coffee pot either makes coffee as it was intended to do.. or it doesn’t. I either programmed it correctly… or I didn’t. Either I have coffee waiting when I awake…or I don’t. If I DON’T… there is only ONE explanation.. It is MY fault! When I stand before God and face Him, I will either hear, “Good Job,” or “You wicked, lazy servant.” Either way… His judgment depends COMPLETELY upon me! There will be NO surprises!

I have some choices to make today and like David… I’m shooting for ‘JACKPOT!’


“without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.” Hebrews 11:6

It is getting close to that time of year where I need to be thinking about what I don’t want to think about. In my thinking, I have determined that the opposite of Faith… is Taxes! I have a super hatred of this time of year, not because I don’t’ like paying taxes. But because I HATE MATH! I realize that without taxes, I would not be able to enjoy a LOT of benefits I take for granted. But making me do math seems a little excessive.

I live in a house, drive a vehicle, walk among other people and even make a living because of taxes. Security, serenity and safety are conditions supplied by all of us mutually paying for services that our taxes support. Unfortunately I must keep receipts and records, and then report an accounting of my year to the government. Based upon that report, I will be accessed MY share of taxes. The more careful I am in recording and mathematics, the less I will have to pay… AND the more I can keep.

I do not have ALL of my receipts. Not being an organized person… and not caring to become one, I don’t bother saving them all. Which means, in essence, that I must pay for my refusal to keep track of my own expenditures! In reflecting about my Faith in God… it has hit me that God NEVER requires that I keep any record of my works of faith… since the Bible is clear… HE already DOES!

I don’t know which is worse, knowing that I am going to have to support my claims to the government, or not knowing what claims my God will require me to support! I DO know that the majority of earthlings do not give ‘The Judgment’ of God much thought! I ALSO think I’d rather face the IRS for my actions, or inactions… than an unhappy God!

God measures my life by what I DON’T see. He tells me that if I want a favorable ruling when I meet Him, that I MUST believe He exists RIGHT HERE and NOW! And that I am to invest time, money, gifts and service into HIS work… WITHOUT seeing the exact, immediate reward. But I am required to BELIEVE that it will be there! In essence.. I am to deliberately trust that He is trustworthy in my every action on earth. And not to worry about receipts… HE is keeping score!!!!! ‘I’ am NOT required to ‘do the math!’

How Faithful am I? I THINK I’m OK. I mean, maybe I’ll get a ‘C’. But I realize that even saying that is arrogant because of possible pride or humility. Scoring is not my job. DOING is. And the DOING is walking by Faith TODAY… RIGHT NOW! So…what am I doing, right this minute, that is pleasing to God? What will I do the REST of my day? My LIFE? I DO know this… Judgment Day.. like April 15… is coming! And doing NOTHING is a VERY bad option! It’s time to leap!


“You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; to be made new in the attitude of your minds; and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness.” Ephesians 4:22-24

I received a call yesterday from an old friend from up north. Before I had time to think, I answered his question. He had asked “So how are you doing down there?” “COLD!” I responded. Immediately I knew I had made a mistake and knew what was coming. Tongue in cheek, he told me, “Yea, wind chill is -15 here today!” I didn’t have the heart to tell him that outside MY door… it was 50!

I spend a lot of time yesterday changing clothes. I remember living up north when I’d put my long johns underneath and that was what I wore all day. Here in Florida, I go from winter jacket, to sweatshirt, to short sleeves and back again all within an hour! I stood in the street and changed from short sleeves into a heavy riding jacket as I prepared to head home on my motorcycle. Put off – put on. It reminded me of what Paul had said in Ephesians… only on a more serious note!

Fooling people is not all that hard to do. Fooling yourself is a little tougher.. but possible. Fooling God? Impossible! Not even with the best planning! He KNOWS us INTIMATELY. And He has warned us that the dis-ease which we carry within us is TERMINAL! Our old flesh is not only going to die… WE are the ones who are supposed to help kill it off! Everything about out flesh… our heart and our deceitful desires, is to be put OFF! We are then called to PUT ON CHRIST with the NEW spiritual self.

I find that I spend WAY too much time changing clothes. But I can point to people who, it doesn’t even bother! But my tattle telling doesn’t impress God. He is dealing with ME and expects MY undivided attention. This is serious business, if I want life! And TRUE Life in Him does not look ANYTHING like DEAD life here on Earth. Living new and walking with Him WILL bring unfavorable attention from the rest of the world!

Living my teen years in the late 60’s and early 70’s was fun. I loved the clothes… HUGE bell bottoms, wide white belts, cool boots and shirts with puffy sleeves were just plain cool! But not anymore. I’ve found some similar clothing and worn it out in public… only to receive laughs and criticism. It is the same thing when I ‘put-on’ Jesus clothes. The world wants no part of it. But if I want God’s heart, I need to wear His outfit! REGARDLESS of the weather outside! It’s time for a change!


“Arise, LORD, in your anger; rise up against the rage of my enemies. Awake, my God; decree justice.” Psalm 7:6

Looking back on it, I realize I SHOULD have seen it coming. All the conditions were ripe for a BAD DAY! Having lived over 23,000 of them, I SHOULD have learned that BAD DAYS have a LOT to do with my own body, soul and spirit. But all three have been experiencing ‘less than ideal’ conditions. So in retrospect, It was mostly my own fault. I thank God it wasn’t fatal.

Through the course of the day I lost my best pair of sunglasses and have no idea how or where. But they are gone! Later, I deliberately laid my keys down in a place I wouldn’t forget.. then forgot! Then that night, after going out for dinner, I got almost all the way home, when stopping for gas, realized I had left my credit card on the restaurant table. Thank goodness they were holding it for me. You might say I was hit in my seeing, going and getting. Yup! It was a bad day!

As I got to thinking about it, I realize I have had this condition now for about a month. So has my wife. Both of us are worn and weary in body, soul and spirit. The problem with that is… when your teammate is down, who will pick who up? Even my morning time with God has been affected. I have been trying to put up a good defense! But it hasn’t been working. This morning, in reading this verse, I think God it telling me it is time for OFFENSE!

This last week New York State just passed a law that allows abortion up until the baby’s due date! Having just held my brand new grandson, I became physically, mentally and spiritually ill. It is just ONE of the many ABSOLUTELY EVIL fights going on in this country. And I am tired of evil and those who propose it. God is ANGRY! And I feel that ‘The Church’ needs to be as well! Being offended.. its time for offense!

Maybe some of the evil things I experience in my own world is because of my own NOT-doing. Maybe the filth and sludge of life has over run me into a defeated state, and like David, I cry out for deliverance… INSTEAD of God’s wrath and rage against literal evil. If “I” am willing to live with it, could God’s hands be tied? What am “I” doing to right the wrongs and fight the good fight? MAYBE the enemy is winning because I have LET him!

If I believe that ‘Prayer Works…’ Why haven’t I taken the offense in prayer? Shouldn’t THAT be the best place to start? Maybe the idea of being a meek, patient and forgiving believer is absolutely WRONG. It appears David didn’t believe that. He cried out for God’s anger and wrath and vengeance FROM God, TOWARDS God’s enemies. And maybe that should be a wake up call to me. Anyone who thinks killing a baby 1 hour before it is due is a piece of garbage. And maybe God wants me to get off my wimpy hiney and call evil what it is! THAT could be the start of a GOOD and GODLY day!

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing. Is a true statement. No matter WHO said it. Are YOU angry yet?


“Even so the tongue is a little member, and it can boast of great things. See how much wood or how great a forest a tiny spark can set ablaze!” James 3:5

I had noticed a little rumble in my truck about 2 weeks ago and made a mental note to get it checked out. It seemed to get worse today so I called my favorite car guy… my son-in-law! He had checked on the red light that sometimes indicated a possible catalytic converter problem. Resetting the computer.. the light went out, which saved me using some electrical tape. I thought…”I’m good!” But the rumble came back.

I took the truck to him and he took it for a spin. When he got back his first question was, “when was the last time you changed the spark plugs?” “Spark plugs?” I asked. He smiled because he knows me well. Loves me too! He told me to go to the Nissan Dealer and pick up a set, change them and see what happens. I asked, “how much are spark plugs these days?” “Oh about $8.00,” he replied. “WHAAAAAAAT?” He then added, “well ya get what ya pay for! Iridium is expensive?” Huh?

At the Nissan dealer I bragged about my 15 year old truck and how much I love it. “It takes a beaten” I said! “How much for the spark plugs?” “$15.00 apiece” was his reply. “WHAAAAAAAT?” “Hey… they’re good ones, and everyone knows… ya get what ya…” “O.K. O.K. I get it!” But is it TRUE? When I told my wife this story she said, how long ago had you changed them? I stared at her and she said… “so about $6.00 a year right? THAT’S not so bad!” She had a point.

It is amazing how 1 little spark can fire in a cylinder, then when combined with 5 others, can move me and a load down the highway. What a concept! The Bible tells me that THAT kind of power rests in ME as well…right in my mouth. My tongue can do a LOT of good, or a LOT of evil. Apparently the implication is that to do either requires a decision on MY part. Left to itself… watch our forest!

In today’s world of social media, we have a SERIOUS problem. The grapevine of gossip and opinion is practically instantaneous. And the damage can be devastating. Today I am going to commit to watching my tongue… again! Because it only takes a spark…. and I WILL get what I pay for with my words!


“How can I know all the sins lurking in my heart? Cleanse me from these hidden faults.”Psalm 19:12 NLT

After living in this house for 30 years, I thought I’d experienced every known problem. From electrical to plumbing. Air conditioning to swimming pool repair… I thought I had seen it all. But a while back I noticed a dirt trail in my grass. Right away I knew what it was… but gave it no thought. I figured the problem would go away on its own. Now there are more trails than ever before. Conclusion? I have moles! And instead of moving on, they appear to have settled in!

Having grown up in parsonages, I have battled bats, rats and bugs of all kinds. But I have never had to declare war on a single mole. Now, it appears, I have a war! Going to the store I looked and researched mole removal methods. There are traps that slice and baits that entice. They even have mole stinky stuff that is supposed to stink them on to another location. I’m not sure which one will work best, but I now know NOT dealing with the problem… is a problem!

In reading the verse today, it struck me. If I had to CONFESS every sin to gain God’s forgiveness, would I ever be totally forgiven? Would you? The Bible is clear that the answer is ‘NO!’ Being human, I am like a teabag in hot water… steeped in sin! Any conscious effort on my part to separate the tea from the water would be utterly futile. I need a sin expert.

Sins are like moles. I don’t always see them, but eventually, I see their affects. Being uncomfortable, anxious, irritable and on edge are just a few hints that something is going on down inside my heart. I need an expert to RID the problem without completely tearing up the yard of my life with a bulldozer. Thank God I have one In Jesus.

Some sins take care of themselves. Like touching a hot stove, I immediately KNOW… “DON’T DO THAT AGAIN!” God and I settle that score quickly. But some of those nasty, ugly, little sins that I don’t easily see can become VERY detrimental to my life. They may APPEAR little to me… but they are not so to God!

I haven’t execute my plan to execute the moles just yet. For some reason I seem to have a lot of other things going on that are more important. But maybe they aren’t!? Do you see how sneaky and subversive the moles of sin are? “I’ll worry about that tomorrow,” is NOT a successful battle cry! I need to call for help! “Jesus…!!!!! “


“But you, O Lord, are a shield about me, my glory, and the lifter of my head.” Psalm 3:3 ESV

My newest grandson, Case, was born on Jan 17. That was 6 days ago. On the day of his birth, I got to see and hold him for about 15 minutes. Due to sickness in the house and the potential of him getting it, he was basically quarantined. We chose to let mom and dad have the time to themselves. But last night we went for a visit.

I don’t’ know why holding your baby in the hospital is different then holding your baby at home. But to me… it is. I always insist that my wife go first. It’s a mom kind of thing. I watched and listened as she cooed and talked to the newest member of our family like he understood. It immediately brought back the memories of her with our own babies long ago. She has not lost her touch. And then, it was MY turn!

Though nervous at first, I confirmed that holding a baby is like riding a bike. Once you learn, it just comes natural. Having had 4 of my own, I scooped him in my arms and held him length-ways away from me so we could look face to face. I wanted him to hear ME now. Throwing macho out the window, I cooed and baby talked to him myself. And then I gave him ‘The Speech!’ “Case, I want you to NEVER forget…YOU are SPECIAL!” He slept right through it!

It didn’t matter that I wasn’t heard or understood by him. In fact, the conversation was not for him anyway. It was for ME. By deliberately wrapping him in the context of those words, I was speaking to myself and verifying a unique declaration from Almighty God. “I” am required to remember who “HE” is in God’s eyes. Declaring it helps me live it. I was honored when my daughter grabbed her camera to record the moment. I don’t have a copy… but I don’t need one either! It’s on lock in my head.

My own father, Case’s great-grandfather, has passed. But he lived again last night as I repeated a major part of his ministry with those words… “NEVER forget…YOU are special!” He said it all the time. And so often that it became rote! But the point was made. As a person, grandfather, father, son, relative or friend, “’I’ am special… to GOD.” And with that label comes GREAT responsibility. To ACT like it!

As we readied to leave, my almost 2 year old grandson Coast, the brother of Case, was running around playing when I snatched him up and held him face to face and repeated the declaration one more time… JUST for HIM. “Never forget… YOU are SPECIAL!” He squirmed and wanted down to play. BUT… he heard me. So did God! And so did I!

Did YOU know?


“Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them.” John 7:38

It hasn’t rained a lot lately, and the plants around the house needed some water. Going out to do just that, I grabbed the hose, turned the faucet on and drug the hose behind me as I went down the line. I was reminded of ‘the curse’ on my life when all at once, the water stopped flowing. Turning around I saw 3 kinks in the line. “THIS hose was SUPPOSED to be KINK-LESS!” I thought.

I have the same problem with extension cords. It seems that EVERY time I have hold of a cord, it gets caught, kinked or tangled! Sometimes on the slightest thing! It’s a curse. I am convinced satan asked God if he could give it to me – SPECIAL! Since the only other curse available was the Lake of Fire… I thank God for His kindness and live with the kinks. But it drives me nuts!

Jesus is the source of abundant, eternal life. To get it I need to connect myself to HIM. Human spiritual lives have been compared to water hoses or extension cords. Neither of them contain any life or source in themselves. They are simply a means of conveyance by which water or electricity can flow from a source to a distant needed location. Flow is dependent upon connection and the condition of the conveyance being used.

Electricity does not stop flowing if an extension cord gets kinked. But is will stop the flow of electricity if the cord is broken. Hoses can be broken or kinked. Running over them with a lawnmower can be catastrophic… I know because I did it just last week! When it comes to plants.. no flow, no grow. With electric drills… no flow, no go! I can say the same thing for me and MY conveyance-ability!

Today’s Bible verse says that he who believes in Me will have living waters flowing through him. Experience tells me that it takes more then just intellectual assent for His life to flow though mine. It often takes ME examining my life, looking for kinks, breaks and bad connections before that flow can get going again. We live under a curse in this life… and keeping His life flowing through us is a 2 way affair!

How is YOUR connection?