“For He who avenges blood remembers; He does not ignore the cries of the afflicted” Psalm 9:12
I didn’t wake up angry… but it didn’t take long for me to get there! It wasn’t my plan to experience sorrow so early in the day, but I knew what it was when it interrupted my devotions. Like a shot in the dark or a crash in the night, my day and mood immediately switched from the domination of His Spirit to that of obeying my emotions. Like oil and water, they didn’t seem to mix. Until I heard His still small voice and then… they did!
David wrote about politics… a LOT. The emotional mood of the nation is found throughout the Psalms. Right was right and wrong was wrong! One was either on God’s side and deserving of His mercy and grace, or on the other side, full of evil and deserving of judgment. Like David, I have a hard time keeping my cool. The subjects before me, blasted from my email and the internet, were festering a sore in me. And I didn’t’ know what to DO!
As government gets sophisticated in its manipulation, it can control response. I set my recycling out yesterday, and was reminded that it is a forced way for the county to make money from MY work and trash. But that’s OK, since I AM a part of the county! Likewise, congressmen and elected officials have a sneaky way to keep non-constituents from weighing in on major issues. If you don’t live in their area, they don’t accept your emails! My emotions, needing a vent, seemed stifled. Until I saw the envelope setting on my desk!
David took the time and materials to journal his feelings. Did he write about hiding in a cave while in there? Or later? In either case, God made sure He published the thoughts! I could feel God trying to tell me something. The envelope was the evidence! God wanted me to express His righteousness the old fashioned way! I looked up the address of the official on the internet, then wrote and letter and dropped it in the mail!!! “AHHHHHHH! Oil and water DO mix,” I thought!
What made me SO uncomfortable was ALSO what made me take action. As we are ALL ministers of His Gospel, we ALL are required to take action. Whether by voice or letter… in prayer or by physical action… WE ARE HIS CHURCH! And even in today’s technological age, there are SOME things that God still does the old fashioned way. What are YOUR emotions telling you to do? Because… It could just be God calling!