“Better is one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere; I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than dwell in the tents of the wicked.” Psalm 84:10
It was this last Saturday. The cleaning person who prepares the church for Sunday morning ended up being the same person who was going to be standing at the pulpit giving the sermon. That person was me. After gathering the trash from the receptacles in the various room, I went to the broom closet, you know…the same place Superman used to go to change from his earthly garb, and did the very same thing. Except on the way out – I grabbed the broom and dustpan!
Now this may sound ridiculous to some… but to me, cleaning the church is a Holy occasion. It isn’t mystical or magical. But neither is it a chore or a job. Long ago Jesus taught me that before I could have the PRIVILEGE of serving Him as HIS janitor, I had to FIRST remove my earthly garments and replace them with His Holy ones. And the very FIRST thing that ALWAYS has to go… is my attitude!
Before looking at even 1 speck of dirt, I had to remind myself that HE is perfect and beautiful and that I am not. I had remind myself that this is HIS house and not mine. That this is NOT JUST another building. That the specks of dirt on the floor, even though small, are to be removed. That while others may not even notice… HE ALWAYS does. Because this Church I am discussing is not just some structure made of earthly materials… this Church is ME! I had to remind myself that what I was about to DO was a Holy Honor… NOT a menial job!
It is SO easy to get SO caught up in life that I forget my place. What the world sees as just another guy, God sees as His Prince. It is far too easy to forget that in myself. Contrary to the world, losing sight of who I am in HIS eyes, The Prince… causes me to forget my place AND my task. To forget that I am on THE Mission representing HIM… NOT myself… is a dangerous place to fall. I MUST remember that The King’s training, AND His expectation for His kids is FAR removed from those in human palaces.
Royal children often live a life of ease and pampering. But God sees to it that His kids learn how to get down on their knees FIRST. That is why cleaning a floor or weeding a garden is where you’ll often find His prince or princess. The scepter He requires His kids master is not made of gold, but of bristles. Dirty fingernails are more beautiful to Him than the most luxurious manicure! They are the signs of a servant. And to BE a servant, one must have the HEART of a servant! And THAT is exactly what the word ‘deacon’ means.
YUPP!!! I can say it for certain… even though it gets messy at times, I would rather be a floor cleaner in the house of my Father than a dignitary anywhere else on Earth. And that is straight from the heart!