“God made you alive with Christ. He forgave us all our sins,having canceled the charge of our legal indebtedness (The Law), which stood against us and condemned us; he has taken it away, nailing it to the cross.” Colossians 2:13-14
I received a certified letter for Ken
McCay that looked official. It stated new evidence had been discovered that Mr.
McCay was guilty of causing a multiple car crash on U.S. 41. Instructions for
the court date and time, as well as a warning of severe penalties for failure
to appear, actually made me laugh! You see, Ken McCay was my father. And he has
been dead for years!
I supposed I could go dig him up from his
resting place out behind the church, since I know exactly where his remains
are. But I think it would be a major waste of energy. No matter the judge, jury
or prosecutor, they will NEVER make the charges stick! When he died, he became
FREE from the wrath of the Law! They couldn’t even dismiss the case… because
there IS NO case!
Satan is a cunning, yet defeated foe! He
has no power The verse above clearly states that “God forgave us ALL our sins!”
It goes on to say that he then DESTROYED the very definition of sin (the
Commandments) by nailing them to the Cross with Christ! Even if a reasonable
charge of murder could be made against a believer, God the Father, and Judge,
would respond… “What is murder!?” Not only are Christians FREE.. We are FREE
Guilt and shame are powerful tools in the
hands of our adversary. Fortunately, there is not a speck of truth to the
charges. But if satan can get you to BELIEVE you are a filthy sinner deserving
of punishment, then he can literally steal your joy and ability to live a
victorious life. While his charges are false, they CAN be effective. A soldier
who accidentally shoots himself in the foot during battle is just as useless as
a dead soldier who took a fatal shot to the head.
Grace is a BIG word. MUCH bigger than we
can even realize or imagine. When I go to the beach there is usually a little
child who is setting near the water digging a hole in the sand. He giggles and
laughs as the hole fills with water. “Look mommy, I made an ocean!” Such is the
case of the believer who tries to EARN God’s forgiveness by good works
motivated by guilt. The OCEAN is VASTLY larger than anything WE can even
imagine or build. All we need to do is SWIM in it!
That notice for Ken McCay? I threw it in
the trash with a smirk! If they want my dad, let them come get him! I have more
important things to focus on.
“The former regulation (The Mosaic law) is set aside because it was weak and useless(for the law made nothing perfect), and a better hope (Jesus’ Grace) is introduced, by which we draw near to God.” Hebrews 7:18-19
My quick run to
get something from my truck was impeded when I heard the sound of the riding
lawnmower in the next yard. Looking toward the sound, I saw Willy… and he saw
me. As I started toward him, he stopped under a shade tree and turned off the
engine. I hadn’t spoken with him in a while and it was time to catch up.
Willy cuts
lawns in the neighborhood so we don’t talk very long. Quickly sifting through
greetings, Jesus stuff and landing at trivial matters, we somehow got to
talking about ethanol fuel and just how the corn produced alcohol additive can
damage an engine. How did the government come to mandate such a ridiculous
idea? A little research revealed that it was politicians, farmers and tree huggers!
In 2001 the EPA
and farm lobby concocted the idea mandating ethanol. It satisfied the greed of
farmers looking for a way to make more money from forced growing of corn. It
gave the EPA and excuse as they pressed to clean up air pollution. Having grown
up in Pittsburgh in the 50’s and 60’s, I compared the air to then and in 2001
and concluded that most people had NO idea of what air pollution really was. So
for 18 years, Americans have been living with the damage ethanol can do to a
If I made you
upset at the former paragraphs… I have your attention. Now I am going to add
fuel to the fire. Since the birth of the Church, satan and controlling wackos
have been messing with your Christian roots, mixing the Mosaic Law with Grace,
FORCING you to gum up your life with legalistic muck. In the effort to sabotage
you, they use the Old Commandments to make people feel guilty, pointing to the
old system of do’s and don’t s for corrective action. But Jesus tells us to not
fall for it!
Telling a
legalizer that the Old Testament Law was ‘weak and useless’ is like stabbing at
a sleeping, junk-yard dog. In an effort to win an argument they may get loud
and vicious… but they will not have any Biblical grounds on which to stand.
This verse, and others like it, prove the point.
The Old Law
PROVED that I was a sinner in need of a Savior. But that is ALL it did. It had
ZERO ability to save me, since it simply proved my failure. Jesus came,
fulfilled the requirements of the Law and paid it’s penalty on my behalf. I am
SAVED by Grace through Faith… PERIOD. It is a FREE GIFT which I may either
receive or reject. It is just that simple!
Over the years
I have thrown away weed-eaters and chainsaws because of damage due to Ethanol
laced fuel. In the world and the church, FAR too many people have been damaged
by the lie that to get to heaven you have to BE GOOD… which is impossible!
Jesus came and CLEARLY threw out that old ‘ weak and useless system and now
says, “to get to heaven… you simply have to BE MINE!”
“And by that will, we have been made holy through the sacrifice of the body of Jesus Christ once for all.” Hebrews 10:10
I had just received a forth threatening
letter from the County where I live. 4 letters from 3 agencies telling me I am
out of compliance and that legal action could be taken if I do not correct the
issues immediately! All I could do was shake my head and roll my eyes! Some
people have WAY too much time on their hands!
We had an old house on a property that we
sold. We sold the house for $1…the buyer planning to move it to another
property. About 3 weeks ago the house was moved. Instantly I started getting
letters that I was out of compliance because there is a water well, a septic
system AND some debris that had not yet been cleaned from the move. Which is
all very funny… here’s why.
I had contacted the county months ago to
let them know that the electric to the house had been disconnected and that the
house was going to be moved. The process took longer because the county delayed
the process. I called to have my taxes lowered since the house would be gone. I
was told that it wasn’t possible to lower them until NEXT year! Though the
house is gone… I am STILL required to pay TAXES like it is still THERE!
Hebrews 10 is a MEGA chapter in the Bible
that deals with the problem of man and sin. It requires a lot of concentration
to actually understand what Christ did on the cross. The term ‘once-for-all’ is
used several times as God explains that, not only did He rid mankind from ALL
sin, He destroyed the law that described what ALL sin was as well! Poof!!! Just
like that – GONE! Unfortunately, most Christians do not understand the memo!
They are still paying taxes on something that is GONE!
Some days, just like you, I feel guilty.
Because I drag this flesh around, it is inevitable that I will ALWAYS fail the
‘Perfect Test,’ at least while I walk this Earth. That failure can bring sorrow
and shame, creating a DEEP desire be free from it. One way to feel freedom is
to beg and seek God’s forgiveness. But having been forgiven 2000+ years ago,
once for all, this verse, and many like it, remind me that I need not ASK for
something I ALREADY POSSESS! It is POSSESSING that perfect gift that actually
helps me to live MORE perfectly! If I’m free from it….why LIVE IN it?
Today I will call the county and remind
them that my house is still there…. at least on the books! Maybe THAT will get
them to lower my taxes! In reality, I am blessed with an even GREATER, LONG
TERM reality. My sin is GONE FOREVER… and I NOW own a mansion in glory where I
will NEVER have to pay taxes. You see…. Since my dad is the King, He rigged the
system to MY favor!! POOF!
“Consider the ravens: They do not sow or reap, they have no storeroom or barn; yet God feeds them. And how much more valuable you are than birds!” Luke 12:24
Getting home last evening the sun was
still up and the weather was beautiful. Doing what I normally do when Katie and
I get back together after work, we were telling each other about our day. As I
was talking, a bird flew into the garden beside the house. Right in the middle
of one of my sentences, Katie immediately turned her head and said.. “Awwww
look! A female cardinal!” We both stopped and watched her!
You may have heard about Katie’s garden.
She LOVES flowers, shrubs, birds and butterflies. Every morning she sits there
for her quiet time, looking out at the scene and listening to her fountain.
Now, it was providing another very peaceful moment, stopping both of us in mid
conversation! Recalling this Bible verse, my smiling face turned into an
inquisitive scowl when I remembered that Jesus said ‘RAVEN’… NOT ‘CARDINAL!’
Cardinals are mostly herbivores – seed
eaters. They are clean and very pretty. Ravens, on the other hand, are
omnivores, eating both seeds and meat. They are mostly carnivores… scavenging
on carrion (dead animals), garbage, rodents and cardinal eggs! My scowl simply
reflected a question… why did he say RAVENS and not Cardinals. It appeared to
me, based upon what they eat, that ravens are NASTY birds. What was Jesus’
The very next 2 verses that follow Luke
12:24 point out a nasty problem for humans. That of ‘anxiousness’ or ‘WORRY!’
“DO NOT BE ANXIOUS,” Jesus says. As soon as I recognized it, I was forced to
admit that, at least in MY life, I am more similar to a raven than the
cardinal. And that WORRY and ANXIOUSNESS more adequately represent ‘carrion’
than ‘birdseed!’
Just coming off Easter and remembering the
cost and pain it took for God to redeem me from the Lake of Fire, it should
automatically register that a small thing like worry should not even be a
‘blip’ on my life monitor. But it does! With Christ’s life flowing through
mine, I SHOULD look and act more like a Cardinal than a Raven. But sadly, and
far too often…well…you get the picture.
I am not sure that this is the reason
Jesus used a dark scavenger bird instead of a pretty songbird for an example of
His loving care. It would make sense though! There is NOTHING pretty about my
flesh and God has every reason to ‘shoo’ me away from His garden. But this
verse reminds me that I have the CHOICE to place my life and trust into HIS
sustaining hands. And when I do…. I can truly live a much prettier life… AND
with a SONG!
“I rejoiced with those who said to me, ‘Let us go to the house of the Lord.’” Psalm 122:1
‘Where do these go? How can I help? Where do you want the coffee? Is it time yet? How do the chairs lineup? Should we start now?’ These, and many others, were questions asked of Katie and I as we were preparing for Easter. It was a whirlwind week as preparations had to be made, the church setup and torn down for different events. I felt more like a Martha than Mary, and confessed a desire to switch roles!
Years ago, when my father was the preacher, he would often ask ME to preach on Easter Sunday. With all the services and preparations, adding the word ‘preacher’ to the agenda can make for a mentally tough week. Asking ME to preached freed him up for interaction with people. But don’t get me wrong… I am not whining! When Easter comes, I feel like a Groom on wedding day!
If you have ever experienced a family
wedding or a funeral you will know what I am talking about. All the
preparations that lead up to the exact date and time on a calendar have a way
of placing the bride and groom in a kind of fog. Relatives, friends and loved
ones converge, seemingly all at the same time, allowing almost NO time to spend
with any ONE person. When it is over and they are all gone, what remains is a
memory, along with a wish that we could have spent more time together.
Holy Week (Easter Week) is is the single
greatest event in the History of the world! It doesn’t even matter if you
believe it or not, because it IS! All of us KNOW that we are sinners and not
worthy of God’s love. But God saw the loss of His created ones as a disaster in
need of repair. Taking the initiative. and out of His love, He came to US when
we could not get up to HIM. Our debt was paid and we got a chance to set at the
Head Table! If we wanted it!
As long as there are ticks on a watch and
dates on a calendar, there will be sorrows for opportunities missed or regrets
that something was not done. It is inevitable. But Jesus Christ, the one who
LONGS for quality time with His beloved, gives us a single Biblical command
that will help us prepare for the ULTIMATE, UNENDING gathering in Heaven… “Do
not give up meeting together!” Hebrews 10:25.
Christians are family. And while we may
not always see eye to eye, we ARE all part of the same part that matters to His
Son… His Heart! When we all congregate together, we get to see, hear and
experience just a little taste of His Love and Grace. One day, the experience
will never end.. and there will be NO sorrow or regret for time lost. Heaven
WILL be GREAT? Not just because Jesus will be there… but because YOU will
“But if serving the LORD seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your ancestors served beyond the Euphrates, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you are living. But as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD.” Joshua 24:15
A bunch of folks were coming to the church
for lunch and I needed to make something that would feed them all. With helpful
ideas from family and friends, I pulled together a list of ingredients.
Coincidentally, the day’s mail contained several grocery store ads, so I did
some pre-comparative shopping. I got a shock when I hit the last store and
realized… I would have done better if I had I reversed the order!
Without knowing ALL the prices, I had
decided to FIRST hit the Dollar Store for some basics. After all…
EVERYTHING’S cheaper at the Dollar Store… right? Taco seasoning at the Dollar
Store… $1. A local grocery store…$.29!!! HUH? One store I went to had
Tortilla shells in the ‘2 for 1’ isle priced at $2.89. When I got to the
register I was told, “That’s not until tomorrow!!!” HUH? I got em at the Dollar
Store for… you got it! $1!
There used to be a TV commercial for a
peanut butter brand that catered to kids. The slogan was, “Choosy mothers
choose JIF!” Interestingly, it was geared toward KID TV time-slots. NOT adults!
They discovered it was the KIDS who helped influence the mothers just what to
be choosy about! Not the other way around. In my quest to save some money for
groceries, I discovered that I had ACTUALLY wasted TIME!
There are times when it is advantageous to
shop for MONEY saving deals. In other situations I have found that the more
precious commodity is my TIME. Determining which choice to choose, or to be
choosy at all, can become a HUGE difficulty. NO where is that more true then
when choosing one’s God!
After the Exodus from Egypt, the children
of Israel had spent 40 years wandering and wondering in the desert. It took
about another 7 years to conquer the land of Canaan. Many choices had been made
along the way… both bad a good! Now this last chapter is Joshua’s last warning
to the picky Israelites. In affect he said, ‘now that we’re home… who is going
to be YOUR God? As for me and MY family… WE will serve The LORD!’
Easter is season of choice, and since it
is a Holy Day, many folks get Friday off. On Resurrection Sunday, one can
choose to go to church or not… to worship the LORD… or make the day about
colored eggs and candy bunnies! Realistically… the difficulty in life is the
choice! AS Jesus said, it is absolutely possible that one can save both time
AND money… and still be lost!
I love Jesus Christ! He is FAR more
precious to me than eggs or candy, time or money! I choose Him! And because He
has done such GREAT work in saving ME, MY house is going to worship HIM on Easter
Sunday. Where will YOU be? It’s time to be choosy!!
“How the gold has lost its luster, the fine gold become dull! The sacred gems are scattered at every street corner.” Lamentations 4:1
It is a fact
that has been proven beyond all doubt. When it comes to eating dinner, it is
actually cheaper and less painful for my wife and I to eat OUT than to stay
home and cook for ourselves. WHY? Two things… uncertainty and craving. O.K….ONE
thing… discipline! We never know what we REALLY want.. and when buying
ANYTHING at the store… and SINCE there are SO many choices, we actually end up
spending MORE time and money sorting through the choices than if we’d gone to
Burger King. And so it is with life!
As dinner time
approached, I had a craving. I KNEW what I wanted to eat, but also knew that
Katie wasn’t that interested in picking the place. But it didn’t matter. The
place ‘I’ was wanting to go was a place SHE loved as well. It APPEARED a
win-win situation. Even more-so, since I had a coupon AND a gift card! It all
went well … until it didn’t!
Have you ever
noticed that cravings can be very deceptive? Born of desire, cravings PROMISE
something that SEEMS to be better than it actually is. A craving can actually
accentuate the idea that THIS THING will REALLY satisfy me! Which makes its
failure worse than normal when it doesn’t. Such was the case with the choice of
food. Everything was just a little off… and in the end, disappointment was NOT
our friend!
The children of
Israel were God’s kids. He was MORE than just particularly fond of them. Unlike
the situation in the Garden of Eden, where God said “Don’t” just once, He had
REPEATEDLY told them “DO NOT” with LONG explanations as to WHY they were to
obey Him. AND He even added what would happen if they didn’t. And here, in
Lamentations, they lie at last. With Jerusalem destroyed and “God’s chosen
people” killed or ripped from their land. It APPEARED that the punishment did
not fit the crime! How could a little craving have led to such complete
You and I are
the gold and gems of Jesus Christ. I know it makes no sense to us… but isn’t
that why we were created in the first place… to SHINE and reflect HIS Glory?
The only problem is that pesky little CRAVING of independence. A desire to do
things OUR way instead of His. And like a plague, desire, when full grown, soon
contaminates EVERYTHING. Like old gold, we lose our shine. Like lost gems,
regret becomes our daily food.
This Easter
season is a good time to reflect on what it is we TRULY desire. Will doing
things MY way lead to satisfaction… or destruction? Will I SHINE for Him or
will I be lost in a dusty place? Easter reminds that Christ came to rescue me
FOR Himself. His reach, seemingly beyond His grasp, stretched across a cross
and spanned the abyss of death itself. But it STOPPED… just laying there at the
threshold of my heart. All because TRUE love demands there be a choice. And
choice is ALWAYS influenced by desire. How badly do I really want HIM? He is
waiting for my answer, which will be proved by the very next step I take.
“you were redeemed…with the precious blood of Christ, a lamb without blemish or defect…chosen before the creation of the world.” 1 Peter 1:18-20
I was in the
swimming pool with a bunch of my grandkids. As usual, my ears were continually
bombarded with one phrase over and over… “my turn!” As I am getting older and
weaker… my grandkids are getting bigger and stronger. But it didn’t matter! For
now… they cried out, “throw me to the Moooon!” And for now I still can… sort
of! So I did!
It all started
when my own children were children. We had been blessed by God to buy a house
with a swimming pool. Living in Florida, it was one of our greatest blessings
and is still a maker of memories. I started inventing different ways to throw
my kids around in the water and came up with labels to apply like ‘To the
moon,’ ‘The Statue of Liberty,’ ‘Ballerina,’ ‘Flip-a-rooski’ and the family
famous ‘helicopter, belly-flopper SMASH!’ My whole family knows that each
These days, my
body pays a price for such physical exertion. I can only go so long before I
get worn out and have to tag team one of my 4 tough sons to take over. I say 4
because I consider my in-laws to NOT be in-laws. They bought into the family
when they pledged their lives to my own kids. They continue to pay that price
every day without complaint and take over tossing around the kids the same way.
There is really
only 1 unstated rule to a ‘Flip-a-rooski,’ or any other throw for that matter.
BE STILL! The energy and success of the toss is all on the thrower. If the kid
is all jumpy and moving around, it becomes a ‘Flop-a-rooski!’ And while it may
seem to be a stretch for a metaphor, it still works when applied to my salvation.
The verse above proves it.
In Christendom,
we generally use the word ‘Saved’ for someone who has accepted Christ as their
Savior. It is a good word. But just like the description ‘To the moon,’ I can’t
help but feel it falls FAR short of its true description. The words in this
chapter call it what it is…‘Redemption!’ It is an extravagant word! I can be
saved from drowning or falling by grabbing onto an inanimate object like a limb
or rope. But getting into God’s family and Heaven is FAR more expensive.
The word
‘Redeem’ means to ‘deliver by paying a price.’ I was REDEEMED ‘with the
precious blood of Christ!’ If I were even able to collect 1 drop if that blood
and carry it to heaven with me, it would NOT get me in. The process of
redemption is ALL up to God. HE came up with it, HE paid the price and HE has
to apply it to my life. I am simply required to Be Still… and LET HIM!
Have you taken
YOUR turn at His redemption? Do you KNOW what that means? Are YOU in the
family? If not… He’s waiting and you CAN be next!
As you know, I normally write the
Words of the Day. After reading this, I couldn’t say it better. I
pray this is a blessing passed on.
It was only a matter of days before He would be crucified, and Jesus had just
entered Jerusalem. The crowd had been waving palm branches and shouting His
praise. The onlookers weren’t sure what was happening. In Matthew’s words,
“When [Jesus] had come into Jerusalem, all the city was moved, saying, ‘Who is
this?’” Matthew 21:10
“Who is this?”… This question does not belong only in first-century Jerusalem.
Throughout the centuries and continuing today, people have been opinionating
and speculating on the identity of Jesus of Nazareth. Some say He was a sort of
guru, a wise and gentle teacher of trite platitudes and object lessons. Others
say Jesus was one in a long line of prophets. And more than one apologist has argued
that there are only three possibilities as to Christ’s identity: He was a liar,
falsely claiming to be God; He was a lunatic, bona fide crazy and delusional,
out of touch with reality; or He was, in fact, who He said He was, the Son of
God, Lord.
Jesus was not low profile when He entered Jerusalem. Matthew reported that when
He entered the city on Palm Sunday, “all the city was moved” when He arrived
(Matthew 21:10). in their puzzlement, they asked, “Who is this?” Do you desire
to see God move in such a way that your own city is stirred and your neighbors
begin to ask, “Who is this?” Who is this who put your life back together and
made something beautiful of it? Who is this Who restored your family? Who is
this who delivered you from addiction? Who is this Who turned your sadness into
joy? Who is this?
What does it take for God to move, shake, and stir an entire city? We can learn
from this singular day two thousand years ago. It happened when Jesus’
followers began to experience Him, to extol Him, and to extend Him to others.
The result? The people around them began to ask, “Who is this?”
We come to know Jesus when we experience being in His presence. And the way to
genuinely experience Him is to listen to Him and obey Him. Such was the case
two thousand years ago. The stage was set for the city to encounter and
experience Jesus when He instructed two of His disciples to go into a nearby
village, find a donkey, and bring it to Him.
“So the disciples went and did as Jesus commanded them.” Matthew 21:6
No doubt. No defiance. No delay. They just “went and did” in obedience to
Jesus, fulfilling the Old Testament prophecy that
“Your King is coming to you;… lowly and riding on a donkey.” Zechariah 9:9
These two followers who were sent to get a donkey could have decided that a
white stallion would be much more appropriate for their Master. But they
didn’t. They simply obeyed Him. Too many Christ-followers today, however, let
what we think ought to be take priority over His actual commands. Yet one
reason God moved the city that day to ask, “Who is this?” was the tremendous
spirit of obedience among those who listened to Him. Jesus is still on His
throne today, He is still speaking to us, and He is still commanding us to obey
His commandments as set forth in His word. when we honor Him by obeying Him,
when more of His own people begin to experience Him through obedience to His
word, we will find that He is also still in the business of moving cities to
ask, “Who is this?”
As Jesus began His descent into Jerusalem, the people began to honor and extol
Him. They literally carpeted the road with their coats and palm branches as
they shouted their praise:
“Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!
Hosanna in the highest!” Matthew 21:9
What brought about this outburst of praise? Put yourself in the crowd and
you’ll soon find out. Look over there at Bartimaeus. Just last week in Jericho,
he was blind and begging by the side of the road. But then Jesus noticed him,
stopped, and gave sight to his darkened eyes with a spoken word. Now Bartimaeus
was seeing everything around him. No wonder he was praising Jesus! And look
over there at that man with tears of joy streaming down his face. Why, it’s
Lazarus of Bethany, who not long ago was dead and in the grave… until Jesus
gave him new life. And there, over there, is that formerly crippled man who for
thirty-eight years could be found lying by the pool of Bethesda. But look at
him now, dancing and singing and shouting his own hosannas to this King of
Do you and I have any less reason to extol Jesus, to shout our own hosannas
today? We have seen His greatest miracle ever: His provision of new birth
through His death and resurrection. We were dead in our sin until He brought us
new life.
Yet, sadly, some of us have lost the joyful spirit of praise — and we
desperately need to recover it. God will move in our cities and prompt those
around us to ask, “Who is this?” when we, like those of old who have experienced
Him — we who choose to obey Him — extol Him with our praise.
Those faithful followers lining the street on that original Palm Sunday did not only praise Jesus, they began to extend Him to others. They wanted others to meet their Savior and Lord. Nothing could keep them from sharing the good news that Jesus was their long-awaited Messiah and that they had found in Him their hope. Enthusiasm filled the day. Caught up in the excitement of this moment, the people began to ask, “Who is this?” And the crowd lining the street responded with,
“This is Jesus, the prophet from Nazareth of Galilee.” Matthew 26:10-11
The people who had gathered not only experienced Jesus that day, they not only extolled Him, but they extended Him to others. “This is Jesus!” was their cry.
When we do the same — when we praise Jesus for what He has done in our lives and share our stories with others — the people around us will also ask, “Who is this?” Who is this… Who transformed your life? Who is this… Who put your family back together? Who is this… Who brought you peace in the midst of such tragedy? Who is this… Who enabled you to be victorious over your addiction? Who is this… Who gave you hope in the darkness of your circumstances? Who is this? Who is this? “This is Jesus!” You have experienced Him, so now extol Him and extend Him to others.
Q & A: “Who is this?” Ultimately, each of us must answer this question for ourselves. Who is Jesus to you? Was He a liar — a figure out of history who made some outrageous and completely untrue claims about Himself? Was He a lunatic — some crazed prophet from the middle of nowhere with illusions of grandeur and delusions of deity? Or is Jesus Lord? Your eternal destiny rests on your answer. May you join with the crowd in exclaiming, “This is Jesus!” riority47 \lsdl