“Whoever has ears, let them hear – Jesus” Matthew 11:15
I have an earworm and it’s driving me crazy! You know… a song that gets stuck in your head, continually playing over and over? It recently became one for me when my wife came home a few months ago and said, “Hey.. did you ever hear the song, ‘Can He, Could He, Would He?’” I hadn’t… then I did…and now I cannot get it out of my head. I decided to pass on the love!
Last night at choir practice, I unveiled the song for Sunday! I carefully watched everyone as ‘the worm’ did its job! It was HILARIOUS! When ears heard, eyes opened and then rolled in needless rejection! Yup!!! That was the first stage when ‘I’ had heard it too. Then the jokes started! “You’re kidding right? This sounds like a hick song from the hills!” I agreed! So far so good! Then I passed out the music!
True to form, the ear worm had babies, as even the complainers were toe tapping and smiling after a couple times through! Not one person said, “I am NOT singing that song!” If anyone wakes up and recovers from the incident they might write an article on, “HOW to Get Rid of an Earworm!” Oh wait!!! That’s already been done! And it doesn’t work!
After considerable thought, I have concluded that Jesus is the author of ear worms. In fact, with the verse today, I believe He actually encourages them! “If you have ears… HEAR!“ Then He gets specific with truth that hits home!! If it sticks… it’s meant to!
Life carries with it LOTS of things that drive us crazy… and WORSE! I heard it said that the difference between a Christian and non-Christian is that the Christian KNOWS life is tragic! We are stuck in a horrific story that we KNOW was not meant to be. And we ALL search for ways to cope… many of us becoming ‘stuck’ or ‘addicted’ to the worms of this world. But Jesus!
I have tried many things.. some of which still haunt me to this day. But I have NEVER EVER been let down or disappointed by Jesus Christ or the Words that He said. And if you have ears to hear… hear THIS earworm from years ago, which could have come straight from Jesus Mouth… “Don’t stop Believing!” GOTCHA!!!
Oh… and try this for fun…. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PZfnoo9pFfw