“In order to keep me from becoming conceited, I was given a thorn in my flesh, a messenger of Satan, to torment me. Three times I pleaded with the Lord to take it away from me. But he said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.'” 2 Corinthians 7-8
Having stains in my pool that will not come out, I took some water to my local pool store. After testing I was told that I have too much stabilizer and too much sanitizer (chlorine) in the water. HAAAAA I had to laugh… “ME???? TOO STABLE and TOO PURE!!? “No sir,” she replied, “your pool!” And just like that, my quick brush with conceit was quickly over! But I have a problem!
I have had a pool for 30 years. All the mess, fuss, chemicals and tests proved worth it when the kids are around or I need to cool off from yard work. Years ago I discovered new chlorine tablets that have stabilizer IN them. Stabilizer keeps the chlorine from being burned up from the sun. I’ve been liberally floating them in my pool for years. Now I am told that was a mistake that needs to be corrected! Like I needed another thing to remedy!
It is true that I was seeking a simple fix. I don’t want to take the time to constantly monitor chemical levels or buy and add this or that to balance them. I have better things to do man! I was saving time and money at the expense of balance and clarity! It turns out my understanding was clouded! And then she told me the remedy!
There is nothing I can add to FIX this particular problem. With an ironically straight face, she told me, “you need to pump the water OUT of your pool!” “WHAAAAAAAA?” I cried. “Yes…OUT!” she said. Apparently this stabilizer stuff cannot be diluted. “It needs pumped out and replaced,” she added. If you know me and the means I have gone to SAVE water…! This was like telling me my IPod had crashed! The good news was that I only need to pump out about 2 feet! GREAT!!!!!!
So my humble lesson today is that SOMETIMES what I THINK is right and good… can actually NOT be. SOMETIMES, when I THINK I know something, I may be wrong! Which is a shock to me! So now that He has my attention, I can sense Him crooking His finger at me to come a little closer for some clarity! Oh Boy… here we go again! I think this object lesson is about to get real!