“Wherever you hear the sound of the trumpet, join us there. Our God will fight for us!” Nehemiah 4:20
“Either God doesn’t like me, I’ve done something horrible or He simply wants me to quit!” Those are thoughts I have had lately! Yesterday was starting out under the same banner! Last week our church transformer was struck by lightning. We lost our air conditioning, internet and phone! As I was waiting for the internet guy to show up, I went to change the messages on our LED sign. The message I got was…”not connected!” I deflated even further and whispered, ‘WHY God?” Which is really dumb of me… because I already KNOW!
YEARS ago I got sick and tired of finding myself sick and tired. I decided to take a trip down that path of ‘suffering’ to see if I could FIND ‘Mr. Why’ and give him a piece of my mind. After years of searching, I discovered that there really is ‘no such person!’ It was very stupid for ME to be searching for something that, I KNOW, does not exist! So I sucked it up and ‘phoned a friend!’
I like to say, “heaven is like a good government job… is isn’t what you do but who you KNOW!” I am blessed to KNOW Jesus Christ as my Savior. I am ALSO blessed to have friends who are experts in their field. I got ‘em on SPEED DIAL! A few minutes later, and about the time the internet came up, the sign was diagnosed and repair plan engaged. Take THAT Mr. Why!
Years ago I heard a preacher say that God NEVER answers the question ‘WHY!’ Because when someone asks ‘WHY,’ they don’t want an answer… they want an ARGUMENT. God REFUSES to be drawn into an argument! I often get upset at people who think or blame God for everything. From sickness to death… failure to loss… God gets pointed at FAR too frequently. How sad is that? You MIGHT want to ask HIM!
When I was lost, and before I was even born, God bore my sin and death on His own shoulders. That fact is the ONLY ‘WHY’ that deserves to be asked. Yet still, He never answers. Instead, He is ALWAYS there.. waiting, loving, encouraging, disciplining… POINTING to Himself in hopes that I will stop whining long enough to pay HIM attention.
Nehemiah rebuilt the broken wall around Jerusalem among threats of death, squabbling and discouragement. His plan of action is today’s verse! While we don’t have trumpet blasts.. we DO have clocks! The Church, Gods support group, meets tonight at 7pm! If you don’t JOIN us, you cant watch God fight FOR us! And THAT is the only response to the ‘WHY’ of life that you need! Got Church?
P.S. God is NOT Santa Claus!