“The voice (of Jesus) spoke to him (Peter) a second time, ‘Do not call anything impure that God has made clean.’” Acts 10:15
Getting ready for any day can sometimes be as intense as the work to be done. Getting everything together… computer, Bible, notes, pens, phone, wallet, list etc., can become a game of hide and seek. As usual, getting IN, I got back OUT of my truck a couple of times yesterday because I had forgotten something. But the morning was pleasantly cool for a change and I looked forward to the rest of the day. Tick Tock!
Now before I go on, I don’t want you to think I am whining. I’m sure none of YOU ever have the problem of frustration that continuously plagues me. I set off working the list sequentially so time was not wasted. I am not naturally efficient, so working a plan helps… until something goes awry! Going through a store, I can be like a puppy when I see something tasty and…“BALL!!!!!” off I go! Only to become frustrated at myself upon check out! Trying to get through my list, I felt my temperature rising with the day.
It is amazing how time and temperature affect me. I’m pretty hard on myself, so I always feel like I am running behind. When heat and humidity are added to frustration, I start to get uncomfortable. If left unchecked, I can get downright irritable. At that point, like an overheated radiator, I break down. Then I feel bad about myself!
Reading Act, I found that Peter was a busy guy. On a long journey, he paused to pray before lunch. Scripture says he became hungry and fell into a trance. Hunger and exhaustion can do that to ya! At this point Jesus USES Peter’s experience to teach him a new way to look at things. But Peter had his list of do’s and don’ts and it took 3 times for him to get this message. What God cleans… STAYS clean! Then I thought about ME!
I can be VERY hard on myself. It doesn’t take much to make me feel like a failure in my own eyes, which HAS to reflect on the way God sees me. Right? WRONG! Jesus reminded me that I am His and have been made clean by His sacrifice then and His life in me now. He reminded me, without the trance, that I was made FOR God and His Glory! The REASON I am frustrated is because… I’m not home yet. Which… when I think about it even more… is pretty cool!
Are you clean?